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- August 1, 2022 at 2:32 am#932751
ParticipantThe Future of Jewish Israel:
As we comes closer to a showdown between Iran and the Western world, over Iran’s overt and now successful nuclear program, we Bible believing Christians should look closely at what we are told by the Bible Prophets.
God has given us much information about what will happen when Iran and their allies try to attack Israel and America, as they have plainly said they intend to do.
The best description of what the Lord will do at the moment of attack is:
Psalms 7:12-16 The enemy sharpens his sword again, strings his bow and makes it ready. It is against himself that he has prepared his deadly shafts and tipped his arrows with fire, he is in concert with iniquity, he has conceived mischief and given birth to lies. The enemy has dug a pit and made it deep, but he himself will fall into the pit he has made. His nefarious plans will recoil upon himself and the violence he planned for others, will fall upon his own head. Joel 3:4
This scenario is confirmed by Jeremiah 49:35-37 and Ezekiel 32:24-25
However, the fulfilment of these Prophesies will also result in disaster for all the peoples in the Middle East, including Judah, now represented by the Jewish State of Israel, living in a small part of the holy Land.
Ezekiel 30:1-3 ….. the peoples of Egypt, Cush, Put and Libya, and the Arabs, will fall by the Sword of the Lord on His Day of Reckoning.
Zephaniah 1:4 I shall stretch My hand over Judah, over all who live in Jerusalem, I shall wipe out their false worship, ….erasing all memory of them.
Zephaniah 1:14-18 The great Day of the Lord is near and is fast approaching. …..a day of dire distress upon the people, because of their sins against the Lord……Nothing will save them from the fire of His retribution and vengeance, the whole Land will be affected, for He will make a sudden and terrible end to all who live in the Land.
Amos 2:4-5 For crime after crime of Judah, I shall grant them no reprieve, because they have spurned the Word of the Lord and have not observed His decrees…….
Therefore I will send fire upon Judah and Jerusalem will be destroyed.
Jesus made it clear too:
Matthew 8:12 Those who are born into the Kingdom will be thrown out…..
Matthew 21:43 I tell you: the Kingdom will be taken from you Jews ……
Revelation 2:9….those who claim to be Jews, but are not as they are really a synagogue of Satan.
Isaiah 29:1-4 tells us how a faithful remnant of Christian Jews, will survive the disaster which the Lord will send that will clear and cleanse the entire Middle East. Deuteronomy 32:43, Romans 9:27
Bible Prophecy is sure: this will all happen as Written. We are the generation who will see it all and for a Bible believer to not be aware of it: is very unfortunate and may result in some difficulty and a loss for them.
June 21, 2022 at 5:01 pm#932196keras
ParticipantThere is no doubt that Iran and their Shi-ite allies will make the attempt to nuke Israel and America.
They now have the missiles and nukes to do it. Just a matter now of the right time, which will also be God’s appointed time; the Day He will destroy them all. Habakkuk 2:3-4
June 13, 2022 at 10:38 pm#932090keras
ParticipantThe Destruction of Damascus:
Isaiah 17:1 Damascus will cease to be a city, she will be reduced to a heap of ruins forever desolate. Animals will live there, undisturbed.
Jeremiah 49:23-27 Of Damascus: The Syrians are covered in confusion, for they have heard news of a coming disaster, they run around in fear and trembling and panic grips them. No more joyful songs or celebrations are heard in her streets, because on that Day her young men will fall and soldiers will lie still in death. The Lord says; I will kindle a fire inside Damascus and it will devour her strongholds.
Amos 1:3-4 For crime after crime of Damascus, I will give them no reprieve because they oppressed My Land with malicious spite. Therefore I will send fire to consume her strongholds.
Zechariah 9:1-2 The Word of the Lord comes to the lands north of Israel and it will soon come upon Damascus. For to the Lord belongs all of that area and even though the cities of Lebanon have become rich, He will strip them of all their possessions and break their power. A devastating fire will devour them all.
Ref: REB. Some verses abridged and paraphrased.
All these prophecies tell of the soon to happen destruction of Damascus, Syria.
