• Profile picture of NickHassan

    Prophetically Jesus was always the promised anointed one.There is no other candidate.
    Taken from among the people like Moses, he was prepared and cleansed and filled with the Spirit.
    He showed you the way of salvation but you prefer to mock the ways of God.

    • Profile picture of Proclaimer

      So it is true then what that heavenly messenger said, that he was the Christ in the City of David. I’ve been telling you this all along.

  • Profile picture of NickHassan

    Are you a seeker of truth or one who glories in his imagined victories?

    • Profile picture of Proclaimer

      It is sad that your sense of achievement is attacking others. What kind of reward are you expecting. Be led by the Spirit and you will love people and build them up in love to help them on their God given journey. This is the real reward. Do not be fooled by that self-righteous feeling you get when you attack others.

  • Profile picture of NickHassan

    The one chosen by God to fulfill His purposes.
    The anointed one, the Son of God.

    He was conceived in Mary and made both Lord and Christ

  • Profile picture of NickHassan

    The Christ is the anointed one.
    God choosing to bless men by sharing His Spirit forever with the man Jesus and with all who join themselves to the anointed one.

  • Profile picture of NickHassan

    Prophetically yes.
    Do you grasp the reality of prophecy yet or do you only see the present?

  • Profile picture of NickHassan

    The Holy One, the God of Israel, has done all these things by His Spirit.
    His Son was known to Him from Eternity as the Christ.
    All is of God and by God’s Spirit.

  • Profile picture of NickHassan

    Understand the prophetic word.
    Read psalm 2 and know it spoke of the future.
    God promised that He would raise up a man to rules on earth for Him.

    • Profile picture of Ed J

      Is this speaking of Jesus, who is not “The Christ” yet?
      “Who hath ascended up into heaven, or descended? who hath gathered the wind in his fists? who hath bound the waters in a garment? who hath established all the ends of the earth? what is his name, and what is his son’s name, if thou canst tell?” (Prov 30:4)

    • Profile picture of Ed J

      what is his name, and
      what is his son’s name?

    • Profile picture of Proclaimer

      “He is the Christ.”
      – Messenger of God present in the City of David.

  • Profile picture of NickHassan

    We can be given a share of the fullness he was given if God joins us to him by his Spirit.
    None of us can become both Christ and Lord as God made him.
    Is this too difficult for you?

  • Profile picture of NickHassan

    Yes prophetically the child was the Christ from all eternity.
    He was promised by God and sent.
    But he was conceived in Mary and born of her in Bethlehem.
    Then cleansed by obedience to the Word in preparation for his anointing at the Jordan.

  • Profile picture of NickHassan

    You really are spiritually clueless.
    Jesus was always the Christ in prophecy.
    But his prophesied Anointing was at the Jordan river.

    • Profile picture of Proclaimer

      So Jesus was the Christ in the City of David? Yes / No.

    • Profile picture of Proclaimer

      If he was like us and received the Spirit or anointing, then why aren’t God’s people also each a Christ as they are ordinary and receive the same Spirit. Your doctrine has a gaping hole in it right?

  • Profile picture of NickHassan

    You are confused.
    How could the Spirit of Anointing be the anointed one?
    But flesh contributes nothing, so the works of the anointed one are those of the Spirit in him.
    Through Jesus Christ human vessels are accorded the privilege of sharing in the wonderful works of our amazing God. Wake up.

    • Profile picture of Proclaimer

      You teach that Jesus is not the Christ, but that Jesus Christ is the Christ. But you need to believe that Jesus is the Christ. But you say he is a man like you, nothing more. I have tested your doctrine and as you can see, it appears Antichrist. Prove to me it is not Antichrist for you to believe that Jesus is not the Christ.

  • Profile picture of NickHassan

    The Son of Man (Adam ) was a man just like you till anointed from above.
    He walked in the Spirit as we should after sharing his anointing.
    Come out of humanism and serve the God of Israel.

    • Profile picture of Proclaimer

      So your saying that Jesus is not the Christ because I am not the Christ. And yes we both know this is what you teach. You even double down on Jesus not being the Christ when you say he was not the Christ in the City of David. Jesus to you is not the Christ, he is a man without the anointing.

  • Profile picture of NickHassan

    No you are confused.
    NOW the Lord is the Spirit and where the Spirit of the Lord is there is liberty.
    Jesus is NOW one with the Spirit that anointed him at the Jordan
    It is your hope too so do not kick against the goad

  • Profile picture of NickHassan

    Jesus is the Christ, the son of the living God.
    Spoken of in prophecy and anointed with the Spirit at the Jordan.
    It seems hard for you to grasp these truths and instead you vilify those who know them.
    Whom do you serve?

  • Profile picture of NickHassan

    ‘But as for you Bethlehem Ephrathah, too little to be among the clans of Judah,
    From you ONE will go forth for ME to be ruler in Israel.
    His goings forth are from long ago, from the days of eternity ‘
    Therefore HE will give them up until the time when she who is in labor has borne a child,
    Then the remainder of his brethren will return to…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of NickHassan

    You apparently have no understanding of spiritual unity.
    Once the man Jesus of Nazareth was anointed from above and walked by the Spirit he had permanent spiritual unity with his Father God.

    • Profile picture of Proclaimer

      So your are saying that Jesus (the man as you say) is not the Christ. Rather the Spirit that was with God before Jesus was born is the Christ?

  • Profile picture of NickHassan

    Jesus of Nazareth was anointed with the Holy Spirit and power…
    That anointing is recorded at the Jordan.
    Your ignorance of prophetic matters shows you are not reborn of the Spirit.
    Blindness is no foundation for teaching others.

    • Profile picture of Ed J

      Listen to the Spirit…
      The Holy Spirit speaking through Micah says Christ (the bread from heaven)
      (Micah 5:2), came down from eternity to Bethlehem (the house of bread)!
      NOT came from eternity to the Jordan river as your carnal mind insists?

    • Profile picture of Proclaimer

      So Jesus is not the Christ Nick. That is what you are saying right?

  • Profile picture of NickHassan

    Why do you lie and say that I teach Jesus is not the Christ?

    • Profile picture of Proclaimer

      Because you clearly teach that Jesus is a man and not Christ. This is exactly what you have been saying here for some time now. Where it refers to Jesus, and not Jesus Christ, then it is a man like you without the Spirit according to you. And your refusal to allow us to get to the bottom of this matter with yes no questions are denied. In short, I…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of NickHassan

    Because you have no spiritual discernment you ascribe the works of the Spirit to Satan.
    That is not a new problem but a very dangerous one.

  • Profile picture of NickHassan

    The Holy Spirit speaking through Jesus Christ was before Abraham.
    Listen to the Spirit.

    • Profile picture of Proclaimer

      Well I have to agree with that one. lol.
      But I know what you are doing with this one.
      You are subtly teaching that Jesus is not the Christ.

    • Profile picture of Ed J

      Listen to the Spirit…
      The Holy Spirit speaking through Micah says Christ (the bread from heaven)
      (Micah 5:2), came down from eternity to Bethlehem (the house of bread)!
      NOT came from eternity to the Jordan river as your carnal mind insists?

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