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  • #15301

    not to have this turn into a shouting match but you seem very defensive as far as answering the question concerning your education. you completely ignored what the bible says about knowing who teaches you what, and you use judas as an example. that to me shows there is a flaw in logic. As far as testing the spirits i would say that you fall under those whom paul says" are alway learning and never being able to come to the full knowlege of the truth." who have a form of godliness but deny its power of such people turn away. i don’t say this to attack personal character but the way that you confront in your writing seems to lack the fruits of the spirit.. i don’t think i am some spiritual guru but i have seen demons cast out and deliverence happen. i have seen the sick healed.  i know that jesus is almighty GOD because i worship him and i have seen the demenstration of the holy spirit in my life-which is the evidence enough. if i am worshiping wrongly then why does the fruit and gifts still happen or do you deny those as well. scripture is simple "john 1:1." study and show yourself approved or do you have something to lose such as a hindering doctrine. I say this to promt you to better things of the Lord not to be mean. if you are wrong with this whole quest think how many people are being led astray from your words. i am sorry if i offended you at all-i’m passionate like you on the matter. but please give your readers some credentials.
    peace out


    hey just a side question~ T8 what kind of education do you hold in biblical studies and are you fluent in biblical greek and hebrew. i think these are valid questions seeing that we are discussing such a theological question. the Apostle Paul says to know whom it is that teaches you. so i think that knowing your educational background is a valid question


    hey all who are interested in getting to the bottom of this foolish discussion of the trinity should read the book "Knowing Christ in the challenge of Heresey" by Steven Tsolukas. this is one of the best books i have read on the matter and he holds a Masters of Divinity. everything is backed with scripture and cultural facts. he does an exellent job in showing Jesus as God the Son. i guarentee that if you read this you will not be able to dispute it.  i think that if you will to give it a read t8 you will find some interesting things. doesn’t scripture say,"study and show yourself approved" apparently you are very smart and well studied-the least you could do is shoot it down.


    hey everyone have you ever read the book 'case for faith' by Lee strobel? great book i suggest reading it. it has change my views on Hell greatly


    here is a question- why does thomas in the book of john say to jesus "my Lord and my God" if he is a strict monotheistic jew? jesus does not tell him to not say that he is not God. also if there can only be one God by nature as Galations 4:8 states: FORMERLY WHEN YOU DID NOT KNOW GOD, YOU WERE SLAVE BY THOSE WHO BY NATURE ARE NOT GODS. BUT NOW THAT YOU KNOW GOD-OR RATHER ARE KNOWN BY GOD-HOW IS IT THAT YOU ARE TURNING BACK TO THOSEWEAK AND MISERABLE PRINCIPLES.   What is the nature of God? simple, He is all powerful, all Knowing and, all present. only God can hold these attrributes but scripture show that Jesus and the Holy spirit hold them also. so this would make scripture point to polytheism. God says in Isaiah,"…who wil you make me equal to.." basically i know Jesus to be my God and savior and i would love to talk about this some more so email me if you would like and i’ll back it up with scripture but since it is such an indepth topic and i hate to type i’ll wait for a response.

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