Jael replied to the topic The Trinity Doctrine is an unnecessary stumbling block in the forum Truth or Tradition 6 years, 6 months ago
And without controversy, Mankind could not be saved without the pure and holy blood sacrifice of a sinless and holy man – quid pro quo – for the sin of Adam (Man, and the First man).
Jael replied to the topic The Trinity Doctrine is an unnecessary stumbling block in the forum Truth or Tradition 6 years, 6 months ago
What exactly is t8 claiming about Jesus Christ?
Who is it that the Apostles claim is the mediator between ‘God’ and ‘Man’?
Jesus the Christ, a man but certainly not a ‘mere’ man but one who proved himself righteous, sinless and holy before Almighty God.
More than enough verses testify to this statement of concern:
Acts 2:22
“Men of Israel, li…Jael replied to the topic The Trinity Doctrine is an unnecessary stumbling block in the forum Truth or Tradition 6 years, 6 months ago
Repeat: ‘The Word of God’ is not the person but the FULFILMENT of God’s promise to send a Saviour.
Understand: To be Anointed means, ‘To set aside for Kingship and/or Priesthood’ (Jesus was both: Kingdhip over mankind and High Priesthood to God: Only the high priest could directly interact with God in the synagogue: the mediator.…[Read more]
Jael replied to the topic The Trinity Doctrine is an unnecessary stumbling block in the forum Truth or Tradition 6 years, 6 months ago
Please try to understand:
- ’The Word of God’ is not a person. Almighty God made a promise that he would send a Saviour. In the fullness of time Almighty God FULFILLED that promise.
- To ‘Come in the Flesh / Become flesh’ is not about a person – it is about a promise being FULFILLED. That promise was OF a person, a Saviour: The SERVANT of Almight…
Jael replied to the topic The Trinity Doctrine is an unnecessary stumbling block in the forum Truth or Tradition 6 years, 7 months ago
Gene, yes… Jesus was prophesied to be the son of God. Prophesy is ‘of the future’, just as the Apostle wrote: ‘We were told that man would be theruler over all things but as yet we have not seen that occur’ (paraphrased). And has Jesus taken his seat on the spiritual throne of his forefather, king David? And has Death been subdued and destroy…[Read more]
Jael replied to the topic The Trinity Doctrine is an unnecessary stumbling block in the forum Truth or Tradition 6 years, 8 months ago
The trinity is a false doctrine that all true Christians keep well clear of as an ideology.
Jesus was not a pre-existent being that ‘Came in the flesh’ (as in, was a Spirit Being and then changed to put on flesh!).
What ‘Came in the flesh’ was ‘The Word of God’…. Jehovah’s very Word that he would send a saviour (Isaiah 42:1), came to fruit…[Read more]
Jael replied to the topic The Trinity Doctrine is an unnecessary stumbling block in the forum Truth or Tradition 6 years, 8 months ago
Sorry, what is the dispute about?
Jael replied to the topic The Trinity Doctrine is an unnecessary stumbling block in the forum Truth or Tradition 6 years, 9 months ago
t8, all the things you wrote to Nick concerning the ‘Man’ in heaven before the world was, INCLUDE FAKED text.
It is clear that these have been ADDED as they do not follow the theme of the verse.
The trinity translators added in verses to include Jesus where it might declare Father as the sole doer. The things written were done after Jesus ros…[Read more]
Jael replied to the topic The Trinity Doctrine is an unnecessary stumbling block in the forum Truth or Tradition 6 years, 9 months ago
t8, I agree only that the Father created all things.
Jesus was not existent in heaven when the world was created so it cannot be that God Created all things THROUGH Jesus.
In fact, rendering the text as ‘God Created through Jesus’, is complete nonsense if Jesus IS GOD!
Saying, ‘The Father Created all things through the son’ Is also nonsens…[Read more]
Jael replied to the topic The Trinity Doctrine is an unnecessary stumbling block in the forum Truth or Tradition 6 years, 9 months ago
t8, Nick:
- ‘ had glory with the Father before the world was’
This is interesting in that the verse DOES NOT claim that had glory WHEN the world was… only BEFORE. Yet another scripture claim CREATED the world and all things within… and then another STATES that it was the FATHER who created everything ‘through’ the Son. Well, if only ha…[Read more]
Jael replied to the topic The Trinity Doctrine is an unnecessary stumbling block in the forum Truth or Tradition 7 years ago
t8, “The Son is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation.”.
