iamleast replied to the topic Laying on of Hands in the forum Scriptural Teachings 15 years, 7 months ago
didnt mean anything bad by this post cindy and genes story is similar to mine im sorry if it sounded wrong it wasnt meant to be I too came from the RCC!
iamleast replied to the topic Laying on of Hands in the forum Scriptural Teachings 15 years, 7 months ago
I really appreciate seeing fellow christians talk about their faith thanks Cindy, Gene
iamleast replied to the topic Laying on of Hands in the forum Scriptural Teachings 15 years, 7 months ago
Gene i wanted to add according to scripture the only way that continued was laying of hands if we saw tongues of flames now it would be a miracle and everyone wouldnt need faith! in each instance that tongues of flame occurred it was only to show that it had happened as I stated in the previous post. in Acts chapter 8:14- 17 we see that you…[Read more]
iamleast replied to the topic Laying on of Hands in the forum Scriptural Teachings 15 years, 7 months ago
yes that what i was gettiing at Gene Rom 8:9 says it best and those born of spirit do know it!!
iamleast replied to the topic Laying on of Hands in the forum Scriptural Teachings 15 years, 7 months ago
can i ask you do you practice the laying of hands to heal the sick and if you do does it always work? If we question who God saves then we have become judgers of hearts and not bringing hope through Christ who is the author and finisher of each christians faith.
iamleast replied to the topic Laying on of Hands in the forum Scriptural Teachings 15 years, 7 months ago
i wanted to ad to this post Luke 11:13 made me think of something else too Acts chapter 4:24- 31 these are saved believers ! Sauls own conversion is a good enough account to show that if Jesus who stood before Saul on the roadside to damascus told him to seek out Ananias then what other way is there? it was Jesus who mentions to Ananias that Saul…[Read more]
iamleast replied to the topic Laying on of Hands in the forum Scriptural Teachings 15 years, 7 months ago
Luke 11:13 is just what I do every time I lead someone in Prayer to Christ you seem to think this verse deals with the new way! Think of this verse then tell me you can say thats true John 14:6 thats also why Paul makes it clear to give honor to Jesus in verse 2 of Heb 12 we are not the savers; we are children of God he hears us (1Cr 2:11-14)! …[Read more]
iamleast replied to the topic Laying on of Hands in the forum Scriptural Teachings 15 years, 7 months ago
Hi i registered here because of this post Acts is the foundation for our understanding how one recieves the indwelling of the Holy Spirit Acts 2:3 and 11;15 shows us 2 ocassions where the Holy Spirit was seen as tongues of flame descending in each case it was to show that it had happened first time was the circumcision the second the gentiles in…[Read more]