selah replied to the topic A coincidence or a creation? in the forum Prophecy 15 years ago
Karmarie, as one interested in God's prophetic numbers, I am in seventh heaven at the moment, but I will be back shortly!
selah replied to the topic A coincidence or a creation? in the forum Prophecy 15 years ago
Georg … SDA stands for Seventh Day Adventist.The “Aloha” site you gave was SDA.ED … my A B C was image mark and number, not as you said, mark name and number.There is a small but important difference. Knowing the correct number system first (which God did not state)comes before applying it to a suspect. And I saw as it were a sea of glass m…[Read more]
selah replied to the topic A coincidence or a creation? in the forum Prophecy 15 years ago
Yes Georg,That Aloha site (SDA) has always been a good source for information about Romanism. I have used it in the past and have attended several of their seminars.Were you ever an SDA at one time?
selah replied to the topic A coincidence or a creation? in the forum Prophecy 15 years ago
Good point Karmarie,”Islam can't have images and will worship nothing but God unseen so that discounts them really.”My memory is fading, did the SDA always state that America is the second beast or is that something that developed during the last 20 or 30 years?
selah replied to the topic One world government in the forum Prophetic News & Eschatology 15 years ago
Georg … we meet again. You said:”In the days of these kings/nations”, these nations are the “ten toes' how much time do you think we have left?There is a segment within Christianity that believes in the concept of a “Revived Roman Empire” and that it was fulfilled in the formation of the EU … the “United States of Europe”.What think ye?
selah replied to the topic A coincidence or a creation? in the forum Prophecy 15 years ago
Much closer this time Georg. Clearly the image cannot be the first beast. That is one thing established without using history or the Bible!I think you would agree that your points are based upon Revelation passages “and” history, and that is ok as I can see where you are headed … all roads lead to Rome.If you don't mind, I would question a f…[Read more]
selah replied to the topic A coincidence or a creation? in the forum Prophecy 15 years ago
Georg,In your two posts, you clearly laid out your scenario for your interpretation or understanding of the various passages in Revelation and what they mean to you based upon biblical verses and actual historical events. You could very well be right, however, the question asked was:”If we confine our selves to the Book of Revelation ONLY ……[Read more]
selah replied to the topic A coincidence or a creation? in the forum Prophecy 15 years ago
Thanks Georg,Very interesting that you separate the mark from the image and number. I know of no other expositor that does that, but it does seem to “fit” using your HISTORICAL evidence. I will be running this by a friend who has been studying the question presented.My own scenario is “similar” to yours yet different regarding the image. …[Read more]
selah replied to the topic A coincidence or a creation? in the forum Prophecy 15 years ago
Georg … I will respond to your clearly explained post shortly.
selah replied to the topic A coincidence or a creation? in the forum Prophecy 15 years ago
Mike … all in the Bible is not “always” to be understood literally.The New Testament states that the gospel was preached “in all the world.” Was it? Just as Georg commented regarding Rome, “did they”?Regarding the whole world following after the beast.You are part of this “whole world” … would you be following after him? … I think n…[Read more]
selah replied to the topic A coincidence or a creation? in the forum Prophecy 15 years ago
Hello Ed J,It is not that I didn't “like” your answer, it was because I could not and do not understand it. Georg understood what was being asked, and got right to the point … I clearly understood his answer.Perhaps Georg understands the answers you give and it is only me??You stated that you did respond to the question “Do you believe that…[Read more]
selah replied to the topic A coincidence or a creation? in the forum Prophecy 15 years ago
Thanks Georg for your direct answer to my direct question. I appreciate that type of discussion.You stated that Islam is not one of the two beasts of Revelation. At this time, Ed J has not directly responded, but hopefully you and I can continue the discussion.If I may continue slowly, to avoid confusion and to be clear about your position (…[Read more]
selah replied to the topic A coincidence or a creation? in the forum Prophecy 15 years ago
Hi Karmarie … thanks for getting back on topic.You said … “The image mark and number are associated with the second beast.”Your proof texts were Rev 13:11-18.Everyone of us has those same verses to read (including respected scholars and theologians) and yet half of Christianity claims it is the first beast … including the seminary professor…[Read more]
selah replied to the topic A coincidence or a creation? in the forum Prophecy 15 years ago
Thank you Georg.
selah replied to the topic A coincidence or a creation? in the forum Prophecy 15 years ago
I think I will be like Georg.I will wait till the mud settles!In the meantime, I would ask anyone (other than Ed or Georg) the following:In Rev 13, is the image, mark and number more closely associated with the first beast or the second beast?If you can determine that, I would appreciate knowing the specific Revelation passage or passages that…[Read more]
selah replied to the topic A coincidence or a creation? in the forum Prophecy 15 years ago
Georg,For me personally, I find it much easier to follow if someone is specific about the particular subject under discussion. One question, one answer.Your reasoning could be perfectly correct, but it comes as a “package”. Each one being somewhat contingent upon ones understanding of the others.If our discussion was centered upon the Book of R…[Read more]
selah replied to the topic A coincidence or a creation? in the forum Prophecy 15 years ago
Yes Georg,My error. I should have noted Rev 13:11. And I beheld another beast coming up out of the earth; and he had two horns like a lamb, and he spake as a dragon.Not only did I make that mistake, but I quoted the wrong Strong's number (2343) for this beast.It should have been 2342 … which means dangerous animal, venemous wild beast.This i…[Read more]
selah replied to the topic A coincidence or a creation? in the forum Prophecy 15 years ago
Ed j,Am I correct, that you believe Islam is the Beast of Revelation rather than Romanism?If so, I pointed out in my recent post of Feb 27 that in Rev 11:7 the specific Greek word used to describe this “beast out of the sea” (Strongs #2343) is to “amass or to heap up treasure”. If this is so (and I believe it is) do you believe that “the beast out…[Read more]
selah replied to the topic A coincidence or a creation? in the forum Prophecy 15 years ago
Definitely agreed Karmarie and Georg … beast can mean kingdom.For Rome watchers, I found the specific Greek form used for “beast” in Rev 11:7 describing “the beast out of the sea” to be prophetically telling.In this particular passage, beast means … to amass, to lay or heap up treasure. Those who have read “The Vatican Billions” by Avro…[Read more]
selah replied to the topic A coincidence or a creation? in the forum Prophecy 15 years ago
Karmarie,Not only does Romanism NOT deny the Father and the Son, but they claim that their “Holy Father” is the “Vicar of Christ”.Vicarious … he is instead of Christ … he is in place of Christ.It has been said that false “Christian” religions or “Christian cults” preach and teach 90% bible truth … it is that 10% error that is most…[Read more]
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