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  • #862014

    Optical resolution online is elevated with better optical resolution determined by Transistors capability of using fewer microns through a transistor or translates into smaller semiconductors and integrated circuits used to develop smaller motherboards that is the data transceiver our iPhones, iPads, laptops, desktops which are the same motherboards 1st developed back in the 1960-70’s when our telephone company designed, manufactured, marketed our so-called Electronic telephone switching stations, before our transistors were small enough to enable small screens made from LED’s~Light Emitting Diodes, and LCD’s~ liquid crystal circuit displays OR arrays of LCD’s which as we manufacture smaller transistors to make smaller Semiconductors, Integrated Circuits that translates into smaller motherboard systems markets as 1G, 2G, 3G, 4G, 5G, which is simply better resolution defined as more a So-called Pixar’s,:which are just smaller LED’s and LCD’s or better definition defined as smaller circuits OR fewer Microns through smaller transistors.

    the online CARTEL who discovered nothing but CORRUPTION in our Patent Laws defined by crooked Patent Tribunals-Lawyers, Judges, who rewrite the histories of our Information System, always making up new words to define smaller transistors that enables slightly different forms of MALWARE or bad code ( alphanumerical code languages );used to instruct our motherboards whose math system depends upon irrefutable logic that there is only the number “1” and everything else are units of measure, which enables so-called complex Math Equations used to create so-called math modeling systems, 1st enabled by Multivariable Calculus Algebraic Math Platforms whose only limitations are the amount of storage on our motherboards either individually or together.

    our Worlds 1st such math platform was developed in 1969 APPROX by Jack Cox, while working for Manitowoc Engineering, CEO, John West who submitted it to Cornell, his Alma Mater, without prejudice by Jack Cox.

    Jack Cox then went to Microsystems International in Ottawa Ontario, a division of Norther Electric, the worlds 1st Silicon Foundry, growing mounds of Silicon on a rotating turntable by heating silica/sand to liquid which burns off other impurities then deposits Silicon, a seamless material. Onto a rotating turntable to grow molds of varying dimensions. Then slices the mound into wafers, which are cut into smaller wafers, which are used as a photographic medium where printed circuits are exposed on silicon, then other electrical conducting media are used to fill in the Photo circuitry.

    lithography were materials are pasted, etc  on wafers to create transistors, semiconductors, integrated circuits, then often hardwired/connected to create motherboard systems ~~~ which at the end of the day are still that same architecture as earlier electromechanical math calculators which are/were calculators capable of adding-multiplying  subtracting-dividing, with multiple storage or so-called registers which can be programmed with a limited quantity of math calculations.

    🗣 BLA BLA BLA there’s always more, More etc etc

    its been a 76 year old FUN FILLED life where only Interest creates the discovery of information we use to always go a step further in Time



    Hi Nick

    from reading religious scripture it appears our bibles seemingly ever changing over time originally from language species either translated from translations and/or from languages no longer spoken may be the word of God or the word of men interpreted from,other words of men. Are messages whose meanings are as different as those who read our bibles. Since no one is the same, it’s difficult to determine any form of universal religious truth considering religious literature may be considered intangible, with meaning to those who read and interpret according to their/our individual perspective.

    can it be the word of man in the form of absolute truth is the word of God ?

    while the changes in scripture on one scale is the omission of entire books and on a lessor scale little changes in grammar. 

    Help,me out here with the meaning of dogma or one verse misinterpretation ?

    thanks, await your perspective to clarify understanding of scriptures



    Hi Gene

    Good luck in your search for truth. Read the words in our Christian bible that Christ reportedly stated the day before his death. The Spirut of Truth is our Route to Absolute Truth among all things.

    2nd Timpthy 2:15 Paul told Timothy to Study to show thouself approved unto God, rightly dividing the word of Truth.

