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    Making the monkeys jump is refering to the mimickry of that species. I see lots of mimiciking Christianity, but I am very dissapointed it the lack of reality I see in many on this board. THAT DOES NOT INCLUDE ALL.Phoenix? You put down Jeff Benner from the very start out of ignornce or unwillingness to hear the truth. Instead you relied on the…[Read more]

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    Wooooo Hooooo! Made the monkey jump!!! Ha Ha

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    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Mar. 15 2007,18:50)Hi m42,What can you expect from monkeys?I am sure you have more to offer than just supercilious contempt.If you only come to teach and not to share in learning then have you not deemed yourself superior and unteachable?Loving your neighbour does not include such attitudes does it?1. Did not come to teach nor…[Read more]

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    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Mar. 14 2007,23:03)Hi m42, We are all learning-painfully perhaps-but learning and building faith.I am sure that at least some are growing and learning, but I doubt very very much it has anything to do with this site.

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    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Mar. 14 2007,21:27)Hi m42, Who are the monkeys? All others?That is not very graceful.With all the ungracefull things said on here and all the nonsdense, I guess I am not too concerned about it. If these sites had any purpose other then entertainment, perhaps I would take it more seriously.

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    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Mar. 14 2007,00:39)Hi m42, Where does scripture say our spirit is our personality and must be formed?I would tell you to check out the ancient Hebrew, but you are not that serious about study, so I will just ignor the question. this site has just about worn itself out for me. especially when those like kendrch and cult buster…[Read more]

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    Quote (Cult Buster @ Mar. 14 2007,12:43)JESUS IS JEHOVAH AND EQUAL WITH GOD CompareMATTHEW 13:13-15 Therefore speak I to them in parables: because they seeing see not; and hearing they hear not, neither do they understand. (14) And in them is fulfilled the prophecy of Esaias, which saith, By hearing ye shall hear, and shall not understand; and…[Read more]

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    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Mar. 13 2007,19:54)Hi m42,You say “His spirit (personality) had not been formed”.then you say”The wod spirit is literally breath or wind in both Old and New Testaments. The idea of the spirit being breath or wind does not detract from it being the presence of God.” So if you are to specific in the meaning of words why call…[Read more]

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    Quote (942767 @ Mar. 08 2007,23:07)Quote (music4two @ Mar. 07 2007,15:58)Quote (942767 @ Mar. 07 2007,02:05)Hi M42:I'm having difficulty understanding “being filled with the Holy breath” in light of the following scriptures: “As the living Father hath sent me, and I LIVE BY THE FATHER (I understand by obedience to His Word): so he that eateth me,…[Read more]

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    Hi toteach,You asked —on this journey in the first place!   ) i see a precious little girl who has a mind and will of her own already, but is not yet able – at least to my knowledge – to have “faith.”  as Jesus was made like us, i do not understand how His faith could have begun so young so as to keep Him from sin.Response —Let me make a f…[Read more]

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    Quote (Phoenix @ Mar. 09 2007,01:15)Well M42 is the clever one with the answers. Why dont you define it M42. Or is this another one of those “trick” questions where you already have a full A4 page of the answer that were wanting.So many people spout off opinions without proof. I am demanding proof. You don't want to accept my definitions then show…[Read more]

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    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Mar. 08 2007,21:11)Hi M42, First we must define SIN according to scripture as I have done.All have sinned but Paul told us sin lived in him. God only judges SIN committed.still not the question I asked. I ask to define the word “sin”. Not how you do it. Not the results of it. Not how you inherit it.What does the word mean.

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    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Mar. 08 2007,20:18)Hi m42, There are two.Sin that lives in us conceived of obedience to our lusts and Sin actions.We inherit the first and serving the god of this world commit the second.Not the question I asked.

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    Quote (Faith First @ Mar. 08 2007,04:36)1Jo 3:4  Whosoever committeth sin transgresseth also the law: for sin is the transgression of the law. Heb 10:26  For if we sin wilfully after that we have received the knowledge of the truth, there remaineth no more sacrifice for sins, Heb 10:27  But a certain fearful looking for of judgment and fiery in…[Read more]

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    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Mar. 08 2007,02:02)Hi m42, We are meant to follow Jesus. If he is different then we cannot do so. What functionality does that have?Very good point!

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    Quote (Phoenix @ Mar. 08 2007,04:49)Im talking about where you get your translations from.I know you are talking about the source of the translations. As I said you got yours from a Rabbi. Rabbis of the Jewish faith or in darkness. They have been for 2000 years. Without Christ they are in darkness and yes a Christian has a much better chance to…[Read more]

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    Quote (Phoenix @ Mar. 08 2007,00:51)Woah M42You asked for the Hebrew meaning so I thought I would ask a Rabbi if he could answer it. So I let that be known to you.Now why did you ask for in your post?Quote Still want to know if anyone on here can tell me what “Keep” means, as in keep the commandments. While you are at it perhaps you can tell me…[Read more]

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    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Mar. 08 2007,02:06)Hi m42,Hi m42,You say”One developes Godly character by having relationship with Jesus. This is why Jesus said “If you love me (develope character through relationship) then you will keep the commandments. ”  Did Jesus become like his father by associating with Him?Do we become like Jesus by just as…[Read more]

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    That is very interesting. I must admit that you make a good case. Honestly, other then for debate purposes, I really see little diference (functionally) whether Christ was filled from birth or at His baptism. I do however want to be accurate with the word and will give this further study.

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    Quote (Phoenix @ Mar. 07 2007,03:42)Hi SeekingHe didnt violate it.. he made it spiritual. Do good on the Sabbath for I am Lord of the Sabbath.Is that how the scripture went? I dont know Im guessing off the top of my head.M42Qal is to Keep… like .. to observeHiphil is to break or violate it.Thats all the Rabbi told meHugsPhoenixI find it curious…[Read more]

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