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    samual replied to the topic The Second Death in the forum Prophecy 15 years, 5 months ago

    Greetings!I've been away for quite some time due to a prolonged battle with cancer; actually, the battle was more with radiation treatment than with the cancer itself. I seem to be recovering slowly and will try to get back on track with our consideration of the Scriptures.Not to sound overly complaining, but I do believe Nick and Cindy have a…[Read more]

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    samual replied to the topic The Second Death in the forum Prophecy 15 years, 6 months ago

    Nick… Greetings!What you say is partly true. The reason I caution you ragardling this conclusion is because of what Jesus said in the following parable: Luke 19 about the minas. Check this through and let me know your findings. God bless!

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    samual replied to the topic The Second Death in the forum Prophecy 15 years, 6 months ago

    Theodorej… Greetings!Traveling through this subject matter on Natural and Spiritual Israel according to the Scriptural evidence presented it becomes apparent that misconceptions are easily formed due to the Promises of God to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob (a covenant) and the New Covenant between Jesus Christ and the Faithful Followers. It seems d…[Read more]

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    samual replied to the topic The Second Death in the forum Prophecy 15 years, 6 months ago

    Georg… Greetings!Your last reply rejected the Scriptural information that refuted the idea that Natural Israel remains in God’s Favor. Both Jesus and the Apostle Paul made the point clear that “all nations” would now be termed New Jerusalem. It isn’t me that is having difficulty understanding the Word of God, but yourself. You are trapped i…[Read more]

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    samual replied to the topic The Second Death in the forum Prophecy 15 years, 6 months ago

    Georg… Greetings!Seeing that there is no inconsistency within the Scriptures, and that Jesus and the Apostles accurately represented the will of God in all their recorded words, I would have you explain to me just what Paul and Jesus meant by saying the following remarks:Matthew 21:42-43 (New American Standard Bible)“Jesus said to them, ‘Did you n…[Read more]

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    samual replied to the topic The Second Death in the forum Prophecy 15 years, 6 months ago

    Georg… Greetings!Your Scriptural references from Jeremiah and Ezekiel took place prior and during the Babylon era, when unrepentant Jerusalem refused to heed the warnings from these prophets and were deported to Babylon after their beloved city was taken. (circa 607 BC) The passages you quoted showed that God would recover them from their c…[Read more]

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    samual replied to the topic The Second Death in the forum Prophecy 15 years, 6 months ago

    Georg… Greetings!You say: “That covenant had nothing to do with the covenant God made with Abraham.”I’m afraid that you are mistaken. If you look at what God said to Abraham, you can see the implications that include Abraham’s descendents:Genesis 17:7 (New American Standard Bible)“I will establish My covenant between Me and you and your descen…[Read more]

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    samual replied to the topic The Second Death in the forum Prophecy 15 years, 6 months ago

    Nick and Georg… Greetings!What you say is Scripturally true in a sense as can be seen from the following verse:Revelation 21:14 (New American Standard Bible)“And the wall of the city had twelve foundation stones, and on them were the twelve names of the twelve apostles of the Lamb.” As you know, the twelve Apostles were all Israelites, natur…[Read more]

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    samual replied to the topic The Second Death in the forum Prophecy 15 years, 6 months ago

    Nick and Georg… Greetings!There are things written that obviously are difficult to comprehend for many that study the Scriptures. The relationship between ancient Israel and God as it was in the past is just one of those. You made reference to several passages to support your view that Natural Israel remains in God’s favor. Let’s examine a cou…[Read more]

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    samual replied to the topic The Second Death in the forum Prophecy 15 years, 6 months ago

    Georg… Greetings!I can agree with much of your understanding about the upcoming end of this system of things, but not this comment:“Rev. 21:8 has no relevance to the previous scripture. These are the kind of people who in this life have done such evil crimes, that after they were resurrected they could not, or would not repent; they ended up in…[Read more]