When you err so easily in claiming that the Son is the firstborn over all creation with a meaning that the Son was the first created, I know then why you err so easily over other matters.
When you err so easily over the convoluted and CLEARLY BADLY ALTERED tex…[Read more]
Jael replied to the topic The Trinity Doctrine is an unnecessary stumbling block in the forum Truth or Tradition 7 years ago
t8, I understand why you are reposting something I have already answered you. I notice you don’t respond when you are proved wrong but instead try to pick out the whitened bones for your meat.
Just to reiterate. The verse stating that Jesus came in the flesh is rigidly pointed at those who steadfastly refuse to acknowledge that Jesus Christ has c…[Read more]
Jael replied to the topic The Trinity Doctrine is an unnecessary stumbling block in the forum Truth or Tradition 7 years ago
Yes, Nick..
Jesus sent the disciples ‘into the world’, sent them to oppose the evil and Satan’s regime.
Jael replied to the topic The Trinity Doctrine is an unnecessary stumbling block in the forum Truth or Tradition 7 years ago
Hi t8, what you should conclude is that you are deliberately mistaking two different things concerning ‘came (or coming) in the flesh’.
In John 1, the ‘WORD’ of God, God’s Promise to send a Saviour took on flesh, came true.
The second point was against those who refused to believe that Jesus the saviour had come (died and rose again). There wer…[Read more]
Jael replied to the topic The Trinity Doctrine is an unnecessary stumbling block in the forum Truth or Tradition 7 years ago
Yes, Gene, trinity certain makes a false image of the Son of God: ‘Jesus, a man sanctified by God’…
When scriptures calls Jesus, ‘a Man’, Trinitarians ignore it. They, instead, try to force innocent verses to claim that Jesus is saying he is God…even when Jesus goes out of his way to say, ‘I am not God’.
In fact, Jesus saying, ‘I AM not G…[Read more]
Jael replied to the topic The Trinity Doctrine is an unnecessary stumbling block in the forum Truth or Tradition 7 years ago
Gene, yes, Jesus BECAME ‘The Christ’ at his baptism at the river Jordan. You rightly state that it means, ‘Anointed ’, which is exactly what occurred to him.
But it also means, ‘Chosen One’.
If Jesus was God Almighty, isn’t it a strange thing that ALMIGHTY GOD should say to him, ‘This is my son in whom I am well pleased!’?
Thi…[Read more]
Jael replied to the topic The Trinity Doctrine is an unnecessary stumbling block in the forum Truth or Tradition 7 years ago
1) The Word became flesh. Jesus Christ came in the flesh. The Lord and messiah was born in Bethlehem.
2) That Adam was from earth and Jesus from heaven.
3) The Son of God is the prototype offspring of God. He is the image of the invisible God. All things were created through Him and for Him and he is before all things.
1) ‘Jesus’ is NOT who…[Read more]
Jael replied to the topic The Trinity Doctrine is an unnecessary stumbling block in the forum Truth or Tradition 7 years ago
Gene, it certainly appears that there is some truth in what you just said regarding mankind sinning.
If Adam had not sinned then it seems most likely that one of his offspring would at some time.
Yes, God had planned for a Saviour for such a situation: a contingency.
Remember that God requires a blood sacrifice from a pure sinless man in order…[Read more]
Jael replied to the topic The Trinity Doctrine is an unnecessary stumbling block in the forum Truth or Tradition 7 years ago
Gene, the tree of life is not a physical thing. It is a metaphor….!
Jael replied to the topic The Trinity Doctrine is an unnecessary stumbling block in the forum Truth or Tradition 7 years ago
Gene, yes, jesus’ body did not see corruption, did not perish. None the less he was given a new body that was incorruptible.
Now ask a trinitarian why, if Jesus is God, he needs to be given an incorruptible body?
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