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  • #31046

    Dear Debra,

    Is the post in doctrines?


    If we are going to have a thead on forgiveness, it should be done on a different thread and I believe there is already on in existance.

    The reason I posted it here was so that you know it is in me to forgive and on this I have always said. You are very right though that one of the problems we have when forgiving others is the enemy likes to remind us of these who have hurt us. He tries to make us take back what we have already forgiven. He knows that for us to be forgiven, we must be able to forgive and if he can plant a seed of unforgiveness in our hearts, he has won.

    The other reason is how some have attempted to bless me as said in scripture to bless your enemies. This is why I posted this on forgiveness.


    Each part will because of their length, will be a seperate thread.


    Hi oxy,

    It is nice to see you back, but they will run you out again.

    Any way, I believe the passover feast most definitely is symbolic of the baptism of salvation, but it is not the actual baptism. It was a shadow of things to come.

    You my brother are a student of the OT, which is wonderful, yet, does little in understanding the NT. Unless you understand that which is spiritual first, how can one understand that which was physical. So to know the NT first, and be born again, baptized in water and baptized in the Holy Spirit is to have spiritual eyes that can see that which was spiritual within the confines of the OT. Don't you agree? For the NT is the fulfullment of the OT. And if you can understand the NT, the OT begins to open up as God manifests it unto us through the Holy Spirit.


    You slander yourself with your own words. You change your mind as night turns to day. It is for that reason I called your doctrine wishy washy. As for not wasting my time, it is you is who is on the constant attack. I have tried to help you understand John 3, but because you only know in part and because your indoctrination is that of men, the scales cannot be removed from your eyes and your hard heart cannot not be softened. So when it comes to this part of scripture, that is the foundation of the faith, I won't discuss it, for I should abide by the Word and not cast the pearl before swine.


    Sorry about your name Kenrch, I just noticed I spelled it wrong. One of the first things that Nick's buddy t8 did was take my editing rights away from me when I confronted the deception on this forum. Yet, t8 gave away his hand of unfairness and his biasness right then and there. If he would have been righteous throughout this entire matter, the correct way to have handled it would have been to prevent Nick and myself, both from being able to edit the posts, yet he did not. He only punished me.

    It was all the little things he did not do that proved that his stand was not for that of righteousness, but on the side of Nick. I forgave him none the less and I pray the Lord bless him and his family. I will continue to pray that he seek God and not man. He is not totally not of truth for his has seen that which is faithful and true. What I mean is, even though not all he has done has been done in all righteousness, he is a man as we all are and we must love him and pray for him. I believe the Lord will bring him around. He thinks what I push is not of the faith, yet, deep in his heart, the words burn within him. It is the battle of the flesh against the spirit. So if any here we need to go to the Father for, I believe it is this man. We must pray that the stonghold that the enemy has upon him be loosed. The Lord loves you t8 much and you fight against him on certain things. You must understand that the longer you fight, the harder the heart becomes. And the harder the heart becomes, the deafer the ears become to his Words of truth.

    I know you are a busy man, but putting this forum into the hands of Nick is not the best of moves. Nick is not of the faith. I do not believe he knows what it is to be born again. He knows what it is to read it, but not what it is to have it in the heart. Salvation is a matter of the heart. I ask you that you go to the cross with this matter. I ask that you do much fasting and prayer as to what is faithful and true. Do not listen to any man. I ask this as one who does love you.


    And Nick, you have proven that you hate me. And according to the Word of God that is proof that you are not of the light, but that of the darkness. And it is for that reason you will be cast into outer darkness unless you soon repent.


    Dear Debra,

    For centuries, the church has been corrupted and has been teaching the doctrines of men. They claim they are teaching the gospel of Christ, but if they were, would they not be of the same spirit, would they not hear his voice? This doctrine is not a new doctrine and in fact, it is older then any that is taught today, for it is the doctrine of Christ. It is the Word and those who hear his voice will know him. Those who are of the same spirit will understand the Words of truth.

