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- August 5, 2011 at 2:49 pm#255066
ParticipantQuote (ftk @ Aug. 05 2011,17:54) For All: If the revelation of Jesus is an event of the future it will never happen! Past has happened and can't be changed, future has not come and there is no guarantee it will come. Future may never be! Now, the present now is all we actually have. Now, Jesus is here. Now, we are saved from sin and death! Now, we take on God and become one with God! Now, God has cleansed us from foolish doctrines that put off to some ominous date, what God has given us for now. Everything Jesus did for God and mankind is for RIGHT NOW!! What God has given us now, dictates what the future can be! There is no guarantee of the future so if Gods Kingdom is for the future it may never be! The truth is the Kingdom is now, rising up in mental awareness in any or all who will hear, accept and hold fast to the words of Jesus.
The revelation of Jesus was IMO an overview of “the word of God” to the end, which was the Kingdom of God, established by Jesus. Jesus gave us Gods words which were a river of life (holy spirit truth) coming to earthen vessels called man, on earth, to fill them with the water of the word of God, the truth of who they really are in God.
Rulers of darkness, some in high religious places, taint and distort the words of God and the plan of God to keep their congregations bound and fearful, needing guidance and help. Distorted doctrines such as a misinterpreted revelation put Gods work off to a future that doesn't even exist. If you believe the truth of Jesus is for future you will never see it in your life.
Out of mankind's belly/heart shall flow rivers of living water from the throne of God. Gods work then ended with Jesus, God's future for man was given by Jesus for now for whosoever will accept and believe his words. The works of today are to work to believe. IMO, TK
What I have done in writing, “The Beast Revelation” is in effect write a book report. I have read the whole Bible and summed up the details. The only thing I can see from your words is the comment “now.” I just want you to know. I wrote the words, I stand behind them, and I will answer for them. Just as you will answer for your's. I don't apologize for what I have written, and I don't want anyone else to apologize for me either. Michae1August 3, 2011 at 2:20 am#254844michael777
ParticipantPeace also to you Mikeboll64. Thanks for the chat…
August 3, 2011 at 1:58 am#254840michael777
ParticipantI would agree that this line of questioning is straying from the topic slightly, but in order for my letter to make complete sense, this issue cannot be ignored. I mean, I use it in my figures and thoughts about the timing of Revelation, so it is fair game. I have to be able to support all portions of my letter. Although, it is not really the issue I am concerned with. I'm more concerned with discernable events of the living, then issues about ancient history. michae1
August 3, 2011 at 1:04 am#254835michael777
ParticipantThe reason I mentioned the first sentence of my last post is because, you don't get a Chinese man from a Jew. You don't get a an Indian from a Jew. The races were made on the sixth day….
August 3, 2011 at 1:01 am#254834michael777
ParticipantQuote (mikeboll64 @ Aug. 03 2011,07:36) mikeboll64,Aug. wrote:Hi Michael,
Then who are these members of mankind that were created on the 6th day?
Genesis 1:27
So God created man in his own image,
in the image of God he created him;
male and female he created them.mike
I realize there are those who say people came from monkeys, or apes, but that is just ignorant. The people who were created on the sixth day are all the races of people, who are not of Jewish lineage. Adam and Eve are of Jewish lineage. When it says that Eve is the mother of all living, it means that Christ would eventually come, be born, and save all those who believed. Eve is figuratively the mother of all living, because without Christ none would have eternal life. Eve was not literally the mother of all living. There were people living on the Earth when they were put into the garden. This is how Cain could go out and find a wife. He married someone who was not of the Jewish lineage, or those of the sixth day creation. Now, just because a person is not Jewish does not make him any less of a person. I am not Jewish. Christ was to come from the lineage of Adam, and so he did…Michae1August 2, 2011 at 10:38 pm#254816michael777
ParticipantQuote (terraricca @ Aug. 03 2011,05:10) Quote (terraricca @ Aug. 03 2011,04:25) you deny that scriptures are saying it is on the sixth day that Adam and Eve where created ;
you say it is on the eight(8)day well who is right now ?? you ? or scriptures ?