Note that in all cases, they go on to talk of other nations who are also affected by this fire judgement. Isaiah 66:16 In particular Isaiah 17:4-6 says how Jacob, that is: the 10 tribes of Israel- now the Western nations and the 2 tribes of Judah now the current State of Israel, will lose their strength. It seems that most of the world’s military forces will be destroyed. Isaiah 34:2-3, Hosea 2:18, Micah 5:10-11
Although the Sixth Seal, the next prophesied event to happen according to the sequence in Revelation, does not mention fire as the means of punishment, [there is nothing in Revelation 6:12-17 to say how it will be carried out] we can ascertain the details from parallel passages like: Isaiah 34:2-4, Isaiah 2:12-21, Joel 2:1-11, Malachi 4:1 and especially 2 Peter 3:7 & 10.
Notice in Jeremiah 49:23, how everyone knows what is coming. This can be explained by the 24 hour period between the initial flash of a Coronal Mass Ejection sunstrike and the arrival of the main mass of superheated plasma. Ezekiel 7:10-19
That it will be a single Day of destruction is confirmed by the use in every case of the Hebrew and Greek words for a 24 hour period and this fits how a CME will hit the earth and then continue on into outer space. Isaiah 63:4, Joel 1:15
Ref: logostelos.info
May 19, 2022 at 3:31 pm#931683keras
God Himself does not come to the earth until after the Millennium, as you say. Revelation 21:1-7
Armageddon happens when Jesus Returns at the beginning of the Millennium. Revelation 19:11-21
My aim and object in this thread, is to warn people of the forthcoming Day when The Lord [God or Jesus] will reset our civilization, similar to what He did in the days of Noah.
May 17, 2022 at 4:07 pm#931677keras
ParticipantI am careful to place prophesied events into their correct and logical place. You seem to miss the Lord’s terrible Day of vengeance and wrath; a worldwide and world changing disaster. The Sixth Seal, that will happen at least 7+ years before Jesus Returns.
Isaiah 63:1-6 The Lord comes from the godless nations, in His power and majesty, He tramples them in His fury, their blood spills out and splashes His garments.
At the Return He comes in blood splashed garments.
2 Thessalonians 1:6-10...the Day the Lord Jesus is revealed from heaven in flaming fire….He will reveal His glory among all believers. Revelation 14:1
What we can understand from the above Bible passages, is that the Day of the Lord, when the Son of Man takes action, is not Jesus’ Return as the King of Kings and Lord of Lords, for the Millennium reign. At the Return: ‘all will see Him’, not as in this Lord’s Day of vengeance and wrath, where He is not seen: Psalms 18:11, Luke 3:17, but ‘His power and glory will be revealed [made clear] to all believers’. 2 Thessalonians 1:10May 16, 2022 at 10:40 pm#931668keras
ParticipantThere was a King Darius:
Bisotun is located along the ancient trade route linking the Iranian high plateau with Mesopotamia and features remains from the prehistoric times to the Median, Achaemenid, Sassanian, and Ilkhanid periods. The principal monument of this archaeological site is the bas-relief and cuneiform inscription ordered by Darius I, The Great, when he rose to the throne of the Persian Empire, 521 BC. The bas-relief portrays Darius holding a bow, as a sign of sovereignty, and treading on the chest of a figure who lies on his back before him. According to legend, the figure represents Gaumata, the Median Magus and pretender to the throne whose assassination led to Darius’s rise to power. Below and around the bas-reliefs, there are ca. 1,200 lines of inscriptions telling the story of the battles Darius waged in 521-520 BC against the governors who attempted to take apart the Empire founded by Cyrus. The inscription is written in three languages. The oldest is an Elamite text referring to legends describing the king and the rebellions. This is followed by a Babylonian version of similar legends. The last phase of the inscription is particularly important, as it is here that Darius introduced for the first time the Old Persian version of his res gestae (things done). This is the only known monumental text of the Achaemenids to document the re-establishment of the Empire by Darius I. It also bears witness to the interchange of influences in the development of monumental art and writing in the region of the Persian Empire. There are also remains from the Median period (8th to 7th centuries B.C.) as well as from the Achaemenid (6th to 4th centuries B.C.) and post-Achaemenid periods.
