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    E-Maniac,Calvin has been shown up by HIS OWN WORDS and documented acts in history.  The lengthy glorification you posted of him does nothing to negate the facts.  He had no reason or right under Sola Scriptura to order the murder of ANY fellow Christian over a doctrinal dispute.  Even if Servetus was an enemy or apostate, the Bible says to re…[Read more]

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    T, I'm going to need some Tylenol pretty quick here.You side-stepped a direct question.  I didn't ask if you believed in denominationalism.I asked if you were or subscribe to the beliefs of Oneness Pentecostals.  So you're a Modalist, fine.No one like double-talk around here so just tell the truth.Listen, you are MISTRANSLATING THE WORD M…[Read more]

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    Hey Nick,I cited Bullingers because he seemed to be the least swayed by church traditions.  The best would be to simply look up an online Greek interlinear and do a word study from the actual translated Greek. Bullinger did that right within the KJV Bible, (that's why its called the Companion Bible). However, it shouldn't be too difficult to look…[Read more]

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    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Aug. 08 2006,00:04)Hi , From the watchman fellowship profile on Paul Wierwille.”1) Salvation: Rather than emphasizing salvation through faith in Christ, Wierwille artificially separated “faith” from “believing.” He taught a very mechanical view of faith in Christ – a mere intellectual or mental assent to biblical, historical…[Read more]

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    Quote (Frank4YAHWEH @ Aug. 04 2006,21:48)The One said:Quote The scriptures say that God {Jesus' Father}indwelt Jesus(John14:10),therefore Jesus was/is God for that reason.So, if Yahweh (“God”) dwells in us does that make us Yahweh (“God”) also? To Believe “Jesus Is God” Is To Be Deceived!Good point Frank for Yahweh & Nick,The One, We are fellow…[Read more]

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    Typrsn,No one's accusing you of authorizing the capitalization of the word logos in the Bible.Good response to a point, however I must ask.  Are you a Oneness Pentecostal?What you are talking about is Modalism which is saying there is no distinctperson, will or begetting of Jesus Christ from His Father.  This is not true.You wrote:”Jesus Christ i…[Read more]

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    Hi Nick,I spent quite some time reading nearly every article at the BU website but you have to dig deeper than that. If you want to know WHERE they got most of their teachings from, you would have to look up Dr. Paul Wierwille and the Way International. A very disturbed cult which regarded this man's teachings as tGospel. The questionly believed…[Read more]

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    Hi Oxy,You have to realize that there are no capitals or lower case in the original Greek manuscripts, (codices).  Therefore capitalization was placed there by the translators.  Here is the proper sequence or order of the Greek words in John 1:1- “In the beginning was the word and the word was toward God and God was the word.”This does not d…[Read more]

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    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Aug. 04 2006,22:39)Hi Typsrm,Should Peter or Paul or Philip have refused baptism to those whom God had shown were ready while they checked with the legal or religious authorities??In matters relating to God we serve God and if we are imprisoned or die for that obedience we count it joy.Hi Nick,Please don't project your…[Read more]

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    Hi Trprsn,I really appreciate the change in the tenor over your last post.  Much better! You maynot think that you are puffed up, but that is exactly how you came acrosshere.  The law this, God's commandments that, I'm an ordained minister the other.Re-read your last post and cite how many times you included the words “mercy””compassion”, “…[Read more]

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    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Aug. 04 2006,21:46)Hi Semmy, Who will obey the words of Christ in Matt 28.19 if we are advised not to do so to satisfy man's expectations?”I would stay away from the ordinance stuff like communion and baptisms”Hi Nick,Are laypeople allowed to perform weddings in your country? Trust me, they are NOT in mine and if you don't…[Read more]

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    What's up Cubes?Actually if you want to voluteer, you can contact the volunteeroffice of the hospital. In a nursing home, you may wish to speakwith the director of recreation.You are NOT a layperson. You are a God-Ordained, annointedminister of the Gospel. You can bring your Bible and read Psalmsto people who are sick. Play Christian music on…[Read more]

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    My Pleasure Mercy!Listen, don't let legalism paint you into a box. Is God blessing youat the AOG? All right then!!! Jesus told the Samaritan womantoo that she was worshipping what she did not know. Accordingto Trprsn, he should have walked away from her so as not to”sully” himself with someone with heretical doctrines. Hey maybeshe didn't…[Read more]

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    Typrsn,Obviously the nerve was struck with YOU as all you did was try to justify”yourself” in your response.  You wrote:  “The loving God commands believers to expose error.”That's right and that's why I exposed yours!  I'm glad you appreciated that.This was priceless:”The job of an ordained minister as myself is to charge some that they teach no…[Read more]

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    That's Right Nick, Mercy & Kenrch,Now be honest.  Do you REALLY want someone of Calvin's caliber interpreting scripture for you?As Nick said, “By their fruits.”Notice what the issue was.  Just because Servetus didn't agree with Calvin's theology and doctrines, he wanted him murdered.  Calvin was a true trinitarian.  Servetus refused to cow-tow in…[Read more]

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    Well David,Maybe you're a neophite but I was with the JW's for 24 years and attended all meetings and assemblies up to 3 years ago until I found out their policy on pedophiles.  Is that long enough for you?  I'm not confused at all about what they teach.  Go ahead and cite all those little mistakes you claim I made.  You're even lying about me mis…[Read more]

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    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Aug. 03 2006,21:03)Hi E,You ask”o tell me Nick, do you fully and completely understand God?” NoBut I do know Him. And I am amazed at the temerity of those who would say they do know God and yet try and put their God in a manmade trinity box and insist that salvation is dependant on others sharing that arrogant view. I can only…[Read more]

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    E-Maniac,Once again you prove yourself to be ill-informed as to history.  Open your eyes andsee what sort of hero your Calvin was:On October 27, 1553 John Calvin, the founder of Calvinism, had Michael Servetus, the Spanish physician, burned at the stake just outside of Geneva for his doctrinal heresies!(1) Hence, the originator of the popular…[Read more]

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    Quote (typrsn @ Aug. 03 2006,19:44)Quote (Mercy @ Aug. 03 2006,19:09)typrsn,I attend the church in order to associate with others who confess Jesus is Lord!  I do not want to be an island in isolation to my faith.  I know that I would not be excepted very well because of my “heresies”. But what am I to do?What is your brotherly c…[Read more]

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    Quote (Mercy @ Aug. 03 2006,19:09)typrsn,I attend the church in order to associate with others who confess Jesus is Lord!  I do not want to be an island in isolation to my faith.  I know that I would not be excepted very well because of my “heresies”. But what am I to do?What is your brotherly counsel?I'm not sure that trprsn answered your q…[Read more]

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