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    samual replied to the topic The Second Death in the forum Prophecy 15 years, 7 months ago

    Georg… Greetings!Correct me if I am wrong, but isn’t this rendition of Rome, Napoleon and the Vatican fulfilling the prophecies of Revelation originally from the writings of Charles Taze Russell? If so, what do you suppose he would have proposed about the events that have taken place since 1916 had he lived to this day? Do you believe he wou…[Read more]

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    samual replied to the topic The Second Death in the forum Prophecy 15 years, 7 months ago

    Nick… Greetings!There is no sanction against reasoning on the Scriptures. Your disbelief in the Second Death having taken place prior to our time does not agree with recorded Scriptural events. Let’s take a serious look at what the Scriptures tell us:Matthew 12:32 (New American Standard Bible)“Whoever speaks a word against the Son of Man, it sh…[Read more]

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    samual replied to the topic The Second Death in the forum Prophecy 15 years, 7 months ago

    Georg… Greetings!Yes! I have noticed that many others feel the same as I do about their belief; this is to be expected; after all, wasn’t it Jesus who asked:Luke 18:8 (New American Standard Bible)“I tell you that He will bring about justice for them quickly. However, when the Son of Man comes, will He find faith on the earth?”Quite obvious…[Read more]

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    samual replied to the topic The Second Death in the forum Prophecy 15 years, 7 months ago

    Georg… Greetings!Please consider closely the following:Actually, Georg, the idea that “all men to be saved” (1 Timothy 2:3-4) is FALSE. The reason is quite “simple” if you search into the Scriptures with an open mind and “listen to what the Spirit says to the churches (congregations).” (Revelation 2:7)The Apostle Paul states the following:2 T…[Read more]

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    samual replied to the topic The Second Death in the forum Prophecy 15 years, 7 months ago

    Samuel… Greetings!Your comment: “It is also to my belief that there are some very literal aspects of Revelation as well as through out the whole Bible. In fact a lot of things are both Allegory and Literal at the same time.”I most definitely agree with your conclusion above; however, I must point out to you that symbolism, symbolic repre…[Read more]

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    samual replied to the topic The Second Death in the forum Prophecy 15 years, 7 months ago

    Georg… Greetings!Sorry for taking so long getting back to you on this topic, but I seem to be traveling a lot these days. Your Scriptural reference to what Jesus said “Mat 10:15 Verily I say unto you, It shall be more tolerable for the land of Sodom and Gomorrah in the day of judgment, than for that city” has another meaning than the one you h…[Read more]

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    samual replied to the topic The Second Death in the forum Prophecy 15 years, 7 months ago

    Georg… Greetings!Many Bible Students seem to be confused regarding what the “breath of life” is in reality. If we return to the first mention of its activity, we can better understand by considering what it accomplished.Genesis 2:7 (Darby Translation)“And Jehovah Elohim formed Man, dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath…[Read more]

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    samual replied to the topic The Second Death in the forum Prophecy 15 years, 7 months ago

    Georg… Greetings!As you say, “the Holy Spirit was not given until after Christ ascended into heaven.” This fact was recorded for us in Acts chapter 2. But consider this point: Was Pentecost the only time Holy Spirit was active throughout human existence? Jeroboam’s entire family was cursed because of his sins against God. That point was made ve…[Read more]

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    samual replied to the topic The Second Death in the forum Prophecy 15 years, 7 months ago

    Meerkat… Greetings!Your remark is partly true: “I am not convinced that it speaks of all individuals being gathered all into one place for there final destination for all eternity to be given to them, ie., eternal torment for those who do not believe so they are necessarily all wicked.”There is not enough space in any country to gather all human…[Read more]

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    samual replied to the topic The Second Death in the forum Prophecy 15 years, 7 months ago

    Meercat… Greetings!Although there is much symbolic representation throughout Revelation, you cannot dispute what Jesus stated:Matthew 25:41;46 (New American Standard Bible)“Then He will also say to those on His left, 'Depart from Me, accursed ones, into the eternal fire which has been prepared for the devil and his angels …These will go away into…[Read more]