March 17, 2022 at 9:39 am#930521keras
ParticipantIn September 1859, the Earth was struck by an awe-inspiring coronal mass ejection (CME). Astronomers observed; a brilliantly bright white flare exploded out from the sun, and auroras were seen as far south as Cuba and Jamaica.[1] This massive solar event wreaked havoc on electrical equipment across the world; telegraph wires burned off their poles, streams of fire poured forth from electrical circuits, and telegraph lines remained operative even with the batteries disconnected.
Today, electronics are way more than they were in 1859. Almost every home in the developed world is connected to an electrical grid, billions of people rely on satellites for communication, and vital supply lines depend on electricity to operate. It’s been estimated that an Electro=Magnetic Pulse attack on the United States would utterly obliterate the American energy grid and starve 90 percent of the US population. The effects of an EMP blast are similar to those of a Coronal Mass Ejection, except that a powerful enough solar blast would disable the entire planet.
How many of us are truly ready for such an event to occur? How would society and culture be affected in the long term if the Earth was hit by an electromagnetic blast like the solar storm that narrowly missed us in 2012? If all of our electronic conveniences were destroyed in the blink of an eye, modern civilization would be exposed to be as flimsy as a tinfoil hat.
With proper warning, communications satellites can be turned off before a solar storm hits the Earth. But the first stage of a CME slams into the Earth within 8 minutes, leaving no time to prepare. In this initial stage, electromagnetic radiation would block satellite signals by altering the composition of the atmosphere. With communications knocked out, it would be impossible to prepare satellites for the next stage of a solar storm. Most communications satellites wouldn’t survive the bombardment of high-speed charged particles that follows immediately behind the initial flash of light from the sun.
Military forces around the world rely on satellites for communication. Millions of monetary transactions are processed by satellites every day. People in rural areas require satellites to connect to the world, and pilots use satellites to navigate airplanes. If the second stage of a CME were to knock out the global satellite communication system, it could take months, more likely; years to bring this network back online.
While the first two stages of a massive solar storm are bad enough, the third and final stage of a CME dwarfs its precursors in terms of sheer destructive potential. Long after the radiation and charged particles associated with a CME have already made landfall on the Earth’s electromagnetic shores, a multi billion ton cloud of gas and super hot plasma would still be rushing inexorably toward us at an average speed of 3.5 million of miles per hour, taking about 24 hours to arrive.
The atmosphere protects us from being directly affected by a CME. But all hell would break loose on the surface of the planet upon contact of this mass of expelled solar matter with the Earth’s magnetosphere. Power transformers would explode all over the world, instantly plunging millions into darkness. Power lines would sag and snap, and all electronic communications systems would fail. In the case of a powerful enough solar storm, every single electronic device in the world could be destroyed instantaneously.
The planet would be without electricity, and masses of people who have been taught for generations to rely on electronics and depend on the system would suddenly be deprived of all those benefits.
The average person has no idea how to fend for themselves in a real disaster situation. Even those with a temperament suitable for such a feat have rarely amassed the means to achieve off-the-grid survival for an extended period of time.
Not only would a massive CME take down millions of phone and cable lines that serve as carriers for Internet signals, but a powerful solar storm could also fry servers in critical data centers. If, for instance, Google or Wikipedia’s servers were destroyed, it wouldn’t be much consolation to reconnect to the Internet after our long time in the dark.
Though physical records still exist of the knowledge that mankind has amassed throughout the centuries, it wouldn’t take long for books to become fuel for fires instead of the mind if a power outage lasted more than a week. If a strong enough CME were to strike the Earth, the slate of human history could potentially be wiped clean.
If the systems of our world came crashing down, those who survived would be incapable of returning to the old world even if it were magically resurrected. They would be ready for something new.
March 15, 2022 at 7:32 am#930489keras
ParticipantThanks Proclaimer, you are probably right.
But my post was to show that the forthcoming end time events will commence with signs in the sun and moon. They will be very dramatic and world changing.