You can't interpret my writings. How are you going to interpret the Bible? We're done……..Michae1August 2, 2011 at 10:02 pm#254813michael777
ParticipantQuote (terraricca @ Aug. 03 2011,04:25) michael777 Ge 1:28 God blessed them and said to them, “Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air and over every living creature that moves on the ground.”
Ge 1:29 Then God said, “I give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it. They will be yours for food.
Ge 1:30 And to all the beasts of the earth and all the birds of the air and all the creatures that move on the ground—everything that has the breath of life in it—I give every green plant for food.” And it was so.
Ge 1:31 God saw all that he had made, and it was very good. And there was evening, and there was morning—the sixth day.this shows that Adam was created on the 6th day NOT ON THE 7TH DAY
sorry man but you are telling big story but no bottom ,end of story
I didn't say Adam was created on the seventh day. That was God's rest. He created Adam at the beginning of the eighth day, then put him into the garden which was created on the eighth day. The eighth day is the start of a new week. God did no work on the seventh. If Adam had been born on the sixth day, he would have to be at least one to two thousand years old when God put him in the garden.It would be nice, if when calling me a liar, you at least had your facts straight. Michae1
August 2, 2011 at 8:44 pm#254807michael777
ParticipantQuote (terraricca @ Aug. 03 2011,01:32) Quote (terraricca @ Aug. 03 2011,01:51) sorry but this is only your fabrication'
it is not with scriptures ,but like many a not to bad try
This fabrication, as you call it, took more than twenty-five years of learning to produce. I don't think we need to talk anymore. Thank you for your time.August 2, 2011 at 2:45 pm#254793michael777
ParticipantQuote (terraricca @ Aug. 02 2011,14:51) Quote (michael777 @ Aug. 02 2011,20:29) The Palestinian Authority is the last beast of the Bible. They are one of the nations, in addition to the other Arab nations that will soon go to war with Israel. Revelation 13 represents 7 nations and 10 kings. The Palestinian Authority is one of those nations. I explain it in the letter much better. I hope this answered your question.
michael777show me the names of those 7 nations ,and those 10 kings please ?
The countries are identified in my letter.
2 Peter 3:8 must be considered when interpreting Genesis 1 and 2.August 2, 2011 at 3:28 am#254746michael777
ParticipantQuote (mikeboll64 @ Aug. 02 2011,09:51) Quote (michael777 @ Aug. 01 2011,19:15) Finally, on the last day he rested from his work, and his rest was one thousand years or one of God's days. This was one full week or 7000 years. After God's rest he started his work again, and he created Adam.
Wasn't Adam created on the sixth day………BEFORE God rested?
Adam was created after God rested and started his work again. If Adam was created on the sixth day, then that would make Adam one to two thousand years old before he was put in the garden, which God created. If he was created at the very end of the sixth day, then he would have to be over a thousand years old, before he was put into the garden. The oldest man, in age, in the Bible was Methusaleh. I believe he was 969 years old when he died…So, when the Garden of Eden was ready for him to inhabit, Adam was created. This began the first day for the beginning of the second week, which we are in at this present time. The first week everything was created, except for Adam and Eve. The second started God's time clock again. Michae1August 2, 2011 at 3:04 am#254738michael777
ParticipantQuote (Ed J @ Aug. 02 2011,13:49) Hi Michael, Why don't you stick around for a while?
God bless
Ed J
I was just getting ready for bed. It must be around noon or one there. Here it is 10:00pm. I'll come back tomorrow. I'm sure this thread will look a lot different in the mornin'.August 2, 2011 at 2:29 am#254731michael777
ParticipantThe Palestinian Authority is the last beast of the Bible. They are one of the nations, in addition to the other Arab nations that will soon go to war with Israel. Revelation 13 represents 7 nations and 10 kings. The Palestinian Authority is one of those nations. I explain it in the letter much better. I hope this answered your question.
April 22, 2009 at 6:26 am#128478michael777
ParticipantTo whom it may concern, the riddle has been solved.
Congratuations to Sadie from Canada for giving the
correct answer. The answer is Hamas or Palestinian
rocket fire on the cities of Sderot and Ashkelon.
