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    Quote (kenrch @ Feb. 28 2007,19:33)Quote (music4two @ Feb. 28 2007,16:19)Quote (kenrch @ Feb. 28 2007,15:46)Quote (music4two @ Feb. 28 2007,15:36)Quote (kenrch @ Feb. 28 2007,14:59)The bible was written by the Holy Spirit.  The Holy Spirit teaches and guides us.  Why do we need man to tell us what the scriptures say.  Doesn't the Holy Spirit kn…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of music4two

    Quote (Phoenix @ Feb. 28 2007,19:21)Oh Music… I cant be bothered reading all that yet. You know what? … you can bite all you like at me… when i have studied a book for as long as you have I will have the ammunition to throw it all back at you and I know this. None of you realise how much I have learned in 2 months  and I repeat 2 months!!…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of music4two

    Quote (kenrch @ Feb. 28 2007,14:59)The bible was written by the Holy Spirit.  The Holy Spirit teaches and guides us.  Why do we need man to tell us what the scriptures say.  Doesn't the Holy Spirit know what He's doing?If you trust man (Satan's agent) you will be deceived.Certainly there are false teachers. The bible clearly speaks of these, bu…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of music4two

    Quote (Phoenix @ Feb. 28 2007,17:04)Hi MusicHmmm I havent seen you prove much (in fact anything) with scriptures of the bible. I take it you dont believe in the bible?? Its amazing… why are you here? Here to lure people to believe you? Because they believe in God and not SATAN. Music, are you saying this because you are angry because you cant…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of music4two

    Quote (Phoenix @ Feb. 28 2007,16:26)Hi MusicQuote I am happy to hear you say that. In fact understanding the culture and language of the Hebrews is the first and most important thing one can do to interpret the bible. You see the Eastern cultures (especially the Hebrew culture) were vastly different then those we are used to living in. Trying to…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of music4two

    Quote (kenrch @ Feb. 28 2007,15:46)Quote (music4two @ Feb. 28 2007,15:36)Quote (kenrch @ Feb. 28 2007,14:59)The bible was written by the Holy Spirit.  The Holy Spirit teaches and guides us.  Why do we need man to tell us what the scriptures say.  Doesn't the Holy Spirit know what He's doing?If you trust man (Satan's agent) you will be de…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of music4two

    Quote (kenrch @ Feb. 28 2007,14:59)The bible was written by the Holy Spirit.  The Holy Spirit teaches and guides us.  Why do we need man to tell us what the scriptures say.  Doesn't the Holy Spirit know what He's doing?If you trust man (Satan's agent) you will be deceived.I think these are some of the most rediculous statements I have ever seen po…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of music4two

    Quote (Phoenix @ Feb. 28 2007,04:24)Quote Quote (Phoenix @ Feb. 28 2007,01:59) LET THE BIBLE INTERPRET ITSELF!!! I agree with your statement. However, I do have a question for you. Do you think it is necessary to understand the original language the verse is written in? Do you think it is important to understand the culture in which the writers of…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of music4two

    Quote (Phoenix @ Feb. 28 2007,01:59)LET THE BIBLE INTERPRET ITSELF!!!I agree with your statement. However, I do have a question for you. Do you think it is necessary to understand the original language the verse is written in? Do you think it is important to understand the culture in which the writers of verse lived?

  • Profile picture of music4two

    Before one begins to understand the 10 commandments, it would be wise to understand from a Hebrew perspective what a commandment is in their culture.The Hebrew word for commandment is mits’vah. Most churches today, based on Western understanding of the English translations, lose the real meaning of the word. Mits’vah is not a rule, command, reg…[Read more]

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    It has become apparent to me that some on this board have not a clue as to how the Hebrew writers of scripture thought or wrote. Even some who claim an abhorance to Western thought, have not yet come to an understanding ot the Eastern cultures. Trying to understand scripture from a western thought process will always lead to missinterpretation and…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of music4two

    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Feb. 23 2007,18:42)Hi m42, No. You are a valued member here but there are some things we have not heard from you as to how we can follow Jesus. From much of what you have said it could be derived that salvation and understanding the ways of God is by our own natural human resources and it would be good if this confusion could…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of music4two

    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Feb. 23 2007,04:04)Hi M42, So from a functional point of view we can become like Christ without being born again, without the power of the Spirit, without the grace of God by just digging deep into our own resources and copying him?Good luck!I am becoming very frustrated with your putting words in my mouth. I never said you do…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of music4two

    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Feb. 23 2007,04:04)Hi M42, So from a functional point of view we can become like Christ without being born again, without the power of the Spirit, without the grace of God by just digging deep into our own resources and copying him?Good luck!did I say that. I know you are trying to stir things up to keep this venue active, but…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of music4two

    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Feb. 23 2007,00:06)Hi m42, I seem to hear you say that we copy Christ in out own strength. Is this true? Do we need to be reborn from above and be led by the Spirit to be able to follow him?I am sorry you do not understand my points. It seems you continue to compartmentalize what I say. I am speaking of an overall way of…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of music4two

    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Feb. 22 2007,19:27)Hi m42, You said”I thonk your question would be answeres with a better translation.Matthew 19:17And He said to him, “Why are you asking Me about what is good? (functional) There is only One who is good; (functional) but if you wish to enter into life, keep the commandments.”(NASB)the Greek confirmes this…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of music4two

    Quote (david @ Feb. 08 2007,02:32)Hi M42.  I think you started a thread on just this subject.  I answered you there, or directed you to where this has been discussed at great length.If you could ask a more specific question, I would be happy to answer.  But if we are discussing “hell/hades” or “hellfire” or whatever I would actually prefer to co…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of music4two

    Quote (david @ May 09 2006,07:54)You have missed my point apparently.  You were quoting from something that was roughly 100 years old.We learn.You should know this as I discussed works and faith in the “works and faith” thread that I began.  We have had these conversations before.  Yet you go digging through anti-JW websites for things that le…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of music4two

    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Feb. 05 2007,03:40)Quote (music4two @ Feb. 05 2007,01:25)Nick,This thread is not that entertaining for me. Since I do not think these forums have any value outside of entertainment, when they lose that value to a person what's the point continuing. Therefore, I am done with this thread.Hi m42, Most who come here with an open…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of music4two

    Nick,This thread is not that entertaining for me. Since I do not think these forums have any value outside of entertainment, when they lose that value to a person what's the point continuing. Therefore, I am done with this thread.

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