jeff replied to the topic Thief on the Cross in the forum Scriptural Teachings 18 years ago
2th 2:10 And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. 2th 2:11 And for this cause God will send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: 2th 2:12 That they all may be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.
jeff replied to the topic Thief on the Cross in the forum Scriptural Teachings 18 years ago
Bible ErrorsDogmatic Christians mostly of the charismatic faith strongly warn against new translations of the Bible. They point to omitted or changed text. I have to admit I was one of these in the past. One day on may way home from work, I was listening to a radio minister preaching. The preacher was trying to illustrate something in the Word but…[Read more]
jeff replied to the topic Thief on the Cross in the forum Scriptural Teachings 18 years ago
Quote (942767 @ Feb. 17 2007,00:22)Quote (jeff @ Feb. 15 2007,19:57)Deathbed SalvationOne of the most common doctrines in the fallen church is deathbed salvation. This doctrine prompts people to be comforted at the last minute salvation of a dieing loved one. This doctrine matches the instant salvation believed by the means of a simple prayer.…[Read more]
jeff replied to the topic Cool in the forum Chatroom 18 years ago
The Father son Holy spirit as one is called the Johnnanine Comma and is an 8th centry addition to the bible trinity is a new doctrine formed in the eighth centry it is not found in any document before then. this is why the New translations omit it or mark it as added in later times.
jeff replied to the topic The Man from heaven in the forum Scriptural Teachings 18 years ago
Quote (malcolm ferris @ May 01 2006,07:22)I CORINTHIANS 15:47The first man is of the earth, earthy: the second man is the Lord from heaven. The word Lord here is Kurios which is used througout as Lord in the New Testament. Translating it as “man” is not so good in my opinion…“We shall know him for we shall be like him”God is the first and the l…[Read more]
jeff replied to the topic Thief on the Cross in the forum Scriptural Teachings 18 years ago
Their legs were broken because they were yet alive. I was as you are to try to find an answer to the contradiction but then I found that not all witnesses are true. In all things the key to knowledge is the obedience of God. The fact remains three witnesses declare there was no good thief, and only one witness there was. To obey the fathe…[Read more]
jeff replied to the topic Thief on the Cross in the forum Scriptural Teachings 18 years ago
A man cannot inter the Kingdom of God lest he is Born again.The Messiah was called the First born from the dead and the first of Many brethren.Jesus was the only to be resurected from the dead and translated the others are yet to come if the theif was with him in the kingdom then has he gone befor the rest?
jeff replied to the topic Thief on the Cross in the forum Scriptural Teachings 18 years ago
God has preserved his Word just have to have the Keys to find it
jeff replied to the topic Thief on the Cross in the forum Scriptural Teachings 18 years ago
To beleive Luke is to call Matthew and Mark liers.
jeff replied to the topic Thief on the Cross in the forum Scriptural Teachings 18 years ago
True but we must rightfully divide the Word of truth and the Key is given to use there must be two witnesses.Acording to Gods Law and to the witness of it in the new testament I am not to beleive anything unless it has two or three witnesses.
jeff replied to the topic Thief on the Cross in the forum Scriptural Teachings 18 years ago
Constantine historically wanted to baptized on his deathbed and this story was to justify him. I hope you are aware of the additions to the New testament? I wondered why there was an account in John there was only two transgressors with him.18 Where they crucified him, and two others with him, on either side one, and Jesus in the midst
jeff replied to the topic Is Christmas Biblical in the forum Truth or Tradition 18 years ago
Attis Christ of pagensAttis was the consort of Cybele, the great mother goddess of Phrygia in Asia Minor. A vegetation god, he was sometimes known as Papas, or “Father”. One of the oldest stories concerning the birth of Attis tells how the hermaphrodite AGDISTIS fell asleep, whereupon the gods tied it sgenital to a tree. Agdistis awoke with a s…[Read more]
jeff replied to the topic Is Christmas Biblical in the forum Truth or Tradition 18 years ago
Christian, Pagan mixThe so-called ‘Edict of Milan’, by which the Roman Empire reversed its policy of hostility to Christianity and accorded it full legal recognition was one of the decisive events in world history. Yet the story behind it is complicated and in some ways mysterious. Christian apologists at the time and later portrayed it as the…[Read more]
jeff replied to the topic Thief on the Cross in the forum Scriptural Teachings 18 years ago
Deathbed SalvationOne of the most common doctrines in the fallen church is deathbed salvation. This doctrine prompts people to be comforted at the last minute salvation of a dieing loved one. This doctrine matches the instant salvation believed by the means of a simple prayer. Deathbed salvation seems to come from the pleasant account found in the…[Read more]
jeff replied to the topic In a name in the forum Scriptural Teachings 18 years ago
Anyone on this site that is like minded can contact me for anything I am your servant. I am also a witness to this because I have not learned this from any man it is true. I have no church or creed but I know God is not the Messiah though the Messiah has his authority. Those who worship the Messiah as the creator are not worshiping the Father at…[Read more]
jeff replied to the topic In a name in the forum Scriptural Teachings 18 years ago
I rejoice that I after 11 years have found this site I knew I wasnt alone
jeff replied to the topic In a name in the forum Scriptural Teachings 18 years ago
This is what I ask them and it seems to silence them on the Deity lie. If he wasnt a Man (the Messiah) then he could not do what he was raised up to do.
jeff replied to the topic In a name in the forum Scriptural Teachings 18 years ago
Ro 8:29 For whom he did foreknow, he also did predestinate to be conformed to the image of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brethren. If the Messiah was the creator God then what will the brethren be? do they think they will be creators?
jeff replied to the topic In a name in the forum Scriptural Teachings 18 years ago
Ho 11:9 I will not execute the fierceness of mine anger, I will not return to destroy Ephraim: for I am God, and not man; the Holy One in the midst of thee; and I will not come in wrathGod is not a man yestuday, God is not a man today,God is not a man tomorrow!
jeff replied to the topic The Son of God in the forum Scriptural Teachings 18 years ago
I cannot beleive I have found like minded beleivers. Why though do you call The Messiah Jesus? Jesus is only 280 years old Iesus was used and before that Geezues and before that Yahshuah.