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- July 6, 2012 at 6:39 am#305102
ParticipantQuote (mikeboll64 @ July 04 2012,13:50) I agree, Samuel and Gene. I don't personally drink any alcohol because I have a problem stopping once I start. I can't just have a beer or two like most people. But this is a good example of men teaching the doctrines of men as if they were the word of God.
Another one is priests who aren't allowed by man's traditions to marry. Where is that rule in the Bible?
Well, in an attempt to answer the question of where they might be deriving this law from. In the New Testament 1 Corinthians 7, there is probably more on the matter in the old testament, or other parts of the Bible as well. Perhaps the THE VOW OF THE NAZIRITE PRIESTHOOD?Not sure, but a lot of things are, taken and added upon.
Their defense is “You have to draw the line somewhere”. But, at what cost do we draw these lines?
July 3, 2012 at 10:57 pm#304909Samuel
ParticipantSo, what you are saying is that you have a different way of saying the same thing?
I can understand that.
July 3, 2012 at 9:47 pm#304907Samuel
ParticipantI'm not exactly sure what lead you to this theology. But, GOD is indeed LOVE, and without GOD there is not LOVE.
In time, those that seek GOD, will also realize that.
Although, it is clearly stated in the Bible, as Seekingtruth displayed. (I normally don't put in the scriptures, because I think that one should be compelled to seek out the scriptures themselves.)
One has to only examine their life without GOD in it to find that there really was not true LOVE in their life. But, when you invite GOD into your life, you discover there becomes True Love.
July 3, 2012 at 4:55 am#304880Samuel
ParticipantGOD is LOVE
July 3, 2012 at 4:05 am#304878Samuel
ParticipantI feel that men take things often times, with what I can only hope is “Good Intentions”, and add upon it.
Such as is with the drinking of alcohol. No where in the Bible does it say that you “Can't” drink alcohol or strong drink at all. It does state, and warn against being a Drunkard, or Given to too much wine. What this actually means is “Don't Over Due it”. So, in order to I guess protect themselves from having too much drink, they just don't drink at all. They took it a step further.
The same can be said, or applied with eating. People over eat all the time. But, you don't see people going around not eating, in order to not over eat.
Men have a tendency to make things into more complicated situations. This is just one example of many things that Religions have done to enslave people into conforming to beliefs and doctrines that are not taught in the Bible.
Which makes them teachers of “False Doctrine”.
July 3, 2012 at 12:56 am#304852Samuel
ParticipantYes it is a quiz.
I just wanted to see what others thought.
When you put it like that, it's real easy to see what is and what is not GOD Made.
I too believe the first 7 are Man Made, and the last 3 are GOD Made.
July 2, 2012 at 8:46 am#304814Samuel
I was reading in the Book of Job the other day. And, not so long ago I was sounding a lot like that. In fact, I may have actually went farther then Job actually did.
I do know that I was cursing the day I was born. I was wanting death to find me. But it did not.
I'm still here, and know one knows how long they have. In fact my time may be up tonight, today, or tomorrow. If this were in fact the case My prayer is that the Blood of Jesus will cover my sins. And, that I not be given what I surely deserve. I have sinned, and I know that my punishment would be just.
If we could get the love we are supposed to have, I don't think there would be a need for explanation. Fact is, we don't really LOVE like we are supposed to. If we had LOVE everything else would follow suit. And, everyone would want it. The only thing we would have to explain is how to get this LOVE.
June 20, 2012 at 6:32 pm#303390Samuel
ParticipantReligion can destroy a person.
I can testify to that.
From experience.Actually, I am now working again, I have 2 different part time jobs.
Plus, I'm supposed to be getting my retirement soon as well.
I got medically discharged for being Bi-Polar, PTSD, Panic Attacks, Anxiety Attacks, Gout, High Blood Pressure.
When I was younger they said I was ADHD/OCD
So, yeah I have some stuff I need to work with.