November 29, 2021 at 9:10 pm#892056keras
ParticipantALL THE MILITARY DESTROYED – The powerful electromagnetic pulse of the CME sun explosion of the Lords Day of fiery wrath, will disable ships, tanks and aircraft. It will also cause explosive devices to either explode or be neutralized.
Jer. 50:22-23 The noise of battle is heard, see how the hammer of the whole world is broken.
Hosea 2:18 …I shall break the bow and all weapons of war and sweep them off the earth.
Micah 5:5-11 On that Day, I will destroy your military fortifications.
Zephaniah 1:16 A Day of battle cries against the fortified cities and towns.
Isaiah 30:25b On the Day of massacre, when fortresses fall.
Amos 5:9 Destruction will flash forth onto the mighty, against their strongholds.
Jeremiah 50:27 Put all warriors to the sword, lead them to slaughter, for their time has come.
September 27, 2021 at 1:59 pm#890783keras
ParticipantThe Italian word influencia means influence, meaning the influence of the cosmos in the case of influenza illness. This reflects the belief of our ancestors that events in the sky and the Earth effects, are interrelated. It may well be that they were right.
Changes in geomagnetic and solar activity , can act to alter the regulatory processes of organisms, blood pressure, immune, neurological, cardiac and some other important life-supporting processes in living organisms.
There are studies which show that sunspot radiation and geomagnetic disturbances can exacerbate existing diseases, can lead to cardiac arrhythmias, cardiovascular disease and a significant increase in hospitalization rates for mental disorders, depression, suicide attempts and cause respiratory diseases from new viral strains.
A sunspot is a huge vortex of superhot plasma on the surface of the sun. When active, they affect the earth’s magnetic field. They can also explode out massive amounts of ejecta, which can severely affect the earth.
The use of ultraviolet and X-ray radiation in the laboratory proved that the occurrence of new virulent infectious diseases can originate from sunspots and their cosmic radiation.
There is a correlation between the peaks of the 11 year sunspot cycle and influenza epidemics;
!918- 20 The Spanish flu Solar cycle 15
1957-58 Asian flu Solar cycle 19
!968-70 Hong Kong flu Solar cycle 20
2002-03 SARS & Bird flu Solar cycle 23
2019-21 Covid 19 and variants Solar cycle 25
What is the main cause of mutations?
Radiation: which can be from nuclear, or microwave activity, but it mainly comes from our sun. Radiation can cause antigenic shift in the DNA of any living organism.
When the antigenic shift in a virus changes it, our bodies fail to recognize its attack and we are vulnerable to sickness and death.
September 26, 2021 at 9:12 am#890733keras
ParticipantZechariah 9:14-15 The Lord will appear over His people and His weapon of judgement will flash like lightning. His war shofar will make a great sound, accompanied by a terrible whirlwind. The Lord will protect His people and they will exult in His deliverance. Paralleled by Isaiah 30:26
Zechariah 10:1-12 For now, your false gods and idols give empty promises, dreams and delusions. So My people are left to wander about, like sheep and distressed for the lack of a proper shepherd.
The Lord’s anger burns against the leaders of His people, they will fall on the Day of His wrath.
For the Lord will care for His flock, He will strengthen the House of Judah and save the House of Joseph. From Judah will come the leaders that will be My battleaxe and they will rout the enemy, because I am with them. The warriors of Ephraim will exult and rejoice in the Lord’s victory and in their deliverance. The families of the Lord’s people will see and be glad with what the Lord has done.
The pride of the nations will be brought low, but Israel’s strength will be in the Lord, they will march proudly in His Name.
He will whistle and call them in. His redeemed people, though now in far off lands, they will answer the call. They will return to their heritage, bringing their children with them. The Lord will bring them home from every nation around the world and He will lead them into Gilead and Lebanon until there is no more room for them all. They will pass through rivers that will dry up for them to cross.
The Lord will give rain in due season, grass in the fields and fruit abundantly. On the Day the Lord takes action, He will save His flock. For they are like precious gems in His crown, they will sparkle all over His Land. What wealth is theirs! What beauty! Good food and drink will give health and strength to the young men and women. Ref: REB, CJB.
