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    Nick… Greetings!You raise a good point. Looking the passages that you make reference to, however, does fit with Noah’s time if you think about it. We don’t have any idea as to the population of the inhabited earth at that time. But I suspect there were quite a number living on the planet in the pre-deluge age. After all, they were nearer to pe…[Read more]

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    Nick… Greetings!Although it is true that the warring nation’s armies will be wiped from the earth in the grand conclusive battle named Armageddon (Revelation 16:16), Jesus compared that day of “God’s Wrath” to the time of Noah. See what He said:Matthew 24:36-39 (New American Standard Bible)“But of that day and hour no one knows, not even the an…[Read more]

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    Tiffany… Greetings!You say: “I do however have an obligation to share the light” You do! That is why it is critical that the light you shed is in harmony with God’s Written Word. Timothy was told about this problem of teaching things that were not in agreement with Truth by the Apostle Paul: 1 Timothy 1:3 (New American Standard Bible)“…[Read more]

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    Nick… Greetings!Part of the reason people become confused with where Scriptural events take place is directly related to Mainstream teachings of Christendom. Seldom does anyone question the validity of what Christendom teaches, even less, take it upon themselves to search the Scriptures and find out what the Bible really says. They would much p…[Read more]

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    Tiffany… Greetings!When reading John 14:2-3 you have to consider the question: Where is “My Father’s House” where Jesus is going to? Jesus states that He is going there to “prepare a place for you.” (the Apostles) Obviously, then, what Jesus is saying to the Apostles is that He will “come again, and receive you unto Myself” (gather His Ele…[Read more]

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    Tiffany… Greetings!Apparently it’s a matter of comparing translation along with other Scriptural evidence to arrive at the Truth of any topic. Take the following verses:Revelation 5:10 (Darby Translation)“…and made them to our God kings and priests; and they shall reign over the earth.” Revelation 5:10 (Amplified Bible)“And You have made them a…[Read more]

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    Tiffany… Greetings!As we agree that much of the Scriptures contain symbolic language that requires guidance via the Holy Spirit to discern its import, I am assuming that you do understand the “spiritual city” you commented on is actually “heaven.” Am I correct in this assumption? You state that “there will yet be another new covenant” b…[Read more]

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    Tiffany… Greetings!You are correct! God Almighty never breaks a promise. However, you are missing the point that Jesus and the Apostles made very clear: That New Covenant is with New Jerusalem, not those Flesh and Blood offspring of Abraham, those that broke and ended the former covenant, but with those twelve Apostles of the Lamb of God and a…[Read more]

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    Tiffany… Greetings!What you say about the comparison of 50 years ago is quite correct. The more people have the less they care, especially about Godly things, better known as Spiritual matters. And there’s no question about the tribulations the Jews have experienced since their house was abandoned, left desolate. As I watch the news of the sla…[Read more]

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    Tiffany… Greetings!Actually, I am three score and six years old and I have witnessed much of world events over that time. I agree with you that today’s world is radically changed over that many years. And I also agree with you that much of what Jesus related at Matthew 24:1-21 did occur in 70CE; but not all!Considering Scriptural accounts fro…[Read more]

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    Tiffany… Greetings!It is true that religion has influenced Kings for millenniums, but they have never been termed “beasts” within Scripture. I can, however, consider you remarks about the succession of Popes representing the “man of lawlessness” or the “antichrist” as being logical seeing that they have taught their followers outright lies…[Read more]

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    samual replied to the topic Preterism in the forum Prophecy 15 years, 8 months ago

    BT… Greetings!Much of the Olivet discourse applied to 70CE, as I have conceded many times in my discussions with you. So it should have! Jesus was speaking to Jews, after all, and their time was at hand as God’s Chosen People, as was stated in the Parable of the Landowner:Matthew 21:42-43 (New American Standard Bible)“Jesus said to them, ‘Did…[Read more]

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    Tiffany… Greetings!I know that the WTS believes that the Beast that Was and the Beast that Is to be the League of Nations and the follow-up United Nations, and at this point of time, I have to accept that as a distinct possibility… with some reservation, as it has been labeled many times as being nothing more than a toothless tiger. I also agr…[Read more]

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    Tiffany… Greetings!There are points that you make that I can see as logical and in sync with Scripture; however, Rome doesn’t quite fit the picture when you look closely at the things this last beast performs:Revelation 13:13 (New American Standard Bible)“He performs great signs, so that he even makes fire come down out of heaven to the earth…[Read more]

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    Tifany… Greetings!I do understand your point; however, the “beast from the sea” at Revelation 13:1 seems different than the “beast from the earth” at verse 11. In fact, according to verse 12, it assumes world dominance away from the “beast from the sea” but “exercises all the authority of the first beast in his presence.” I have to believe “…[Read more]

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    Georg… Greetings!There are sound Scriptural reasons for understanding why the Beast From the Sea (Revelation 13:1) is depicted in that manner. Look at how the Scriptures explains the matter:Isaiah 57:20 (New American Standard Bible)“But the wicked are like the tossing sea,For it cannot be quiet,And its waters toss up refuse and mud…[Read more]

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    Mike and Theodorej… Greetings!It seems to me that many Bible Students connect this Scriptural passage with a single person playing the role as “False Prophet.” I doubt that to be true. The fact that this “person” is associated with the “beasts” of Revelation would suggest to me that it indicates political world powers, not any particular in…[Read more]

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    samual replied to the topic Preterism in the forum Prophecy 15 years, 9 months ago

    Theodorej… Greetings!Not all prophecy has or will have double fulfillment, as I recall. Remember the very first prophecy? Genesis 3:15 (New American Standard Bible)“And I will put enmityBetween you and the woman,And between your seed and her seed;He shall bruise you on the head,And you shall bruise him on the heel.”This prophecy will take place…[Read more]

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    samual replied to the topic Preterism in the forum Prophecy 15 years, 9 months ago

    BT… Greetings!Did you miss my point BT? It was my intention to direct your attention to the “resurrection” that was a part of those prophecies; that part is not fulfilled to date. Here is the problem as I see it. Quite obviously, BT, much of those prophecies had fulfillment when Jerusalem was destroyed by the Roman Army in 70CE. Of that I see…[Read more]

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    samual replied to the topic Preterism in the forum Prophecy 15 years, 9 months ago

    Before Time… Greetings!I see that you are still pushing the Preteristic View to the Brothers on this site. It appears that you have a death grip on that topic and will hold on to it until God’s Kingdom actually sets matters straight for you.But “all things” were not fulfilled with the destruction of 1st Century Jerusalem by the Roman Armies…[Read more]

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