4th king replied to the topic If the Jews do not believe Jesus is the Christ, is it possible they are correct? in the forum Scriptural Teachings 1 year, 5 months ago
hi Gene – This part about the heart is but one of many parts of scripture that is supposed to fool us all, only 20 percent of this bible book is truth like revelations are except for the worship parts,
The heart is the most important organ of all to open its heart chakra and fully learn with consciousness of true enlightenment as i gained…[Read more]
4th king replied to the topic If the Jews do not believe Jesus is the Christ, is it possible they are correct? in the forum Scriptural Teachings 1 year, 5 months ago
Gene you seem like a good person in all like any human i love dearly but your tunnel vision speaks for itself without even trying to understand my story by not questioning it first, – I have gained true enligtenment like those kings before me or as i did in other past lifes that lets the right side of my brain operate on a whole different level…[Read more]
4th king replied to the topic If the Jews do not believe Jesus is the Christ, is it possible they are correct? in the forum Scriptural Teachings 1 year, 5 months ago
Hello Nick – It seems your spirit is on the right track here by putting the thought of the Star wars movie into your mind, jesus says humanity has no origional thoughts & they give humans thoughts even negitive ones to help keep them away from danger etc,
You see there is much truth to the Star wars movie, the Darth Vader fellow is actually one…[Read more]
4th king replied to the topic If the Jews do not believe Jesus is the Christ, is it possible they are correct? in the forum Scriptural Teachings 1 year, 5 months ago
Your right Jehovah God speaks of the real God or source entity number o1, there faith comes from an american dentist sometime in the late 1800’s period who channed angelic beings whom gave him all the information he needed to go forth with the faith, & we are close to the time again of harvest of souls for the king of our new event space today,…[Read more]
4th king replied to the topic If the Jews do not believe Jesus is the Christ, is it possible they are correct? in the forum Scriptural Teachings 1 year, 5 months ago
Hello, – The jewish faith has alot of things right in there Kabbalah, the reason they rejected Jesus as the 3rd king was really to do with the next 4th king to come out into the public eye after the global nuclear war very soon & jesus states this in the bible when he says the son of man comes out after a war or brief war, most religious people…[Read more]
4th king posted a new activity comment 1 year, 5 months ago
Greetings & thanks for having on board, – with love from Lee 4th king.
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