This prophecy reiterates the great promise of God to His righteous people, whether they are true descendants of Jacob or grafted in Christians. The Lord will protect them on His great Day of judgement and punishment of the nations, as He brings down the pride of His enemies, but the strength of all true believers is in the Lord. He will be revealed to them; 2 Thess. 1:10, and will direct them into the Holy Land as He did with ancient Israel. 1 Corinthians 10:4 This is not the Return in glory, to come later.
All of that area given so long ago to Abraham, will be burnt, devastated and depopulated by the Lord’s Day of wrath – lightning flashes, great noise, earthquakes and powerful storms – as described here and in other prophesies as a coronal mass ejection, explosion of the sun, that will affect all of the world, but primarily the Middle East region. Zephaniah 2:4, Ezekiel 30:1-5, Amos 1, 2 Peter 3:7
Ezekiel 36:8 But you mountains of Israel, put forth your branches and bear fruit, for the homecoming of My people is near.
This and many other prophesies say how the Lord will send rain and the holy Land will quickly regenerate into a Land of plenty and prosperity, ready for the great emigration of all the Lord’s Christian peoples. Psalms 107 They will live there as the rest of the end time prophesies unfold and it is them who say to Jesus: Blessed is He who comes in the Name of the Lord! Be ready for the whistle!
September 23, 2021 at 9:25 am#890651keras
ParticipantZechariah 9:14-17 The Lord will appear over them. His arrow will flash like lightning. The Lord will sound the trumpet and advance with the storm winds of the south. He will protect the sons of Zion, they will prevail [over their enemies] and exult as if drunk with wine.
On that Day, the Lord will save his own people, like a flock, for they are precious to Him and they will adorn His Land. They will live in plenty and prosperity.
Zechariah 10:1-3 Ask the Lord for rain, He who makes the storm clouds, and He will give it at the right time. Do not rely on divination. Your leaders do not give good counsel or guide the people properly. They will be punished.
Zechariah 10:4-7 The Lord will care for His flock. From Judah will come strong leaders, they will prevail, because the Lord is with them. I shall give triumph to the House of Judah and victory to the House of Joseph. I shall restore them, in My compassion, it will be as though I never cast them off. So, the Ephraimites will be like warriors, they will rejoice in the Lord.
Zechariah 10:8-10 I shall whistle to call them in, for I have delivered them and they will be as many as they used to be. I dispersed them among the nations, but yet, in far off lands, they will remember their God and will return. I will bring them home and lead them into [New] Israel until the Land is full.
Zechariah 10:11-12 My people will pass through Egypt – the Nile will dry up. Assyria will be brought low. But the strength of the Israelites is in the Lord, they will march into the holy Land proudly in His Name. This is the Word of the Lord. Ref: REB, NIV.
This passage of Scripture from the prophet Zechariah, is another example of how God will exact punishment on His enemies, by fire, lightning and storms, some of the effects of a CME sunstrike. Isaiah 30:25-28 “On that Day, God will save His own people”. They must rely and trust in the Lord for their redemption and sustenance. Isaiah 30:15
Wait for the whistle! Though scattered in far off lands, the Israel of God: now every faithful Christian person, Galatians 3:26-29, will acknowledge their God and will move into the holy Land, their inheritance – marching proudly in the Name of the Lord. Isaiah 35:1-10
This regathering cannot be the same event as when the Lord Jesus, sends out His angels to gather His chosen ones at the Return. Matthew 24:31. Therefore, it happens before then, soon after the Lord’s Day of vengeance and wrath, as we see in Revelation 7:9. This is in order for the Lord’s people, living in the new country of Beulah, Isaiah 62:1-5, to be His witnesses and the light to the nations and to prepare for the Return of Jesus.
September 20, 2021 at 8:43 pm#890591keras
ParticipantHi Keras, it is purely the imagination of the NT writers and Christianity thinking that Christianity replaced Israel as true Israel. Please read the Hebrew Bible properly, there is nothing about Christianity and Christian Messiah who did not fulfill any Messianic requirement as per the Hebrew Bible.