June 20, 2012 at 6:31 pm#303389Samuel
ParticipantWell, I have a bible, actually about 4 or 5 of them, Plus on the computer, and on my phone as well.
I stopped studying, because I felt that I was reading too far into things.
I became to obsessed, with it. If that is possible.
I also have started working again. I have 2 part time jobs that I'm currently doing. Very low stress level. Well, one is, the other one is a little stressful.
June 20, 2012 at 5:44 pm#303385Samuel
I'm having a tough time right now getting started back up, because I am broke and don't have any money.
I'm relying on other people to take me to church atm. Else if I had the gas I'd be at the church every day praying.(Well, most likely in the late night.)
But, I'm Watching Daystar, and listening to sermons online and on the phone. I have to keep it off HBO. It's tough.
June 20, 2012 at 5:38 pm#303384Samuel
ParticipantI can see how this scripture could lead one to believe in the Oneness Religion.
One GOD.
All I know is you lose all your faith, when you were growing up all you had hammered in your head was the Trinity Belief, and then go to a church that tells you, “Your wrong, Your serving three GODS”.
You “Foundation” pretty much gets washed out from underneath you. And, you have to start all over. I mean, you can't just “Hop over to another religion” and “Convert”. At least, it was a very confusing experience for me.
And, as it is written GOD is not the author of confusion. So, I don't know what happened.
I guess I should have just converted, and been done with it. Maybe I'd of stayed in church. I am a firm believer that you NEED to go to church. I mean how are you going to let “This little light of mine, shine?” if you just stay at home, and/or don't go out talking to other people in the world?
I am horrible with people, absolutely 100% horrible. But, when I have the spirit of GOD in me, and working through me. It does a lot better job then I ever could.
June 20, 2012 at 5:28 pm#303381Samuel
ParticipantThat is some good information. I'll have to try it out. Thanks.
June 20, 2012 at 5:26 pm#303380Samuel
ParticipantWell, in any event.
It is a very likely scenario, I would not be a bit surprised to find that this is what happens. However, we really can't say for sure. Cause we don't really know.
I know this though, it has to be soon that The Lord Jesus Christ comes back, because one of two things is very likely to happen in the next 20-50 years. We will have killed ourselves in wars, and completely destroyed the world, or found some way to travel in space. Although, I think we would need about 100 or 200 more years to achieve actual efficient space exploration, or colonize, Tera-form a moon, or planet.
Everyone is so scared of “One World Government”. Or, not “Scared” but sees it as a sign, that the “End is Near”. However, I think a One World Government could be established, and not necessarily be some sort of marker that the End is going to happen with in a year or two of it. So many people trying to predict things. I don't know that the world is ready for One World Government. In all likely hood, it would be the start of a large amount of Civil War, across the Globe. First, of all all the religious extremist, would rise up to form an army, and probably start trying to Crusade, and fight back against it. It would end in nothing short of a massive amount of Blood being spilled.
If U.S. were to try to do this, every nuke in the other parts of the world would probably be headed our way. The U.S. is already on other nations of the world “Not so favorite” list. Not to mention we are going “Broke”.
This 2012 thing has everyone all hyped up. I not going to get on anyone “Ship of Prediction”. I'll know it when it happens.
This Alien thing makes a great facade for the whole story of Revelation to take place though.
June 20, 2012 at 4:58 pm#303376Samuel
ParticipantWell, I guess I'm just weak. Cause I mess up A LOT. And for the past couple years, I've been pretty much out of church again.
I just have a problem doing the right thing I guess.\
Like I said, I was doing what I would consider to be good. But, the religion in men started coming down on me, and then I got offended, and started trying to prove stuff. Finally, I gave up, and yes, I paid dearly for it.
I lost my job, my vehicle, had to file bankruptcy, and all that good stuff. So, I've been bottom feeding on the floor of despair, failure, anger, depression, and whatever else you can think of.