    Complex even in those days when we had little access to the untold variables that should guide us on our path while in physical form here on earth. New variables often yield old truths to be transgenic truth as we journey through time.

    time changes all things, only absolute truth passes time. Some among us might gesture the word God is a valid description of absolute Truth.

    spirituality, defined by those among us who experience spiritual manifestation is difficult for others to comprehend, so complex spirituality in a realm that defies description in the words of humanity.

    spirituality is a realm described by absolute truth if/when humanity discovers the variables that surround spirituality, a word to describe a reality that resides within the confines of a spectrum we also reside in but are currently unable to describe with the words of man because we are unable to identify, quantify or describe the variables.

    perhaps Time, Study, metaphysical transcendal meditation, and Prayer in all its forms will continue to lead us into elevated awareness that provides a spiritual access into a reality where we are aware of the essential elements required to discover the ultimate end of humanity or whatever.

    understanding biblical descriptions of heaven -vs- hell written at a time when our Anglo language reportedly had near 50,000 words, compared to now where billions of words are used within the language of humanity exposing the probability we are still in a preliteracy Era that only Information Technology can be used to sort out the linguistic variable alone, not considering other variables like; Energy, geological, physiological, chemical, bacterial, viral, fungal, elemental~etc

    artificial constructs used for simply sorting out and quantifying data to construct artificial matrices-matrix sufficient to predict the moment with a perspective into our future is in its infancy due to our entire system currently quantified and managed by the Laws and Statutes of humanity using a so-called case law system that actually redirects our efforts of discovery toward prior opinions of humanity. Defining whatever we can, cannot do as determined by lawyers  judges, tribunals, sub-cultures whose opinions are the only ones we must obey. It’s as if INSTEAD OF DICTATORS, KINGS, we suddenly have enormous numbers of people who determine everything for everyone else. To further complicate our present reality money can be used to alter the judicial opinion to allow wealthy people to be immune to laws others must obey.

    the most powerful gangs among us have gathered under our reformed education system that goes beyond literacy and methods of discovery. These gangs have developed an ” academic caste system ” whereby those accredited with diplomas are given authority over humanity in certain subjects of study like; law, medicine, accounting, etc that gives gang members sole authority over human rights, actions, property rights, family, mines, wells, mills, manufacturing, transporting, warehousing, selling, whatever we use, consume, store etc etc. each day entire new volumes are written up to define new laws often written up by unethical predators using so-called lobbyists to bribe THEIR laws into statutes we are forced to  endure

    Gangs of lawyers-medical-financial groups etc adamantly refuse hardware-software data science systems that would reveal the danger of predatory laws and regulations and provide better direction for all.

    these regulators are quietly shuttering us from research and development required IF we are to go forward into time with access to Truth.

    our national heritage are being removed under a multicultural globalist experiment that ignores our religious heritage which in reality created our communication system, designed to incorporate new variables into our alphanumeric languages. These new rulers ignore the origin of our civilization and suddenly decide their Family Dynasties WHO HAVE SEIZED OUR ASSETS in a predatory fashion, have the power of opinion without considering the variables that surround their uninformed opinions. It’s becoming worse than dictators, kings, or rulers of all manner of human limitations.

    While we have developed information systems to allow us access into Truth yet defined, our lawmakers are empowered by financial predators who use their power to rule the earth, resurrecting NOBILITY-SLAVERY back into our world under other words and laws.

    Our religious heritage is an elemental part of who we are, our entire communication system our scientific progress,nethics, logic, morality, it’s who we are.

    Other belief systems coming from primative cultures are being forced into our communities without considering the consequences. These belief systems are construed by legal statutes to be equal to our own, since they are intolerant of us, then their murderous, immoral, unethical, alogical acts are tolerated by the legal tribunals who determine whet we can do, thus our Christian Culture is destroyed by people incapable of equating simple logic, yet are endowed with the power of opinion over our entire Christian culture whose discoveries were leading the entire world into a better place in time.

    the TURN THE OTHER CHEEK does not relate if we are to oppose demonic-satanic forces being forced into our Christian Society by the Legal Rulers of our Nation and indeed the world.

    we have recently managed to empower a government attempting to change course from the current multicultural-globalist agenda fostered by our financial community attempting to create their so-called NWO or New World Order, whereby the central bank system leads the march into a world whereby these Family Dynasties control our cash flows our resources of goods and services, our manufacturing made by virtual slaves, sold by hireling servants into THEIR VISION of what our world is.

    it remains to be seen IF we can resurrect our christian nation from its current path

    we can only, hope, pray, and conduct ourselves according to the way we were before our NWO began to occupy our government. The significant problem already here are an enormous population from other not-christian nations who unlike ourselves are intolerant of Christianity and they are currently under protection of LAW who force us to ABANDON the Christian Nation we were before the LAWYERS-JUDGES-BANKSTERS-FINANCIAL MONSTERS decided to end our Christian Nation.

    ” God Bless the United States of America “and may we endure Making America great again.

    There is No Other God than Absolute Truth, the meaning of our GOD which without we are nothing but servants for human monsters that define our end of a better life through Truth.




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