Thanks to all who took part. Michael777March 4, 2009 at 11:15 pm#124116michael777
ParticipantQuote (Nick Hassan @ Mar. 04 2009,06:55) Him777,
Michael, where does scripture say we must worship Jesus and not his God or we are worshiping Satan?Read John 3:18. If one does not have the Son, he is condemned already. No other religion except Christianity worships Jesus. They are all false religions. None have the Son. This is how I can make that statement. A person might as well be worshipping Satan if they worship anything other than Jesus…Michael777
October 17, 2008 at 5:36 pm#110593michael777
ParticipantHi theodorej,
You have some of what I have, stubborness. That's OK though, if we weren't that way we couldn't learn the deeper meanings.Quote
Greetings Mike…..I appreciate the short cut,however,in my pursuit of truth Iam compelled to prove all things….It is my feeling that the only one in the presense of God is the Word (Jesus)and the spirit is the essense of God….Having said that there is no one else in the heavenly realm,with the exception of the angelic host…Mankind will see God at the second coming,first 144 thousand (first fruits) than,those that would have survived the tribulation and choose to live under the rules of the kingdom which will be presided over by none other than the King of Kings and Lord of Lord….Jesus the Christ. If there were any redeemed and now in the presense of God,why would we need a resurection ….Satan is alive and well and is the God of this world and I can't disagree with the possiability of the Mahdi being the personage of satan,however,the leader of the 10 nation confederation will also be under the influence of satan…I find the Bible a fascinating timeless work of perfection….It is accomdating to the poor in spirit,meek and the humble and on the other hand it is a challendge to the wise and by design it is intended to confuse the learned…
I don't know if this will help but I have to restate what has already been said in a different way.
If Satan was speaking with God in the book of JOB he must have been in his presence. It also implies he was not by himself, but with others who were with him (Satan that is). Therefore, they must have been in heaven. Here is another group of verses that may help. Read 2nd Corinthians Chapter 5. Verse 8 especially says what we all know. To be absent from the body is to be present with the Lord. Can you see why there needs to be a resurrection if some are already with the Lord? We are not home yet. We will meet the Lord in the air with all of our families from generations and generations ago. michael777October 17, 2008 at 2:35 am#110563michael777
ParticipantQuote (Tiffany @ Oct. 17 2008,13:36) Hello 777 The first time a beast is mentioned is in Dan. chapter 7, in fact, there are four beasts mentioned.
A Lion, a bear, a leopard, and a dreadful and terrible one.
In verse 17 we are told what these beasts represent, kings/kingdoms.
Rev. 13:1 is showing the fourth beast, Rome, as being as bad as the previous three put together.
The seven heads represent the seven empires of the bible.
Mountain is a word used for Kingdom.
Ten is not the number of individuals, it is the number of completion, or all included.
666 is not a mark, it is the number of a name that identifies Antichrist.
Michael, I don't know where you got all that from; I could go on correcting you, but as every one
else; do you really have an interest in the truth?Georg
Hello Tiffany,
I've been getting corrected my entire life.
If you feel you must go right ahead.
I read all posts…michael777This is a copy of the letter referenced in my first post. It was written on June 29, 2006
Why Mahmoud Abbas is the Beast of Revelation 13.
The most important issue that must be resolved in discovering the meaning of Revelation 13 is which people are being discussed. If the wrong people are associated with the prophecies of Revelation 13 its answer can never be found. The people being referred to in Revelation 13 are the Palestinians. Once this is decided three questions have to be answered; why, how and who.
Why do the Palestinian people lack the ability to buy and sell? Due to the Hamas takeover of the Palestinian Government, Western Aid was discontinued.
How will the Palestinian people receive funds in order to buy and sell? Through a program called the Temporary International Mechanism that bypasses the Hamas controlled Palestinian Authority. This program was established on Friday June 16, 2006. This date 6/16/06 represents the day that one man was allowed to administer a program that paid the salaries of his people.
Who will provide these salaries to the Palestinians? Western Aid was resumed through the office of Mahmoud Abbas due to the Temporary International Mechanism.
Also, what group will be prevented from getting money because they did not receive the mark? Hamas.