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    samual replied to the topic The Second Death in the forum Prophecy 15 years, 6 months ago

    Nick… Greetings!You appear to be convinced that Natural Israel remains in God’s favor and reject all Scriptural reference that refutes that claim. By so doing, Nick, you negate the sacrifice Jesus made on behalf all mankind.Both Jesus and the Apostle Paul made it very clear that this arrangement was no longer in effect when they said:Matthew 21:…[Read more]

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    samual replied to the topic The Second Death in the forum Prophecy 15 years, 6 months ago

    Georg… Greetings!You are correct in your assessment and application of the timing of events mentioned. However, I was attempting to draw out the implications stated so clearly in Revelation 21:8 as they relate to Revelation 19:11-21.If we go back to other Scriptures, perhaps you can better see what I meant:Matthew 24:37-39 (New American S…[Read more]

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    samual replied to the topic The Second Death in the forum Prophecy 15 years, 6 months ago

    Nick… Greetings!Your reply indicates to me that you are on the right track in what you understand about Revelation 19:11-21, but with one slight deviation, I believe. Let me explain from what the Scriptures tell us:Revelation 19:15 (New American Standard Bible)“From His mouth comes a sharp sword, so that with it He may strike down the nat…[Read more]

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    samual replied to the topic The Second Death in the forum Prophecy 15 years, 6 months ago

    To All… Greetings!If, then, we understand that Revelation 14:1,4 directly relates to the “elect” or the “chosen ones” who have been “purchased from among men” to reign as “kings and priests” with Christ Jesus over the earth for “a thousand years” what about those who will be earthly subjects of God's Kingdom on earth? Who are they? I leave you…[Read more]

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    samual replied to the topic The Second Death in the forum Prophecy 15 years, 7 months ago

    To All… Greetings!Getting back to the “second death” I think we should consider a couple of Scriptures that will open up another view of what it means:Revelation 2:11 (New American Standard Bible)“He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches He who overcomes will not be hurt by the second death.” Revelation 20:6 (New Amer…[Read more]

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    samual replied to the topic The Second Death in the forum Prophecy 15 years, 7 months ago

    Georg… Greetings!There seems to be a couple of spots in your comments that lead me to believe that you misunderstood my point. I’ll try to address them again but with more clarity.The first remark you made was this: “You say the 200 million are angels, you say the third part of men were killed by the angels.”Although the “200 million” referred to…[Read more]

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    samual replied to the topic The Second Death in the forum Prophecy 15 years, 7 months ago

    Georg… Greetings!Let me take another look at this your questions:“An army 200 million strong? I did not say it could not be possible; the question is, would it be necessarily? Also, today were military is being deployed over oceans; do you think a river would cause a problem to cross?”The first point that comes to mind, dealing with the first…[Read more]

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    samual replied to the topic The Second Death in the forum Prophecy 15 years, 7 months ago

    Georg… Greetings!I find your work on “The Seven Trumpets and The Seven Bowls” quite fascinating. You have placed all these events in the past with diligence toward historical accounts that seem to line up very well with recorded Scriptural prophecy. However, although I do not profess to understand all the metaphoric dialogue within the Scrip…[Read more]

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    samual replied to the topic The Second Death in the forum Prophecy 15 years, 7 months ago

    Samual… Greetings!As you likely are quite aware, the entire Bible contains much metaphoric language, especially the Revelation account by John. But Jesus and the Apostles accepted the Scriptures as the Word of God; and seeing that God never lies, what is written within the Bible, is the truth. However, it does require reasoning to ascertain t…[Read more]

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    samual replied to the topic The Second Death in the forum Prophecy 15 years, 7 months ago

    Georg… Greetings!I have read through your “Seven Trumpets and Seven Bowls” Post and will do so again very shortly before I make any comment.I do have a comment on the remarks you gave to Nick about people posting to state their views and not wanting to learn anything. It strikes me as a bit unfair. Now, I cannot speak for them, but I belie…[Read more]

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