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    BT… Greetings!I think we have whipped this topic to death and we should move on to new topics. Those that hold on to the Preteristic view will continue to do so regardless of evidence that contradicts. Likewise, Trinitarians refuse to budge on their belief that God and Jesus are co-equal and co-eternal. And as I have said many times before, t…[Read more]

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    samual replied to the topic The Beast of Revelation in the forum Prophecy 16 years ago

    BT… Greetings!Sorry for the delay getting back to you, but it seems that I am working from dawn to dusk around the farm these days; there’s so much to do and so little time left to do it. Winter is sneaking up on us; even the leaves are hinting at an early arrival.Anyway, BT, let’s look at your question:“My question was concerning the interna…[Read more]

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    samual replied to the topic The Beast of Revelation in the forum Prophecy 16 years ago

    BT… Greetings!I am looking at your last comment:“The only confirmation provided is unfounded information. Taking events from history beyond AD 70 and applied them to scriptures picked out. Then saying we have a better understanding of the prophesied events of Revelation then the Apostles did, because they died long before they come about.”As I see…[Read more]

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    samual replied to the topic The Beast of Revelation in the forum Prophecy 16 years ago

    BT… Greetings!I have arrived back from the great white northland where I spent two weeks washing my lures. I see that you have remained trapped in 70CE and are still promoting the idea that everything ended then. That’s too bad. You say we have to take internal Scriptural evidence into consideration to arrive at the truth of the matter, whi…[Read more]

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    samual replied to the topic The Beast of Revelation in the forum Prophecy 16 years ago

    Before Time… Greetings!You certainly have worked hard at fitting the pieces of history into the Preterist puzzle, but again, everything you’ve set out crashes if John wrote Revelation in 96-98CE. As I’ve mentioned before, most Bible authorities have the writing in 98CE. Considering that I wasn’t around at the time John received the revelat…[Read more]

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    Before Time… Greetings!As you say, BT, “Caiaphas ‘You will see me vindicated.’” in all likelihood did recognize that the Roman Army was dispensing Divine Justice on Jerusalem at that time; very likely he was well aware by then of the prophecy given by Jesus of Jerusalem’s destruction. And it is most likely that he saw this through eyes of “di…[Read more]

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    Quote (before Time @ Aug. 20 2008,01:59)Good Moring SamIf you saw it before without a response, I doubt you will not again. Take your time to do your own research as I if you’re searching for truth. I looked at both sides of the issue have you? It may not be easy to accept the early date view after all these years, so I will understand a none r…[Read more]

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    Before Time… Greetings!I guess that’s why you designate yourself as before time; you are stuck back in the first century and cannot see into the future. As admitted many times before, some things stated by Jesus and John’s account in Revelation DID relate to the first Century. But not all! The Day of God’s wrath (Revelation 16:13-16) has not…[Read more]

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    Georg… Greetings!I am well aware of the popes inquisition and the horror committed against any that disagreed with Catholic Doctrine; however, the very fact that the line of popes still exist conflicts with Daniel 7:26-27 as it plainly states:Daniel 7:26-27 (New American Standard Bible)“But the court will sit for judgment, and his dominion wil…[Read more]

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    Georg… Greetings!We appear to be faced with a confusing situation here; you are making reference to Daniel 7:2 where it does indeed say the “four great beasts were coming up from the sea”, this in direct conflict with Daniel 7:17 which states that “These great beasts, which are four in number, who will arise from the earth.”But the answer…[Read more]

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    BT… Greetings!Okay… where is this internal evidence you speak of that places “all things” were fulfilled in 70CE? I think we've hashed this over many times but you still insist on your view being correct. Also, where is the evidence that proves the Revelation Account was written before 96-98CE? This I want to see.Sam

  • Profile picture of samual

    Georg… Greetings!You said: “Dan. 7:17 are the same kings described as beasts in verses 4, 5, 6, and 7. And no, I did not say sea, the bible does. Sea is a metaphor for nations, and earth is a metaphor for people; after all, are not nations made up of people?”Unless you missed the point I was drawing your attention to, please look again at the S…[Read more]

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    Georg… Greetings!As I read through your post and check out the Scriptures that you use to support your position, I find problems that require addressing. You say, “Daniel saw four of those beast rise up out of the sea.”However, according to the Scripture, the four beasts arise from the earth; see for yourself:Daniel 7:17 (New American Stand…[Read more]

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    Georg… Greetings!I have understood things a little differently than what you are presenting here. The Scriptures do not portray the Papacy as either beast; the Popes are merely the integral part of Babylon the Great, the Harlot and mother of the harlots. (Revelation 17:5)As for the beasts (both), they symbolize certain elements of mankind. T…[Read more]

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    Before Time… Greetings!Again, you seem to have missed something in what the Scriptures are saying:Your remarks: “God never intended for Christ to rule the earth's affairs. Matter a fact this is exactly what Satan offered Him.”Matthew 4:8-9 (New American Standard Bible)“Again, the devil took Him to a very high mountain and showed Him all the kin…[Read more]

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    BT… Greetings!Although there is little doubt that much of Jesus' words applied to the 1st Century and the destruction of Jerusalem by the Roman Army, that doesn't mean everything prophecied took place at that time. To take that view (Preterist) is to follow a pathway that misleads one to believe all is well today. Trust the Scriptures, that is…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of samual

    Georg… Greetings!Vatican City seems most likely the one spoken of as the “Mother of Harlots” (Revelation 17:5); which would include all those that spawned from her, the protestants, etc..As we can easily see by the Nicene Creed, they all have twisted the Scriptures to support their belief that God and Jesus are co-equal and co-eternal, or the…[Read more]

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