Gadam: your beliefs are unscriptural and unchristian.
Please do not post on my threads again.
September 19, 2021 at 8:05 am#890538keras
ParticipantGadam; You show a sad lack of understanding as to who are the true Israelites of God.
Look at Galatians 3:26-29 and 6:14-16 WE Christians are the Overcomers for God, literally His Israel.
The current inhabitants of thr holy Land will be uprooted, Jeremiah 12:14. Only a remnant will survive. Isaiah 29:1-4, Romans 9:27
September 18, 2021 at 8:18 pm#890515keras
ParticipantZechariah 8:2-23 Again, the word of the Lord came to me; I am very jealous for My holy Land, I am burning with jealousy for her. This is what the Lord says; I will return to Zion and dwell in Jerusalem, it will be called the City of Faithfulness and the Temple mount will be called the Holy Mountain.
This is what the Lord Almighty says; Once again old people and children will inhabit the streets of Jerusalem. Even if this may seem impossible to the remnant of this nation, will it be impossible for Me?
I am about to rescue My people from countries in the East and West and bring them back to live in Jerusalem. They will be My people and I shall be their God, in faithfulness and justice.
These are the words of the Lord of Hosts; Take heart, all you who now hear that the Temple is to be rebuilt as the prophets foretold. Before that time, there was no hiring of man or beast, because of your enemies, for I had set every man against his neighbour. But, I do not feel the same toward the remnant of this people as I did in former days, says the Lord of Hosts. For they will sow in safety, I will give them rain and the Land will yield it’s produce. This is the inheritance of My people. To the nations you, House of Judah and House of Israel, have become as a curse; now I shall save you – you will become proverbial as a blessing. Courage, do not lose heart!
These are the words of the Lord; Just as I determined to bring disaster on you when your forefathers made Me angry, so I have resolved to do good again to Jerusalem and Judah. Do not be afraid. This is what you must do; speak the truth to each other and administer true justice in your courts. Do not plot evil and do not love perjury, for all these I hate. This is the word of the Lord.
These are the words of the Lord; Keep the fasts of the 4th, 5th, 7th and 10th months. They will be festivals of joy for Judah. Love truth and peace. In future, nations and peoples will come to Jerusalem to entreat the favour of the Lord. In those days, 10 people from every nation will take hold of a Jew and say; Let us go with you, for we have heard that God is with you. Ref; REB, NIV, KJV. Some verses abridged.
‘I am about to rescue My people…they will be My people and I will be their God’. We know from New Testament teaching, that the Lord’s people are every true Christian person, Jew or Gentile. 1 Peter 2:9-10, Rev 5:9-10, Ezekiel 34:11-16 Now I shall take thought for My sheep…I will rescue them from wherever they are scattered in the Day of cloud and darkness. I shall bring them home, to their own Land and make them prosper. Isaiah 60:4, Jeremiah 31:1-6, Ezekiel 36:8-12, Amos 9:14
‘the Day of cloud and darkness’, is the Day of the Lord’s wrath, a CME sunstrike that will de-populate the entire holy Land area, also causing worldwide devastation. Isaiah 30:25-30
‘I have set every man against his neighbor’. This is the current situation in the Middle East.
‘Courage, do not lose heart’. This proves that we must pass through the terrible testing and trials of the forthcoming Day of the Lord’s vengeance and wrath. A literal Day of fire from the sky, of earthquakes, storm winds and tsunamis. It will be a period of ‘cloud and darkness’, from the smoke and ash clouds that will envelope the earth. Zeph. 1:15, Matt.24:29,Joel 2:1-2
‘Peoples will come to Jerusalem to worship the Lord, in the new Temple’. From the context of this quote and from other prophesies, it is clear that this will happen before the Return of Jesus for His Millennial, worldwide reign. Ezekiel 43:4…the Shekinah Glory of God will come into the Temple by the East gate. And even though verse 23 mentions a Jew, as one who enjoys the Lord’s favor, we know from verse 13 and many other prophesies that Christians from every nation and language, Isaiah 56:1-8, will become citizens of Beulah, Isaiah 62:1-5, the new nation formed after the judgement/punishment of fire has cleared and cleansed the entire Middle East.
