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    Before anyone can learn the truth about Michael they truly need to have a desire to know the truth. This desire has to be so powerful that you would be willing to lose all fellowship with those who reject this truth because they will disown you. You will have to be willing to let go of all that you have been taught to receive from God. If this is…[Read more]

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    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Dec. 10 2005,21:05)Hi k4c,It staggers ma how JWs continue to state with conviction but no evidence that One being the Son of God is another, the angel Michael. Men will fantasise and propound nonsense forever.I'm not a JW…I believe Michael is Jesus not because someone told me but rather because of hours upon hours of study…[Read more]

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    Quote (kenrch @ Dec. 10 2005,15:10)k4c,If your name is Jimmy or JANE IT MAKES NO DIFFERENCE you are who you are. If the son of God were Michael it wouldn't matter to me He's still the Son of God who gave Himself for me.   I don't like any insinuating remarks that I don't care or love Jesus.  The fact  is you are in love with a name.  I'm in lov…[Read more]

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    Quote (Ramblinrose @ Dec. 10 2005,07:54)The following article may be helpful for this topic.IS JESUS AN ARCHANGEL?BlessingsHi Ramblinrose,I'm friends with Juan and had once believe much of what he believes but God would not let me stay in my belief. He has poked and pried me into looking more closely at my faith in what I was believing. The…[Read more]

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    Quote (kenrch @ Dec. 10 2005,04:41)Hi K4c,I'm wide opened to the Word.  Please give scripture.  What advantage do we have if Michael is Jesus.  What does that change.For me other than more truth I don't see how that changes anything.  If Michael were Jesus then the Word was named Michael.  Michael became flesh and was crucified for our sins.  Our…[Read more]

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    Quote (Sultan @ Dec. 09 2005,13:33)Jesus was Michael. That is ridiculous. You take one verse out of Daniel and build a whole doctrine around it, because someone told you it was true. Please mean read the Bible, and leave those little books alone. The scripture says without the Word nothing was made that was made. If this is true then to say the…[Read more]

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    Quote (SearchingForTheTruth @ April 13 2003,01:34)Hello,T8 I enjoy the discussion group and for bringing some questions into light concerning the trinity.  Ramblinrose, I also appreciate your posts for you have also done a very thorough study.  I have to say that I am in agreement that there is one GOD, the father, and one Lord, Jesus Christ.  …[Read more]

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    I believe there is a literal kingdom coming where there will be no more wars, death, pain or sorrow. It will be a time when all weapons will be made into farming tools becasue there will be no need for them in this coming kingdom of peace and blessing in God's presence. I don't believe that time has come yet. Jesus says that until that time comes…[Read more]

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    How would they respond if they learned that I was in politics, military, law enforcment or security?Could someone be a member of the JW's is they were part of one of the above?

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    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Nov. 25 2005,18:49)Hi, Surely once we are established in Christ then our life is in God's hands. Our path each day is planned by him and every challenge is for the good of the kingdom. Angels guide and protect us and all things work together for good. What is there to fear?”Anyone who wants to save his own life will lose it…[Read more]

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    Quote (Woutlaw @ Nov. 26 2005,17:45)“Anyone who wants to save his own life will lose it and anyone who loses his life for my sake will save it” now look at the end of this passage. Notice Jesus says anyone who loses his life for MY sake will save it. Now 11 of the apostle's and many of our first century bretheren sealed their faith with their…[Read more]

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    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Nov. 26 2005,05:26)Hi Mr Bob, Perhaps so he could teach about those who live by the sword dying by the sword?The context in which the statement was made, “Live by the sword die by the sword' was not said because self-defense is wrong. It was said in the context of Jesus having to die on the cross. His mission was not to die in…[Read more]

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    Quote (Casiphus @ Nov. 25 2005,03:49)Of course, you could also phrase it: because the verse doesn't mention rape and murder, does not mean it doesn't apply to those situations.In my experience if something truly applies to one area, it applies to many.  Here is another example :Quote Jesus answered: “Watch out that no one deceives you. For many…[Read more]

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    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Nov. 25 2005,00:48)Exactly k4c. Let's stick to what is revealed.Is it plainly revealed that Jesus made 120 gallons of an alcoholic beverage for His friends and family?Can you show me where it's clearly revealed that Jesus drank fermented wine?Do we believe those who accused Jesus of many false things and count that as revealed…

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    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Nov. 24 2005,23:43)Hi k4c, I believe Michael is a son of God but where is it written that you can state so definitely that he is?Where does it say Michael is the angel of Jesus?2Peter 1.19″So we have the prophetic word made more sure, to which you do well to pay attention as to a lamp shining in a dark place, until the day…[Read more]

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    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Nov. 25 2005,00:12)Hi , If scripture says what you claim we can agree. The rest is speculation surely?Is it sin to make wine or to drink to excess?Romans 14:13 Then let us no more pass judgment on one another, but rather decide never to put a stumbling block or hindrance in the way of a brother.

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    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Nov. 24 2005,23:54)Hi k4c, Jesus was not a Nazirite. Speculations as to what he should or might have done do not add information to what scripture says about him. It is very difficult to stop grape juice fermenting in hot climates and those who wanted to do so would have to squeeze the grapes immediately prior to drinking it.…[Read more]

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    Angels are called morning stars and sons of God.Job 38:5-7 Who determined its measurements? Surely you know! Or who stretched the line upon it? To what were its foundations fastened? Or who laid its cornerstone, when the morning stars sang together, and all the sons of God shouted for joy? Isaiah tells us that a child shall be born (Jesus) and a…[Read more]

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    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Nov. 24 2005,16:14)Hi, Jesus made wine out of water and drank wine right until the last supper and in fact was labelled “a winebibber”Paul told Timothy to “take a little wine”Legalistic men proscribe such things. God does not.The word (wine) in the Bible is used for fermented grape juice as well as unfermented.We know the…[Read more]

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    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Nov. 19 2005,21:21)Hi k4c, Are you saying that reading the bible is the way of salvation, that it causes us to become clean and to be born again? That is a new gospel.The Scriptures testify of Jesus so that we can come to Him.John 5:39-40 “You search the Scriptures, for in them you think you have eternal life; and these are…[Read more]

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