It says to confess your sins. So, that is what I've done, and I by no means want to let someone think that I think I'm something.
It is quite different, GOD thinks I'm something. And, in that I am happy. It has come to the point where I don't have the strength to tug and pull my head out of the yoke, as it were.
I don't know, I really have a knack for rambling, and hoping around from topic to topic.
In closing, lets just say I've learned some very hard lessons. The HARD WAY.
June 20, 2012 at 4:56 pm#303375Samuel
ParticipantYeah something like that. Like I said I don't speak that language, so it is really irrelevant to me. It was translated to English as Jesus. So, that is the name I use. It's worked all this time, I don't see any reason why it will stop working.
June 20, 2012 at 1:31 pm#303363Samuel
ParticipantThe bottom line is if you don't have LOVE, your probably not living a life for GOD. You are probably in a pool of darkness.
I can say this, cause I know from experience. I'm coming out “HEAD FIRST” of a pool of darkness right now.
LOVE is the GLUE that keeps you in your walk with GOD. If you don't believe that, go around hating, and being mad, and upset at everything you see or hear. You'll find out real quick.
You need LOVE. If you don't have it, pray for it. Cause it will make your life a lot easier.
June 20, 2012 at 1:18 pm#303360Samuel
ParticipantI remember that before I “Backslid” GOD was trying to get me to focus on LOVE. GOD is LOVE. LOVE is the GLUE that holds all of this together.
I think LOVE would be a large part of this as well.
It's absolutely crazy how, all the LOVE you have can be gone from you. And, all the powers of darkness come in, you just hate everything, and everything frustrates you, makes you angry.
It's not GODS commandments, or what the Bible says that's really the problem. It's man. And, the religions they make up. Men make laws that are higher than GODS laws.
If you had LOVE. Everything else is in the bag I think.
Do we really have LOVE? The same LOVE GOD has?
June 20, 2012 at 1:07 pm#303356Samuel
ParticipantThis may sound weird but I too also was having some dreams around about 2008. I believe that I posted some of them on here somewhere.….8;st=10
There is some of them I posted. I had another one, that I was sure I posted on here somewhere. Where, I was standing on this huge, massive, cliff, that was very steep, it was very high up. There was a roaring sea beneath, and I remember asking in my dream, I spoke out loud, asking “What is this?”
And, a voice replied to me, and said something to the effect of “It is armies marching to battle.”, and I woke up.This was around 2008, I was really in church doing really well, trying to live for GOD the right way. If you all remember I had a lot of “Zeal” at the time. I could literally feel the spirit of GOD with me a very strongly. Almost, like I was going to explode from the inside out, at the time. I was spending a lot of time fasting, praying, the best thing about this church that I was going to, which I finally allowed myself to completely quit going to, was that you can go up there, and pray 24/7 any hour of the day. They just believe oneness, and at the time I had been trained my whole life to believe Trinity. I got to studying, and fishing, and fishing, searching the word, fasting, praying for the right way to believe. I still don't really know for sure “How” GOD exists, and I certainly can't even begin to explain it to you. I just know that he does. I know what the bible says, and I know this, that at this time, the Present “All power in heaven, and Earth is given under one name The LORD JESUS CHRIST”. (I know that is is something else in Hebrew, Yeshua I believe, and Iesous in Greek I believe. However, I don't speak either one of those languages, I speak English, and that is what it was translated to in English. Anyway, I remember in the mist of all of that, a thought occurred to me at the time. “How is it that anyone in their right mind will bring up ARMS against GOD into battle, and it is written in the Bible?” I remember thinking surely, anyone with half a brain would be able to SEE what was going on, when it does start to go on, and know that it was GOD? And, it hit me, “Extraterrestrials”. They will think it's an Alien Attack, or something silly like that.
What I would give to not have stumbled, and fallen, to have stayed in that state with GOD. I did not need any pills, for anything like stress, or ADHD, OCD, Bi-Polar, Panic Attacks, Anxiety.