Deuteronomy 32:34-43, Ezekiel 30:1-5, Jeremiah 10:18, Amos 1:2-15
August 13, 2021 at 4:54 pm#872749keras
ParticipantWe see in the prophecy of Isaiah 3:1-9; that at some future time Judah, that is: the current State of Israel, will lose its good leaders and be left in a very difficult situation, even supplies of food and water will be severely reduced. The prophet Micah also tells of this forthcoming time:
Micah 4:9-11 Why are you now crying in distress? Have you no king, no counsellors left, that you are seized with anguish, like that of a woman in labour?
Daughter of Zion; endure pain and shout like a woman in labour, for soon you must go out from the Holy Land and dwell in the desert, into the godless nations until your God redeems and delivers you from your enemies.
But now, many nations are massed against My Land. They say: Let us take it over, let our eyes gloat over Zion!
But they do not know the Lord’s purpose or understand His plan, for He has gathered them like sheaves to the threshing floor. Arise, My people, for I will give you strength and power to overcome and to divide the nations. You are to dedicate the wealth of the nations to the Lord of all the earth.
Micah 5:1 But be ready for now, the siege is pressed against you, they will strike the ruler of Israel on the cheek with a rod.
In the original Hebrew, there is no break between Micah 4:11 and Micah 5:1. The early church translators made a mistake to separate Micah 5:1 from chapter 4, as is corrected in some translations.
So we see the sequence of events: For now, we and the Jews should be ready for dramatic events, as enemies surround the State of Israel and vow to ‘wipe them off the map’. No doubt their leaders are well protected by security, but there are many ways for terrorists to hit their target and according to Bible prophecy, they will ‘hit him on the face with a rod’. A ‘rod’ is actually a slang term for a rifle, maybe a high powered snipers rifle, proved accurate to kill at up to 2.47km distance. [1.53 miles]
Then Israel will be in a state of turmoil and incompetent leaders will take control, making the country seem ripe for conquest and an attack will be made by all the peoples mentioned in Psalm 83, backed by nuke missiles from Iran.
But the Lord will act, Isaiah 33:19-12, and instigate His judgement/punishment of fire from the sun, Isaiah 30:25-28 & 66:15-16, Malachi 4:1&3, 2 Thess. 1:7-8, that will virtually depopulate the entire Middle East region. Hab. 3:12-14, Ezekiel 30:1-5, Amos 1 & 2:4-5, Jer. 30:4-7, Zephaniah 3:8, Rev. 6:12-17
Those Messianic Jewish survivors, Isaiah 29:4, will have to camp out for a short while, Hosea 12:9, as all the Holy Land is regenerated and they are joined by their brethren, all the righteous Christians. Micah 7:11-13, Ezekiel 34:11-16 & 37, Rev 7:9
Micah 1:3-4, 5:10-15 Look! The Lord is coming from His dwelling place to trample the nations! When that Day comes, The Lord says: I shall cut off the cities, destroy all military power, remove all idols and wipe out the godless peoples in My furious vengeance and wrath, because they refused to heed the truth. Hebrews 10:27
August 12, 2021 at 3:36 pm#872730keras
ParticipantAmos 9:13-15 The time is surely coming, says the Lord, when the one who plows shall overtake the one who reaps, and the treader of grapes, the one who sows the seed; the mountains shall drip sweet wine, all the hills shall flow with it. I will restore the fortunes of My people, Israel, and they shall rebuild the ruined cities and inhabit them; they shall plant vineyards and drink their wine, and they shall make gardens and eat their fruit. I will plant them upon their Land and they shall never again be plucked up out of the Land I have given them.
That scripture promises restoration for a devastated land and a scattered people and it does so in a beautiful description of overflowing fertility in field and vineyard along with an unqualified pledge of “never again” for His faithful people, from every tribe, race nation and language, Revelation 5:9-10, Isaiah 66:18b-21, to be dispossessed.
