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    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Nov. 19 2005,13:24)Hi k4c, You are teaching beyond scriptural revelation here in my opinion. How did Jesus reveal the power and nature of the Father to the world? Did he always do this from birth? No. He was baptised in water and the Spirit of God. The fullness of deity dwelled in him as that Spirit.Acts 10.38″you know of…[Read more]

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    The Spirit of God can come into a repented person many different ways. Even though the Spirit can come into a person many different ways, God has given us an understanding of His works of salvation through all the examples and cerimonies throughout the Scriptures. These outward works have their place in spiritual growth but they are pictures of…[Read more]

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    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Nov. 19 2005,03:05)Hi k4c, Good stuff. The proof that baptism in water is insufficient by itself is the example of the magician Simon in Acts 813″ Even Simon himself believed ;and after being baptised, he continued on with Philip, as he observed signs and great miracles taking place he was constantly amazed”Yet Peter said to…[Read more]

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    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Nov. 19 2005,02:55)Hi k4c, Thank you for the clear and simple exposition.We still must be born again. We must enter the fold of the sheep through the gate and not some other way. The problem is that we “cannot see the kingdom” unless we are born again so we could be sincerely casting about in the dark and, as with the Jews who…[Read more]

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    Quote (t8 @ Nov. 19 2005,00:10)Hi guys, This has been an interesting discussion and I can see both sides to what is being said here, although I recognise that you also agree with each in many ways too. I will approach this subject with an open mind and a heart that is willing to learn.Indeed if we are cups, then in our own effort we can only clean…[Read more]

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    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Nov. 18 2005,15:28)Hi k4c, Point taken.Thank you.But the entry through the gate is comparatively easy compared with what suffering the Lamb submitted to on our behalf-except for man's pride. And the yoke which is placed on us is easy and the burden light, compared with the yoke and burden he bore.Amen to that…

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    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Nov. 18 2005,03:21)Hi k4c, Jesus said “follow me”If he had not made the way so easy then that would mean scourging and crucifixion for all of us.I'm not sure I understand what you mean. I think your saying the way is easy. Jesus never promissed an easy way. He said the way is narrow and few find it. He says we will suffer as…[Read more]

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    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Nov. 17 2005,21:40)Hi, The seed must fall to the ground and die. We die in water baptism. Rom 6.3″ Or do you not know that all of us who have been baptised into Christ Jesus have been baptised into his death? Therefore we have been buried with him through baptism into death..”Then we are watered with the word. We cannot not…[Read more]

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    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Nov. 17 2005,18:05)Hi k4c, Repentance alone is not enough. Faith alone is not enough. But both are essential. But we have to come to the gate of the sheep and go through that gate. We must die and be buried in his him though baptism in his name. Efforts at self redemption are pointless.”Unless a grain of wheat falls to the…[Read more]

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    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Nov. 17 2005,08:43)Hi david, By calling the Son of God an angel you denigrate him.Try Hebrews 1.3f”..he sat down at the right hand of the Majesty on High, having become as MUCH BETTER THAN THE ANGELS, as he has inherited a more excellent name than they””And let all the angels of God worship him””but to which of the angels has…[Read more]

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    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Nov. 17 2005,03:49)True, The prodigal son recognised his sinful fate, turned back to the father and walked back. But he was not allowed to bring his filth into the kingdom but clothed with the robes of righteousness to cover that offensive state. Such is what God requires.The covering is not the water baptism but rather the…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of k4c

    The only thing I can see within the water baptism is that it's an expression of our desire to seek God.1 Peter 3:21 Baptism, which corresponds to this, now saves you, not as a removal of dirt from the body but as an appeal to God for a clear conscience, through the resurrection of Jesus Christ.When we make the choice to be water baptized we are…[Read more]

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    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Nov. 17 2005,02:47)Hi k, Most will not be saved through repentance, faith, water and Spirit baptism. Far more will ignore the message than those who obey and enjoy the freedom from judgement of the first resurrection. But that is the best way. Most will be saved through the second resurrection which, unlike the first does mean…[Read more]

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    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Nov. 16 2005,23:00)Hik, The apostles baptised men in water and the Spirit into Christ in the name of Jesus. Were they acting out of ignorance or was that only an instruction for them and not us? Or does scripture say we now no longer need water baptism somewhere. Truth does not evolve.It is written.Did people sacrific lambs…[Read more]

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    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Nov. 16 2005,23:15)Hi k4c, We do not have free reign to teach what is not revealed. We serve a Master who wants his words treasured. Speculations confuse and divide.Show me where any of this speculation?Speculation and confusion is saying Jesus is co-equal and co-eternal with the one true God when Jesus states very clearly…[Read more]

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    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Nov. 16 2005,22:14)Hi K4c, Let's look at the basic teachings of the christian church as expounded by Paul in Heb 6.1f”Therefore leaving the elementary teaching about the Christ, let us press on to maturity,not laying again a foundation of repentance from dead works and of faith towards God, of instruction about WASHINGS and…[Read more]

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    Sorry for all the type O's…

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    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Nov. 16 2005,08:12)Hi k, The apostles, fresh from being taught by Jesus and inspired and empowered by the Spirit went out andpreached repentancebaptised in waterlaid hands on believers to receive the Spiritthereby reinforcing the meaning of the gospel message of Jesus Christ.Sometimes only some did some things. Philip did not…[Read more]

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    Quote (Bastian @ Nov. 16 2005,19:23)Hi Everyone,I registered today. I usually do not post on message boards, but I liked what I read here.Jesus is not Michael. Hebrews 1:13To which of the Angels did God ever say, sit at my right hand until I make your enemies a foot stool.  :) Have a great day B.Hebrews 1:13 To which of the Angels did God ever say,…[Read more]

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    The question of Michael and Jesus being the same is something that will take some time to see in the Scriptures. In doing so there will be many things that we will need to learn as well as unlearn. Many of the things we have been taught over the years can stop us from growing in the mysteries of God. As we look at this topic I would like to go…[Read more]

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