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    Good Stuff here Nick & Cubes,I've been debating with an author who seems to be trying to put a different spin onwhat the son of Gods means.  I used the example of Christ's geneology in Luke whereAdam is also called the son of God.  Is he some diety?  Uh, no!Cubes, you did a good job here listing references to angels:Gen 6:2 That the sons of God sa…[Read more]

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    Amen Sultan & Nick,H, what you said about more transcripts being available to KJV translators is not true.Since many of the revisions of the KJV Bible, there have been the discovery of theDead Sea Scrolls and many other reliable codices older than what was used to translate the KJV.They are also not infallible and even REMOVED a portion of…[Read more]

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    Quote (Is 1:18 @ June 07 2006,03:55)He he…I wrote:”Presuppositions will generally determine how this passage is interpreted”….Is 1:18,What is up with this “He, he” in many of your posts?  Very immature for someone claiming to know scripture.  Are you a juvenille using your parent's computer without their consent? If so, it is way past your b…[Read more]

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    E-Maniac,“HASTINGS Dictionary of the Bible by Schribners, on page 1015 under the topic: “THE TRINITY–The Christian doctrine of God as existing in three Persons & one Substance is NOT DEMONSTRABLE BY LOGIC OR BY SCRIPTURAL PROOFS…” According to Mr. Hastings, one would have to use ILLOGICAL AND UNSCRIPTURAL data in order to prove a trinity. Why…[Read more]

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    E-maniac wrote,(2 Tim 3:7 NASB) always learning and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth. Wow, how profound! And this is supposed to be a complete rebuttal to my last post to you?You've really struck an iceberg now!Try again, and this time try responding to the ISSUES of point with scriptures.Still waiting on your comments on the…[Read more]

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    ALso E-Maniac,Now you've got to stoop to posting someone else's long winded nonsense as a response? Son of God means just what it says and is NOT exclusive to our Lord Jesus. Read Luke 3:38 which lists ADAM as the Son of God. Christ is also referred to as the Last Adam. You trinitarians have reversed the meaning and added “God the Son” to…[Read more]

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    Uh oh E-Maniac,Sure sign of a white flag is when you start in with “it is not necessary to fully comprehendGod…”  You can't win this debate scripturally so you drop down to this?  So predictable.The pastor of education said the exact same thing when he saw the trinity doesn't lineup with scripture.  Hastings noted this as well: “HASTINGS Di…[Read more]

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    Is 1:18 & E-Maniac,I can only recommend that you spend some time in a real library to see what those whocreated the trinity doctrine, aka the Roman Catholic Church, did in the history of men.There is not enough time nor is it our job to educate you on the origins of these falsebeliefs and the teachers who promulgated them.They lie, deceive and…[Read more]

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    Is 1:18,Don't worry, my feelings aren't hurt.  You just proved my point in yourequally long winded reply.  So many words to say basically, nothing.You provided very little scripture if any to refute the veracity my post.  In fact, whatyou did was simply try to rationalize and debate without the Bible to back you up.  Why amI not surprised?  Sa…[Read more]

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    E-Maniac & Is 1:18,Nick said & quoted E here:Hi E,”very well… does Unitarian better suite you?”No we do not need human labels. Those who hide behind them betray their real master. VERY TRUE!!!Labeling, such as calling us “unitarian”, is the oldest ploy in the book.This is a way of trying to limit someone.  However Quakers, the Amish, Sacred…[Read more]

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    My point exactly Cubes,Who is the one who sends and who is the one who is sent?I've researched and edited this article which even as long as it is, still does not take up the webspacethat E-Maniac's dronings have.  This information can be verified by secular history andthe records kept by the Vatican. So this is not me speaking but history itself…[Read more]

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    E-Maniac,Yawnnnnn.  You've written so many words which have impressed no one, justto avoid what the Bible actually says…..that Jesus Christ is the Son of God.You admitted that our Lord Jesus has a God and that God the Father does not.  Very good!So they can't be co-equal especially since our Lord is no longer a man and STILL says he has a G…[Read more]

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    Uh Scripture Seeker,You said this, (without qualification or scriptural support I might add):Scripture Seeker said:  “We also know that Jesus was received up into glory, the glory that he had with the Father from the beginning. So the “God that was manifest in the flesh” is GOD BY NATURE and SON BY PERSON, it is God the Son.” First of all the word…[Read more]

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    Quote (t8 @ July 12 2006,23:49)Quote (seminarian @ July 12 2006,16:13)Agreed.  However when trinitarians made up the term, the Eternal Son of God,they are specifically referring to the co-equal, co-eternal portion of the trinitydoctrine.Hi Semmy.Yes they believe in an eternal generation of the son, which means that the son has always proceeded…[Read more]

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    Brilliant Cubes,You wrote:It would be safest to know the Father is the only True God. But just to finish your sentence …: The Father is God (The Spirit is his own Spirit, as his own grace, mercy, wisdom and power). The Son is God as you've shown; and the children of the Most high are God(s) Ps 82.6, John 10:35. So out of the list, there…[Read more]

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    Yes, Yes, Yes Kenrch, Nick and Cubes!Exactly! Good point Nick about the holy spirit being more than just”God's active force” as the JW's call it. It is the POWER of God AND His divine nature through which Hefilled and empowered Christ who then is able to fill and empower us.Remember too all of this infusing and filling with holy spirit is for us…[Read more]

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    Hi Kenrch,You wrote: “God is a Spirit the Holy Spirit has both Father and Son (John4:24).”Actually what scripture says is that God made Christ a life giving spirit. says, “So it is written “The first man Adam became a living being; the last Adam, a lifegiving spirit.” We all know Christ is the last Adam.So the Bible is not saying the Holy Spirit…[Read more]

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    Hey Ken,You know you're o.k. in my book!  No offense taken.  I also know that Goduses the weak and lowly vessels to express His glory.  Nick, you and me arejust that.  I've read things from both Nick AND you that blew me away fromthe computer.  Why?  Well, not because you guys are infallible but becauseat that point in time, God CHOSE to revea…[Read more]

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    Quote (t8 @ July 22 2006,11:47)Quote (epistemaniac @ July 22 2006,21:51)well of course Mary did not give birth to God!! He is eternal, just as the Son and Spirit are… at any rate, here is Matt 1:1, and honestly, I can't see any evidence for either position in it:But have a look at the confusion that the Trinity doctrine brings.It has allowed…[Read more]

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    Ken,I think we're talking about two different things here.  I'm not sure what your point is but I think I was pretty clear in saying that only GOD knows the heart and He is the ultimate judge through Christ.As a Biblical example, I mentioned  salvation came to the thief on the cross alongside Christ and there was no water there either.  People wh…[Read more]

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