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    Mercy, I think you need to read the Scriptures that I have posted. John the Divine did not say that he bowed out of fear and awe. That is not what he said.And lastly cubes, as for this site, no, I'm not leaving. 🙂 As for this thread yes, you're not going to change my mind or vice versa. Other things were pointed out but certain things were…[Read more]

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    Cubes…you seem to have left out worship.John the Divine…whoever that may be… bowed down and started worshipping. That angel had to tell him at different times(twice) not to do that.Again, if you guys choose to continue on with Revelations…that's fine… but my study…led by the Holy Spirit has showed me too many red, red flags. The end of…[Read more]

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    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Oct. 03 2006,01:43)Hi lop, Other christians feed happily on this good food and it is you who have found it distasteful. We do not judge it or John and need to justify our adherence to it because it is greater than us being written by the Spirit of God.And many…many Christians ignore that book. Say it's confusing…doesn't…[Read more]

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    Lord Jesus Christ already explained that in Matthew 24That's why He starts out with Mat 24:4 And Jesus answered and said unto them, Take heed that no man deceive you. He's telling us right there…in Matthew, Mark and Luke what to look for..the signs. Right there!Quoting Daniel…Lord Jesus Christ tells us…Mat 24:15 When you therefore shall…[Read more]

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    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Oct. 03 2006,01:30)Hi lop, Jesus did not quote from any of the gospels or the letters of the apostles either. Did those speak the Words of God, or should only the OT be taken without a grain of salt?Jesus quoted from the Old Testament.The Gospels were written about Jesus and all the wonderful things He said and done.The…[Read more]

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    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Oct. 03 2006,01:11)Quote (david @ Oct. 03 2006,00:37)Quote Why is he bowing to angels?Because an angel is very powerful creature, and one that if you suddenly saw it in it's glory, may cause you to fall to the ground.  But he was corrected.Quote Rev 22:8  And I John saw these things, and heard them. And when I had heard and s…[Read more]

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    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Oct. 03 2006,01:13)hi LOP, There are seven churches shown in Rev 2-3.Cross reference to where in the Bible? Revelations?Nah. Sorry.Again, Jesus never quoted from Revelations. He quoted from the OT and what was given to the Prophets by God, our Heavenly Father.

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    Quote (david @ Oct. 03 2006,00:37)Quote Why is he bowing to angels?Because an angel is very powerful creature, and one that if you suddenly saw it in it's glory, may cause you to fall to the ground.  But he was corrected.Quote Rev 22:8  And I John saw these things, and heard them. And when I had heard and seen, I fell down to worship before the f…[Read more]

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    “phrasology”Sounds good to me! Lol.

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    Quote (david @ Oct. 03 2006,00:23)DANIEL 7:13““I kept on beholding in the visions of the night, and, see there! with the clouds of the heavens someone like a son of man happened to be coming; and to the Ancient of Days he gained access, and they brought him up close even before that One.”“someone like a son of man.”  It's not just revela…[Read more]

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    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Oct. 03 2006,00:03)Quote (life_of_praise @ Oct. 02 2006,23:54)Quote (Nick Hassan @ Oct. 02 2006,23:45)Quote (life_of_praise @ Oct. 02 2006,23:24)Daniel, Ezekiel and Zechariah.Revelation was created from those books.Books that were from these Prophets…and the prophecies given to them by God.Early Christians rejected…[Read more]

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    Quote (david @ Oct. 02 2006,23:33)Lop, you have a few times stated this:Quote Did Jesus ever say that He would kill anyones children?Jesus never talked like that…ever.Revelations never mentions the Holy Spirit…not one time.It says Spirit…but never the Holy Spirit.The end times was already prophesized. Jesus quoted from Daniel…not…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of life_of_praise

    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Oct. 02 2006,23:45)Quote (life_of_praise @ Oct. 02 2006,23:24)Daniel, Ezekiel and Zechariah.Revelation was created from those books.Books that were from these Prophets…and the prophecies given to them by God.Early Christians rejected Revelations…I see why…and they were wise to do so.hmm.Are there any other books we…[Read more]

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    Quote (david @ Oct. 02 2006,23:19)Hi Lop.First, I'd like to say that I'm sorry that your Nickname will be Lop.  It's just easier to write.  Lop.  Also, you write:Quote Also, In Daniel, God said the Books were sealed.  So why are the books open. God is not a liar.DANIEL 12:9-10“And he went on to say: “Go, Daniel, because the words are made secret…[Read more]

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    Daniel, Ezekiel and Zechariah.Revelation was created from those books.Books that were from these Prophets…and the prophecies given to them by God.Early Christians rejected Revelations…I see why…and they were wise to do so.

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    Did Jesus ever say that He would kill anyones children?Jesus never talked like that…ever.Revelations never mentions the Holy Spirit…not one time. It says Spirit…but never the Holy Spirit.The end times was already prophesized. Jesus quoted from Daniel…not Revelations.Daniel 12

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    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Oct. 02 2006,21:45)Hi lop, You say”Rev 5:6  And I beheld, and, lo, in the midst of the throne and of the four living creatures, and in the midst of the elders, stood a Lamb as though it had been slain, having seven horns and seven eyes, which are the seven Spirits of God sent forth into all the earth.” This shows that the…[Read more]

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    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Oct. 02 2006,21:41)Hi lop, You say”Now, many say that this John is the same as the John who wrote the Gospel. Well…if that was the case, then John would know who Jesus is. Rev 1:13  And in the midst of the seven lampstands one like unto the Son of man, clothed with a garment down to the foot, and girded about the breast…[Read more]

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    I understand what you're saying….but the end of times was already prophesized. That prophecy was given to Daniel.Jesus told us in Matthew, Luke and Mark about the end of times…and quoted from Daniel.In Matthew, Jesus said…Mat 24:4 And Jesus answered and said unto them, Take heed that no man deceive you. Mat 24:5 For many shall come in my…[Read more]

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    Daniel…I believe it starts at 7 on thru 12 the last chapter is the prophecy to the end of times. In Matthew 24, Luke 21, and Mark 13. Jesus talks about the end of times and quotes from Daniel.Revelations prophesizes what has already been prophesized by someone calle John the Divine…take from Daniel, Ezekiel and Zechariah.

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