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    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Feb. 04 2007,22:39)Hi m42, Even those who obviously manifested the Spirit of God when they were with Cornelius and heard the inspired words of Peter in Acts 10 still were required by God to submit to water baptism. Paul went further in Acts 19 and enquired whether those who claimed to follow Christ were truly reborn from above…[Read more]

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    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Feb. 05 2007,01:13)Hi m42, The process of regeneration from above, the transformation of our minds and hearts unto Christ cannot begin of itself nor is it of the will of man. Christ must be planted in us and watered for the seed of the Spirit to grow and that seed of faith is not of man. Jn 1″12But as many as received Him, to…[Read more]

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    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Feb. 04 2007,22:46)Hi m42,I may have misunderstood you but: Do you accept that Jesus demands we all repent and be reborn from above? Should we all listen to Peter at pentecost? Or should we just align ourselves as best we can in our own strength with the bible and copy Jesus and that is enough?Should we not KNOW we have the…[Read more]

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    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Feb. 03 2007,21:13)Hi m42, What gospel do you preach and to whom?Nick,The gospel is simple in the process. A person must believe that Jesus was physically raised from the dead. This is not a mental ascension belief, but rather a belief in the heart which results in being regenerated from above. God judges by the heart. A…[Read more]

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    Quote (942767 @ Jan. 27 2007,03:38)Quote (942767 @ Jan. 26 2007,03:51)Quote (music4two @ Jan. 26 2007,01:22)Nick you are taking those verses out of context -The previous verses say in which way Christ emptied Himself —Therefore if there is any encouragement in Christ, if there is any consolation of love, if there is any fellowship of the Spirit,…[Read more]

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    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Jan. 26 2007,18:59)Hi m42, In Eden Adam and Eve obeyed and served Satan and made him their god thus severing their relationship with the one true God. Sin began it's rule within man and death was the result.They acquired knowledge that was unwise for them outside of a relationship with God because only within that relationship…[Read more]

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    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Jan. 26 2007,01:42)Quote (music4two @ Jan. 26 2007,01:28)Secondly you are thinking in step logic. Hebrews do not write or think in step logic but rather in block logic. In other words they write a group of things as occuring at the same time not in a sequemce or order.Hi m42, Nonetheless we are not in the form of God nor in…[Read more]

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    Secondly you are thinking in step logic. Hebrews do not write or think in step logic but rather in block logic. In other words they write a group of things as occuring at the same time not in a sequemce or order.

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    Nick you are taking those verses out of context -The previous verses say in which way Christ emptied Himself —Therefore if there is any encouragement in Christ, if there is any consolation of love, if there is any fellowship of the Spirit, if any affection and compassion,  2 make my joy complete by being of the same mind, maintaining the same…[Read more]

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    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Jan. 25 2007,21:26)Hi m42, Jesus was a man as shown in multiple scriptures.To be a man he had to meet several criteria.He had to have a perishable human body.He had to be body, soul and spirit.He had to be mortal.He was all these things.Man is MADE IN THE IMAGE of God but God has no such body and so the likeness is as to the…[Read more]

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    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Jan. 25 2007,19:59)Hi m42, Perhaps the care that Jesus took in what he said on these matters relates to what you say.His situation was unique. He had divine origins but did not come with that glory or in those powers and he presented himself preferably as son of man rather than Son of God. He did not want the confusion that…[Read more]

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    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Jan. 25 2007,18:25)Hi m42,Pasting the same post in several threads without need or request is regarded as spamming.OK – One of the primary tnenets of the doctrine of the Trinity is the dual-natue of Christ or ascerting that Jesus is God. All three of these threads hang on the same proofs of those doctrines. All posts I have…[Read more]

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    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Jan. 25 2007,17:48)Hi m42, Spamming is not welcome. Please limit your posting to one thread and do not repeat it it many.Is posting the same scripture in several threads “spamming”? Is talking about those scriptures in several thread “spamming”?Is having several threads on the same subject “Spamming”?I did not think about it…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of music4two

    Since the Trinity is being discussed in several places you will read this post in several threads.Did the apostles ever teach that God could come down to live as a man? No! In fact they were utterly disgusted with that concept.Acts 14 8At Lystra a man was sitting who had no strength in his feet, lame from his mother's womb, who had never walked.…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of music4two

    Since the Trinity is being discussed in several places you will read this post in several threads.Did the apostles ever teach that God could come down to live as a man? No! In fact they were utterly disgusted with that concept.Acts 14 8At Lystra a man was sitting who had no strength in his feet, lame from his mother's womb, who had never walked.…[Read more]

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    Quote (Cult Buster @ Dec. 29 2006,04:08)Jesus is the LORD thy God.Luk 4:2  (Jesus)  Being forty days tempted of the devil.Luk 4:12  And Jesus answering said unto him, It is said, Thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy God. Who was being tempted here? Jesus;    The Lord thy God. Mar 2:28  Therefore the Son of man is Lord also of the sabbath. Exo 20:10…[Read more]

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    Quote (WorshippingJesus @ Dec. 27 2006,23:39)Quote NH, Again you run off on a tangent. I have no fear of letting my words being judged by scripture but in my original post I did not even elude to doing anything in my own strength.  I do not know your motives in bringing that into the conversation, but I am not going there. must you controll the…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of music4two

    NH, Again you run off on a tangent. I have no fear of letting my words being judged by scripture but in my original post I did not even elude to doing anything in my own strength. I do not know your motives in bringing that into the conversation, but I am not going there. must you controll the direction of the thread? It seems you search to find…[Read more]

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    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Dec. 27 2006,03:41)Hi M42, It is no longer I THAT LIVETH but Christ that liveth in me.We cannot become like Christ by striving self effort.Copying him in our own strength frustrates the plan of God and feeds our vanity.Just to get things straight between us, i need ask a few quick questions of you. Do you believe Jesus is -1.…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of music4two

    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Dec. 27 2006,03:41)Hi M42, It is no longer I THAT LIVETH but Christ that liveth in me.We cannot become like Christ by striving self effort.Copying him in our own strength frustrates the plan of God and feeds our vanity.Nh,You know it gets very frustrating when you put words in my mouth. It seems you are just trying to find…[Read more]

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