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    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Nov. 27 2006,02:42)Hi m42, We test doctrines, not people.We test all things.We hope you are open enough to walk with us for longer. But those who have been teachers for thirty years often find it hard to reappraise their beliefs even though we must do so to make sure we continue please the Master in whose name we work.Nick,I…[Read more]

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    Well folks, I have seen as much as I need to see. I wanted to test reactions of various people. Thank you for your cooperation. Take Care and God Bless

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    Quote (WorshippingJesus @ Nov. 25 2006,18:21)Quote Rather then continue in pointless debate on subjects of Greek language, I prefer to talk about the functionality of the Doctrine. Again I ask you what is the functionality of the Trinity, Dual nature of Christ or the interpretation of John 1 to be Christ. In what way do these concepts draw me…[Read more]

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    Quote (WorshippingJesus @ Nov. 25 2006,19:03)m42Are you a member of the Watch Tower?:;):Absolutely not!!!Absolutely not!

  • Profile picture of music4two

    Quote (Is 1:18 @ Nov. 25 2006,08:20)Hello Music4twoQuote Is the term “Word” used here literally refering to the person of Jesus Christ? Yes and no! I will explain in a bit.From the beginning Yahweh had a plan to redeem mankind. This description of God’s idea or plan was expressed as the Greek word Logos which was then translated into the term…[Read more]

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    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Nov. 24 2006,02:22)Hi m42, You say” Finally God sends His own begotten son saying surely they will respect and listen to my own son.” So you agree the son already existed so he could be sent into the world?In a word No. I do not believe Jesus existed before His birth. The plan for a Messiah and human heir to the thrown was in…[Read more]

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    When I began this subject matter, my hope was to point out that the functionality of a teaching (doctrine) was the most critical aspect. For the most part, no one responded to that side of the matter. Though I am more then capable of defending my stand from a theological and scriptural basis, the real question is why?What purpose does it serve me…[Read more]

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    In addition it should be pointed out that often many come to the conclussion that “Word” means Jesus from the scripture in I John 5 verse 7 and 8..It is necessary to understand the context so go back to verse 6. The verse literaly reads in the Greek manuscripts of 300 AD. “This is the (one) having come through the water and blood, Jesus C…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of music4two

    Quote (WorshippingJesus @ Nov. 23 2006,06:24)Quote Jesus had to be human for many reasons —1. Jesus had to be a man to be the second Adam. He fullfilled that which Adam failed to accompolish. He again achieved dominion over the earthly realm.2. Jesus had to be a man, born into the human family, so that he could be the human heir of the throne of…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of music4two

    Jesus had to be human for many reasons —1.Jesus had to be a man to be the second Adam. He fullfilled that which Adam failed to accompolish. He again achieved dominion over the earthly realm.2.Jesus had to be a man, born into the human family, so that he could be the human heir of the throne of David.3.Jesus had to be a man so that he could be…[Read more]

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    As I have read some of the statements on this site I am dissapointed to see that some have no idea how to study scripture in an honest way.Allow me to post an article I wrote several years ago about this subject.Principles for Study“We have also a more sure word of prophecy; where unto ye do well that ye take heed as unto a light that shineth in…[Read more]

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    Sorry I meant to say Arius not Origen.

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    Unfortunately, most if not all of Origen's writings were destroyed by the church. It is nearly impossible to discern precisely what he believed. We have only the arguments against surviving and must deduce from them his stand. This type of deducing is questionable at best.

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    The Way It All BeganAs written in the last chapter the crucial formula for the dual nature cannot logically exist. The questions arises, Where did this stuff come from?The idea of God being divided into 3 equal but separate persons of God has it's history in many sources. First let us look at the idea of the trinity in ancient history and what…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of music4two

    Thank you all for your comments. I did not intend to do a scriptural disertation on the subject. I know that often times it is easy to use scripture in a dishonest way. I hoped by using simple logic, I might make things more clear.

  • Profile picture of music4two

    Is Jesus God or Man? The Trinity doctrine proclaims that there is one God divided into three distinct, co-equal, omniscient, omnipresent, eternal, persons of God.  Another rendering is that the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit are manifestations of one God.  The second person of the Trinity, “God the Son”, was the divine portion in the Dual Natur…[Read more]

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    Hello Forum. I am new here and just wanted to post a few thoughts on the Dual nature of God.One of the most important questions all Christians must determine is “Who is Jesus?” The word “Christian” itself means followers of Christ. It is imperative to know who Jesus is in order to follow him. The most critical aspect in examining of a living…[Read more]

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