I'm here to tell you, the little foxes, really do come in, and mess things up. Because once the foxes get in, then it's not long before the wolves come as well, and all manor of wickedness. We are born unto sin, a sinful nature is what we have. How did I hear it put the other day? We are born bad, with the tendency do do good, not born good with the tendency to do bad. The flesh is at War, the powers of darkness are actually terroristically attacking us. Mainly in our mind, or at least for me that has been the way of it. And, through your mind these powers can cause you to have actual physical ailments, such as High Blood Pressure, Gout, Stress, and things of the such.
It pains me to say, that I was actually starting to believe some of the claims these people are making. With me out of church, and lost all of my walk with GOD. I guess you could say “Backslid” as it's referred to in the Religious sects. I was watching stuff like Ancient Aliens, Through the wormhole with Morgan Freeman, and having to listen to non-believers like that is on this site, and other famous people on TV. It was becoming very convincing. I mean these people can make some very convincing arguments. I mean, I know GOD exists, so I could not fully buy into it, but I found myself starting to think, maybe we are not the only beings in the universe? Maybe GOD had created other beings? I mean there are angles. That were around before us right? Like it says in that movie “Contact” with Jodie Foster I believe, If we are the only ones, it sure does seem like, at least from our point of view, or from where we are sitting, standing, that it sure is an awfully big waste of space. And, Ancient Aliens cast saying stuff, like we are not the “Pinnacle of Creation”.
But, I'm now trying to pick myself back up. Actually, I was so far down, could not do it on my own. GOD had to reach down, and get me. And, I'm still struggling a lot. But, I'm trying. Anyway, after realizing what I've done, how far I've let myself fall, I went running back to church. And, remembering now, the Bible says we are the Pinnacle of GOD'S Creation. It clearly states that he was most happy with us, because we are created in His image.
I guess what I'm trying to say is this. Be very careful in these last days. Least you be deceived. Because I was real close to being Deceived, if I was not already. It is unreal how things can latch a hold of you. And, it all starts by getting upset cause someone said something to you at church that you allowed to offend you, and then, it INJECTS you with the same POISON, and Spreads like a VIRUS, throughout your WHOLE BEING.
I just thank GOD that he had MERCY on me once again. Compared to Eternity I'm a child, I'm only 35 years old. I don't even know what I'm doing, I'm barely learning how to crawl. Even still. It's amazing how GOD can work. I can't even begin to fully understand GODS LOVE and GRACE, I would have thrown me under the bus for sure, and left me for dead.
I'm just tired of struggling, fighting, being disobedient. GOD has a purpose for me and I've wasted 35 years of my life so far. I was to the point to where I did not even want to live anymore, But GOD allows me to still draw breath. He still has a purpose for me, Or I'd of surely long since been dead. I know what I deserve. But GOD don't want to give us what we deserve, he wants to give us what he wants us to have.
In addition:
Even if it was not real (Which I know that it is), My life was way better living for GOD, then not. Period. It is just a miserable existence with out GOD. I mean even if there was not any “Hell-Fire”, “Hell”, “Lake of Fire”. Just not being with GOD is painful enough in and of itself, alone. If anyone winds up in the “Lake of Fire” they will be intruders, because that is for the fallen serpent and his followers.June 20, 2012 at 10:24 am#303337Samuel
ParticipantFrom what I can tell Apologetics is a part, or probably should be a part of your everyday life style, I just did not know that it was called what it is called.
It is a theological seminary field of study.
I was hoping to get more people to “Elaborate” on this subject matter, perhaps shed some views, and opinions that I have not considered?
June 20, 2012 at 10:12 am#303332Samuel
ParticipantOkay, well that is pretty obvious. It would seem that this site is not quite as active as it used to be, is all I'm saying.
By the way, my real name is Samuel. So, it's not a screen name.
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