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    samual replied to the topic Preterism in the forum Prophecy 15 years, 8 months ago

    BT… Greetings!Yes, as you say, we must take into consideration what the Old Testament has to say if we are to understand the view of the contemporary audience. However, we also have to consider the way the First Century Apostles connected things together, seeing they were mostly Jews and had a working knowledge of Old Testament prophecies and h…[Read more]

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    samual replied to the topic Preterism in the forum Prophecy 15 years, 8 months ago

    BT… Greetings!There is very little doubt that Luke 21:10-24 applied to 70CE. As I have mentioned before, and acknowledge again, First Century Israelites paid dearly for their sins against God Almighty. This point was driven home by Jesus when He detailed what would occur and why in the Parable of the Landowner. (Matthew 21:33-41)That being s…[Read more]

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    samual replied to the topic Preterism in the forum Prophecy 15 years, 8 months ago

    Rabsheka… Greetings!I knew a little of what you wrote, but not all that much. Thank you for the update.It appears, then, that we have to now consider when “nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom” fits into a timeframe in history. Nations have been battling each other for world supremacy since nations existed, as I see it.…[Read more]

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    samual replied to the topic Preterism in the forum Prophecy 15 years, 8 months ago

    Rabsheka… Greetings!I went into the internet and dug around Roman history but found little of any wars being waged during the period in question, aside from the Civil Unrest with the Jews. Some things I picked up may be of interest so I have included then for your consideration. They are as follows:JudaismWhile Judaism was largely tolerated,…[Read more]

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    samual replied to the topic Preterism in the forum Prophecy 15 years, 8 months ago

    Rabsheka… Greetings!The establishing of truth must be located somewhere betwixt Scripture and History; however, since we are dealing with ancient history, where records are either lost or distorted (or never recorded at all) is a daunting challenge facing all truth-seekers.I may try to dig through the Netscape to find any information detailing R…[Read more]

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    samual replied to the topic Preterism in the forum Prophecy 15 years, 8 months ago

    BT… Greetings!Seeing that verse 6 ties into both 7 & 8, let’s try to reason along these lines and see what makes Scriptural and logical sense.Matthew 24:6-8 (New American Standard Bible)“You will be hearing of wars and rumors of wars. See that you are not frightened, for those things must take place, but that is not yet the end. For nation will…[Read more]

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    samual replied to the topic Preterism in the forum Prophecy 15 years, 8 months ago

    BT… Greetings!I understand your referenced meaning from Strong's but the trip up seems to me associated with the “all nations” part. It may well have been an error made in translating and given the wrong “world” that is confusing the understanding of Jesus' words. Time is short for this afternoon, but I'll try to get back at this later today.…[Read more]

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    samual replied to the topic Preterism in the forum Prophecy 15 years, 8 months ago

    BT… Greetings!I don’t quite follow your use of the phrase “Jewish Economy” as directly connected to the Answer Jesus gave regarding the temple’s destruction. The reason being that Jesus spoke about the end of the spiritual system, in particular, the close of God’s Kingdom representatives in the hands of Israelites. As the Scripture says:Matthe…[Read more]

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    samual replied to the topic Preterism in the forum Prophecy 15 years, 8 months ago

    Rabsheka… Greetings!Your consideration of events leading to the questions of Jesus’ Apostles seems right on target, especially your connecting the old “temple” of Herod with the new spiritual temple that replaced the physical one. As the Apostle Paul said, rather than the old Levite priesthood of the Mosaic covenant having the respons…[Read more]

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    samual replied to the topic Preterism in the forum Prophecy 15 years, 8 months ago

    BT… Greetings!Your Suggestion:“It may possibly be interesting as a substitute of going back and forth on so many different subjects to go through the Olivet discourse in Matthew 24:1-34, the foundation of preterism, taking a few scriptures at a time starting with verses 1-3 first. And by doing so staying focused on those scriptures only, yet com…[Read more]

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    samual replied to the topic Preterism in the forum Prophecy 15 years, 8 months ago

    BT… Greetings!I'm back home but a bit tired out. I think every Doctor in the place had to check out my heart and finally decided that I had heart problems on top of everything else. It's getting boring.I know many folks beieve the Kingdom of God is spiritual and as far as earth goes, is unlikely to be a reality. I'm not one of them.…[Read more]

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    samual replied to the topic Preterism in the forum Prophecy 15 years, 8 months ago

    Good Morning, BT!I like that idea very well. It is very difficult for many Believers to grasp concepts that differ from what they have been raised to understand; sort of like Santa and the Easter Bunny that most children were made to believe in their early years.Today, however, I have to go into the Hospital for a biopsy on my throat. They say…[Read more]

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    samual replied to the topic Preterism in the forum Prophecy 15 years, 8 months ago

    BT… Greetings!As you are well aware, the whole purpose of Scriptural debate is as follows:2 Corinthians 10:4-6 (New American Standard Bible)“…for the weapons of our warfare are not of the flesh, but divinely powerful for the destruction of fortresses. We are destroying speculations and every lofty thing raised up against the knowledge of God,…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of samual

    samual replied to the topic Preterism in the forum Prophecy 15 years, 8 months ago

    BT… Greetings!Your remark: “There are two roads at the end of the trail, the gift of eternal life enjoyed with our Father Jehovah and his Son. The other is departure out of existence forever.”What you seem determined to avoid is just “how” that “end of the trail” comes about. The Scriptures make it clear that it is God’s Day of Wrath (Armagedd…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of samual

    samual replied to the topic Preterism in the forum Prophecy 15 years, 8 months ago

    BT… Greetings!The first thing that comes to mind after reading your post is this: If God set precedent by destroying the earth and its population with the exception of eight souls because of the ungodly behavior and wickedness of the time; If God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah for similar reasons; do you really believe our time will escape His n…[Read more]

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    samual replied to the topic Preterism in the forum Prophecy 15 years, 8 months ago

    BT… Greetings!Apparently, most every Believer on these boards have a habit of watering down the Scriptural evidence that points to an upcoming day of vengeance by God against this entire world. It’s called taking an euphemistic view rather than accepting the reality of the situation.When Jesus prayed to His Heavenly Father He said, “Let Your…[Read more]

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    samual replied to the topic Preterism in the forum Prophecy 15 years, 8 months ago

    BT… Greetings!The Scriptures give no support to your idea that the First Resurrection has already occurred. And it wasn’t Jesus that subjected His enemies as a “footstool under His feet” but, in fact, it was God, Jesus’ Father that brings this about.Luke 20:42-43 (New American Standard Bible)“For David himself says in the book of Psalms, “TH…[Read more]

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    samual replied to the topic Preterism in the forum Prophecy 15 years, 8 months ago

    BT… Greetings!The resurrection IS important when considering prophetic events, because it points ahead, past 70CE, and signals the beginning of the great tribulation that will inflict the entire world. Look closely:Daniel 12:1-2 (New American Standard Bible)“Now at that time Michael, the great prince who stands guard over the sons of your peo…[Read more]

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    Nick… Greetings!It appears that you are missing the Scriptural message that I have been pointing you to. The Natural Jews lost out when God ended their covenant because of their constant disobedience to their agreement in 70CE. That position was then given to another People; see what Jesus said:Matthew 21:43 (New American Standard B…[Read more]

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    Nick… Greetings!To answer your question, Nick, one only has to look around at the world’s geography to see the results of the Flood in Noah’s day. And where did all those pre-deluge people go? They were indeed destroyed from the face of the earth. Flushed away and never seen again.Jesus made that comparison for a reason. The same end await…[Read more]

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