Bible prophecy refers to a divinely established Utopia (Greek- good place) in which, God puts an end to this world of injustice and unrighteousness on earth and replaces it with a world of justice and righteousness on earth.
This end times Kingdom is the covenantal kingdom, brought to its ultimate perfection and ideal consummation, here on earth. Hebrews 8:8-12 It will last for 1000 years, as Revelation 20 clearly informs us.
Daniel 7:27 The Kingly power, sovereignty and greatness of all the Kingdoms under heaven will be given to the Holy people of the Most High. Their Kingly power will last for ever and every realm will serve and obey them.
So, how will the God of justice and righteousness treat the Gentiles in establishing this utopian Kingdom on earth?
Micah 4:1-2 In days to come, the Lords House will tower above the hills. The nations will stream toward it, saying; Let us go to the House of Jacob’s God, that He may teach us His ways, for instruction comes from Zion. [and in Isaiah 2:2-4]
Zechariah 8:20 Nations and dwellers in many cities will come to Jerusalem to entreat the favour of the Lord.
Those warlike and idol worshipping peoples will be converted to godly worship, under a God of justice and peace. They will not become Israelites, but all will live together under God. This will be the situation after Jesus Returns, during His Millennium rule.
But we know from the many prophesies like Amos 9:13-15, Ezekiel 34:11-16, that the time is coming when all the Lord’s faithful Christian people will go to live in all of the holy Land, BEFORE the Return of Jesus. They will, at last, be as God always intended His people to be, His witnesses and His Light to the nations. Isaiah 42:6, Isaiah 43:10, John 15:27, Isaiah 49:8, Matthew 5:14-16
Psalms 37:29 The righteous shall possess the Land and will live there forever.
August 12, 2021 at 3:32 pm#872728keras
Revelation 20:4-5 is quite plain and clear. ONLY the martyrs yet to be killed during the Great Tribulation period of the final 3 1/2 years of this Church age, will be raised back to mortal life. NOT to immortality as yet, as they may die again, but their second death has no power over them, as their names will be Written in the Book of Life and when that Book is opened, at the GWT Judgment; after the Millennium, they will automatically receive Eternal life.
Your belief of a general resurrection when Jesus Returns is wrong and not prophesied at all. Paul does say in 1 Cor 15:23 that the dead who belong to Christ will be raised at His Return, He does NOT say ‘all’ the dead. We know that it will be only the GT martyrs and the rest of the dead wait until the end of the Mill.
1 Thessalonians 4:17 refers to those faithful people alive when Jesus Returns. They will be transported thru the atmosphere to when Jesus will be, that is; in Jerusalem.
August 5, 2021 at 8:33 am#872576keras
This last verse (2Th.1:6-8) show the glorious Return of Jesus
2 Thessalonians 1:6-8
Seeing it is a righteous thing with God to recompense tribulation to them that trouble you;
[7] And to you who are troubled rest with us, when the Lord Jesus shall be revealed from heaven with his mighty angels,
[8] In flaming fire taking vengeance on them that know not God, and that obey not the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ:.which corresponds to the sixth seal : “THE WRATH OF GOD AND OF THE LAMB” Quite Berean
Reply Keras:
2 Thessalonians 1:6-10 is not about the Return. Jesus does not Return in fire and in Verse 10, it says He is only revealed to His own people at that time.
It is the Sixth Seal event, also what Amos 5:16-20 prophesies, which happens long before the glorious Return. Your belief that Jesus will destroy the world at His Return, is wrong and proved wrong by Revelation 19:11-21.
July 21, 2021 at 7:50 pm#872312keras
ParticipantUnfulfilled prophecy simply means that it is yet to happen. NOT because hundreds of years have passed, with no sign of when it will all will take place. Ezekiel 33:33 When it [the prophesies] come, as surely they will.…
The list of predictions of when those people you quote, thought they would happen, is proof that we cannot know the Day when the Lord will strike the earth with His fiery wrath. The Return in glory will not be a surprise, as it will happen exactly 1260 days after the ‘beast’ has conquered the holy people. Rev 12:6-17
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