The mark of Mahmoud Abbas was issued in the Palestinian Presidential Election of January 2005. To prevent double voting an indelible ink mark was applied to the right hand of all voters. Since Hamas boycotted these elections their members never received the mark. Revelation 13:16 states that he caused all, small and great, rich and poor, and free and bond to receive a mark in their right hand or in their foreheads. Simply by being a candidate, Mahmoud Abbas caused his people to receive the mark. Anyone who voted, either for him, or against him, were there because of him.
Hamas will not honor the Image of Mahmoud Abbas, therefore all salaries are being given to Fatah, the party of Mahmoud Abbas. The Image is what the Palestinian Authority under Mahmoud Abbas represents. This Image of Abbas is required by the international community to continue peace talks with Israel. This Image is three items. These are the renunciation of terror, the honoring of all prior Palestinian agreements, and the recognition of Israel, which can also be expressed as the acceptance of the two-state solution based on the 1967 borders. If these ideas are not followed or honored those individuals will be killed. This is happening to Hamas daily.
So here is the sum of the matter. Mahmoud Abbas, in his name, was allowed to pay his people through a program created on a date that ended in three sixes. He was elected to his people by popular vote and caused his people to take a mark. This mark was given to everyone, even those in Israeli jails, who voted. Christians were always taught these basic principles, except I have linked the number 666 with his name, while prior teaching had the mark as 666 engraved.
Lastly, why is it important that these facts be stated? The reason is fulfilled prophecy written centuries ago can only mean one thing. The author of that prophecy has to be God. Also, it distinguishes between a true and a false religion. These are the two most important issues in this writing. May your faith be stronger. The blessings of God to all who understand. Ephraim
October 16, 2008 at 11:14 pm#110529michael777
ParticipantQuote (theodorej @ Oct. 17 2008,10:16) Quote (michael777 @ Oct. 17 2008,06:27) Hi theodorej,
Thanks for the reply. I always enjoy reading them.
Concerning Armageddon, it HAS NOT been fought yet.
This war is fought after Satan has been cast out of heaven.
Christians will not be present. Satan (the Mahdi) will be
destroyed when God returns to the Earth with all his saints.
Greetings Mike…..I have ,for long as I can remember, have been unable to prove all things scriptual when it comes to the rapture….My feeling is, it is the product of misinterpretation of scripture perhaps you can shed some light on this topic…When you speak of satan being cast out of heaven….Is he in the presense of God as we speakTo refer to satan as the personage of the 12th IMAM or the Mahti is curious because muslim teachings acknowledge Jesus as well as abraham to be in the presense of allah…and the 12th Imam will return to save the world from satan….
Well don't that just sound curious!!! The Mahdi saving the world from Satan. The Mahdi is Satan.
It's like calling America the Great Satan. The classical bait and switch.Is it true that Satan IS in the presence of God at this time? I have answered this question before,
but it was asked in a different way. It was asked me how could Satan have tempted Jesus and caused
Job so much trouble if he were not present on Earth? Also, it expressly says he walked to and fro
throughout the Earth in his conversation with God. This is the main reason scholars have so much trouble
with the Bible. They cannot see a parable when it is not directly stated as one. This situation happens alot in scripture. We are taught to learn that Jesus teaches in parables but when it comes time to apply what we have learned, we all forget. Back to my point, Now learn the parable of the wilderness. The wilderness is a specific place. This parable is written in Isaiah 35. This is where Jesus was when he was tempted of Satan. Also, the word Earth in the verses of Job can also be translated as wilderness.
So you don't have to search, I will tell you what the wilderness is. It is where the redeemed of the Lord are.
It is Heaven…michael777P.S. you ask all the right questions.
October 16, 2008 at 6:27 pm#110480michael777
ParticipantHi theodorej,
Thanks for the reply. I always enjoy reading them.
Concerning Armageddon, it HAS NOT been fought yet.
This war is fought after Satan has been cast out of heaven.
Christians will not be present. Satan (the Mahdi) will be
destroyed when God returns to the Earth with all his saints.
michael777October 16, 2008 at 1:07 am#110430michael777
ParticipantQuote (lineon @ Oct. 16 2008,12:38) Hi Mike Not a to shabby theory!
But only time will tell
Who has fell
And who has been left behind.Pls. don't take offence to my words.
I'm not sure what you are asking Lineon.
Both your questions are answered in the post.
Can you rephrase the question? michael777 - AuthorPosts