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    samual replied to the topic The Second Death in the forum Prophecy 15 years, 7 months ago

    Cindy… Greetings!On the topic of the “second death” do you believe there are those living or those that have lived in past times that have already experienced that death? The reason I ask this question is because of what is written in 1 Kings 13:33-34; 14:1-13 regarding Jeroboam. Give that passage a read and do let me know your thoughts. God…[Read more]

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    samual replied to the topic The Second Death in the forum Prophecy 15 years, 7 months ago

    Georg & Nick… Greetings!Yes, you are very right! I guess I thought that part was already established and not necessary to consider on a Bible Study group like this board. Guess I was wrong.Okay, then; let’s see what the Scriptures tell us as to what the “soul” really is:Genesis 2:7 (Darby Translation)“And Jehovah Elohim formed Man, dust of t…[Read more]

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    samual replied to the topic Preterism in the forum Prophecy 15 years, 7 months ago

    BT/RS… Greetings!Correct me if I am wrong, BT, but are you agreeing that the Scriptures and at least some prophecies within extend past 70CE? If so, then we can now move on to other topics and dig deeper into the Word of God.I tend to side with RS on this note. As I’ve mentioned before, many folks have their own ideas as to what the Scr…[Read more]

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    samual replied to the topic Preterism in the forum Prophecy 15 years, 7 months ago

    BT/RS… Greetings!And around and Round we go! All Scriptures and history considered, there is truth in both views without much doubt. However, the evidence points to a continuation of God’s Kingdom on Earth (the Globe) and does not end with the destruction of Jerusalem in 70CE. One Scripture that I have made reference to before must be con…[Read more]

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    samual replied to the topic Preterism in the forum Prophecy 15 years, 8 months ago

    To All Contributors… Greetings!Throughout our discussion of Preterist interpretation of Scriptural events, it appears to me that the topic fails to reach any satisfying conclusion. This reminds me of those that support the Trinity Doctrine in that they hold tightly to their belief and all Scriptural evidence refuting that belief is flatly r…[Read more]

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    samual replied to the topic Preterism in the forum Prophecy 15 years, 8 months ago

    BT… Greetings!Unlike others, I do understand that John was writing to counterpoise, not unlike the ancient prophets did in their time. However, as you are well aware, their writings (prophecies) stretched down through the centuries before reaching fulfillment as does John’s Revelation account.One such example is the very first prophecy rec…[Read more]

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    samual replied to the topic Preterism in the forum Prophecy 15 years, 8 months ago

    BT… Greetings!My questions to you, then, is this: Are you saying that Armageddon occurred back in 70CE? Was Satan and his minions abyssed at that time and therefore we are now living in a world of peace and harmony under God’s Kingdom on earth? Has the general resurrection of dead mankind already taken place? Has Jesus Christ destroyed all “te…[Read more]

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    samual replied to the topic Preterism in the forum Prophecy 15 years, 8 months ago

    BT & Rabshecka… Greetings!Okay, then, let’s try this again. First, we can take BT’s question and see what we can come up with from Scripture to aid us in finding a plausible answer:“My question to is when will the power of the holy people be broken?”This question stems from the following Scripture:Daniel 12:6-7 (New American Standard Bible)“An…[Read more]

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    samual replied to the topic Preterism in the forum Prophecy 15 years, 8 months ago

    Rabsheka & BT… Greetings!What seems to be staying off the topic of the Olivet Discourse is not as it appears. Did we not agree that in order to discover truth that we had to consider both the Old and New Testament and compare what Prophet and Apostles had as their understanding of any particular subject? God’s Word is truth! The answers to all…[Read more]

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    samual replied to the topic Preterism in the forum Prophecy 15 years, 8 months ago

    BT… Greetings!As you are aware, there are symbolic representations (metaphors) used extensively throughout the Scriptures. The trick is to be able to discern what the reality is behind the metaphor. You mention: “When phrasing the time of the end we are suggesting the end of this earth and universe to boot. If earth is going to be destroyed how…[Read more]

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