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    Quote (ftk @ Aug. 05 2011,17:54)For All:  If the revelation of Jesus is an event of the future it will never happen! Past has happened and can't be changed, future has not come and there is no guarantee it will come. Future may never be! Now, the present now is all we actually have. Now, Jesus is here. Now, we are saved from sin and death! Now,…[Read more]

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    Peace also to you Mikeboll64. Thanks for the chat…

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    I would agree that this line of questioning is straying from the topic slightly, but in order for my letter to make complete sense, this issue cannot be ignored. I mean, I use it in my figures and thoughts about the timing of Revelation, so it is fair game. I have to be able to support all portions of my letter. Although, it is not really the…[Read more]

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    The reason I mentioned the first sentence of my last post is because, you don't get a Chinese man from a Jew. You don't get a an Indian from a Jew. The races were made on the sixth day….

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    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Aug. 03 2011,07:36)Hi Michael,Then who are these members of mankind that were created on the 6th day?Genesis 1:27 So God created man in his own image,   in the image of God he created him;   male and female he created them. mikeI realize there are those who say people came from monkeys, or apes, but that is just ignorant. T…[Read more]

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    Quote (terraricca @ Aug. 03 2011,05:10)Quote (terraricca @ Aug. 03 2011,04:25)you deny that scriptures are saying it is on the sixth day that Adam and Eve where created ;you say it is on the eight(8)day well who is right now ?? you ? or scriptures ?You can't interpret my writings. How are you going to interpret the Bible? We're…[Read more]

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    Quote (terraricca @ Aug. 03 2011,04:25)michael777Ge 1:28 God blessed them and said to them, “Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air and over every living creature that moves on the ground.” Ge 1:29 Then God said, “I give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of th…[Read more]

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    Quote (terraricca @ Aug. 03 2011,01:32)Quote (terraricca @ Aug. 03 2011,01:51)sorry but this is only your fabrication'it is not with scriptures ,but like many a not to bad try PierreThis fabrication, as you call it, took more than twenty-five years of learning to produce. I don't think we need to talk anymore. Thank you for your time.

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    Quote (terraricca @ Aug. 02 2011,14:51)Quote (michael777 @ Aug. 02 2011,20:29)The Palestinian Authority is the last beast of the Bible. They are one of the nations, in addition to the other Arab nations that will soon go to war with Israel. Revelation 13 represents 7 nations and 10 kings. The Palestinian Authority is one of those nations. I…[Read more]

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    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Aug. 02 2011,09:51)Quote (michael777 @ Aug. 01 2011,19:15)Finally, on the last day he rested from his work, and his rest was one thousand years or one of God's days. This was one full week or 7000 years. After God's rest he started his work again, and he created Adam.Wasn't Adam created on the sixth day………BEFORE God…[Read more]

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    Quote (Ed J @ Aug. 02 2011,13:49)Hi Michael,Why don't you stick around for a while?God blessEd Jhttp://www.holycitybiblecode.orgI was just getting ready for bed. It must be around noon or one there. Here it is 10:00pm. I'll come back tomorrow. I'm sure this thread will look a lot different in the mornin'.

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    The Palestinian Authority is the last beast of the Bible. They are one of the nations, in addition to the other Arab nations that will soon go to war with Israel. Revelation 13 represents 7 nations and 10 kings. The Palestinian Authority is one of those nations. I explain it in the letter much better. I hope this answered your question.

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    michael777 replied to the topic Our Noah's Ark in the forum Prophecy 15 years, 10 months ago

    To whom it may concern, the riddle has been solved.Congratuations to Sadie from Canada for giving the correct answer. The answer is Hamas or Palestinian rocket fire on the cities of Sderot and Ashkelon. Thanks to all who took part. Michael777

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    michael777 replied to the topic Our Noah's Ark in the forum Prophecy 15 years, 11 months ago

    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Mar. 04 2009,06:55)Him777, Michael, where does scripture say we must worship Jesus and not his God or we are worshiping Satan?   Read John 3:18. If one does not have the Son, he is condemned already. No other religion except Christianity worships Jesus. They are all false religions. None have the Son. This is how I can make…[Read more]

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    Hi theodorej, You have some of what I have, stubborness. That's OK though, if we weren't that way we couldn't learn the deeper meanings.Quote Greetings Mike…..I appreciate the short cut,however,in my pursuit of truth Iam compelled to prove all things….It is my feeling that the only one in the presense of God is the Word (Jesus)and the spirit…[Read more]

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    Quote (Tiffany @ Oct. 17 2008,13:36)Hello 777The first time a beast is mentioned is in Dan. chapter 7, in fact, there are four beasts mentioned.A Lion, a bear, a leopard, and a dreadful and terrible one.In verse 17 we are told what these beasts represent, kings/kingdoms.Rev. 13:1 is showing the fourth beast, Rome, as being as bad as the previous…[Read more]

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    Quote (theodorej @ Oct. 17 2008,10:16)Quote (michael777 @ Oct. 17 2008,06:27)Hi theodorej,Thanks for the reply. I always enjoy reading them.Concerning Armageddon, it HAS NOT been fought yet.This war is fought after Satan has been cast out of heaven.Christians will not be present. Satan (the Mahdi) will be destroyed when God returns to the Earth…[Read more]

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    Hi theodorej,Thanks for the reply. I always enjoy reading them.Concerning Armageddon, it HAS NOT been fought yet.This war is fought after Satan has been cast out of heaven.Christians will not be present. Satan (the Mahdi) will be destroyed when God returns to the Earth with all his saints.michael777

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    Quote (lineon @ Oct. 16 2008,12:38)Hi MikeNot a to shabby theory!But only time will tell Who has fellAnd who has been left behind.Pls. don't take offence to my words.LineonI'm not sure what you are asking Lineon. Both your questions are answered in the post.Can you rephrase the question? michael777

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