    If a man is not right in his heart, if a man does not go to the foot of the cross in all humility, will his offering be accepted by the Father? Will the man be saved? It is easy to ask for forgiveness, but if the man is not truely repentant in his heart, do you think he will be forgiven?

    Is this not the same mistake made by those Isralites who took animal sacrifices, but did not have a repentant heart? Do you believe that because they took the animal sacrifice they were seen as righteous? Does not God know the hearts of men? If these men did not have a repentant heart, if these men did not believe in the promise that was to come, that is Christ the Lord, they would not have been seen as righteous and their souls would have been cast in hell.

    So when we ask for forgiveness, are we to become complacant as did those Isralites whose souls were cast into hell? Would not all who do the same suffer the same fate? So I say when we ask for forgiveness, we must ask with the unmost humility. We must be sincere. But, to do this, we must have the love of Christ is us. For it is only through him do we have hope of escaping hell fire.


    The gospel of Jesus Christ is not new Nick. It may be new to you, for your doctrine is the doctrines of men and it is for this reason you don't recognize this doctrine. Yet, it is written.


    They said the same of Jesus Christ my Lord.

    Matt. 10:22 And ye shall be hated of all men for my name's sake: but he that endureth to the end shall be saved.

    Luke 6:22 Blessed are you when men shall hate you, and when they shall exclude and mock you, and throw out your name as evil, for the Son of Man's sake.

    John 7:7 The world cannot hate you; but me it hateth, because I testify of it, that the works thereof are evil.

    John 15:18 If the world hate you, ye know that it hated me before it hated you.

    John 17:14 I have given them your word. The world hated them, because they are not of the world, even as I am not of the world.

    1 John 3:15 Whosoever hateth his brother is a murderer: and ye know that no murderer hath eternal life abiding in him.

    1 John 4:20 If a man say, I love God, and hateth his brother, he is a liar: for he that loveth not his brother whom he hath seen, how can he love God whom he hath not seen?



    Many have called me arrogant, but it is not that I am arrogant. It is because I refuse to compromise the Word of God. I will not compromise the Word of God. We cannot eat at the table of God and that of Satan.

    Your words sadden me, yet do not surprise me. Most who compromise the Word of God respond the same way as you. I know you think I am being harsh, but do you know how many souls are going to be lost because of compromising God's Word. People today just do not realize the danger they are in. This deception has such a stronghold on the world that most will not break from it's grasp. That is why so few will be saved.

    So, know that the only good in me comes by my becoming less of myself and allowing Christ to work his perfect work through me. For there is no good in me other then my faith in Christ Jesus. And through him and by him, I will be saved. The more I grow in Christ, the less I become of this sinful nature, the more I mortify this sinful flesh. So lift up Holy Hands unto the Lord, for he inhabits the praises of the saints.

    Jesus lived a life without sin because I cannot. And only by allowing him to live through me can I escape the hold sin has upon me. He is the quickening spirit.

    I am no better then anyone else and have not once claimed to be. The only difference between those standing for Christ is there are those who compromise his Word and there are those who do not. That is the difference. Those who compromise his Word say they are believers with their lips, but their hearts are not right. For if their hearts were right, they would not compromise the Word of God. They would not think it is alright to compromise the Word of God. They would know which translations have been compromised.

    Gal. 5:9 A little leaven leaveneth the whole lump.

    Matt. 10:22 And ye shall be hated of all men for my name's sake: but he that endureth to the end shall be saved.

    Matt. 6:24 No man can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one, and love the other; or else he will hold to the one, and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon.

    Matt. 7:14 Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.



    I take it that you do not pray that the Lord to send messengers or situations to those who you pray will be saved? I do. Often times the apostles would release those into the hands of the enemy in hope that the end result would be the salvation of the soul.

    1 Corinthians 5 KJV

    1 It is reported commonly that there is fornication among you, and such fornication as is not so much as named among the Gentiles, that one should have his father's wife.

    2 And ye are puffed up, and have not rather mourned, that he that hath done this deed might be taken away from among you.

    3 For I verily, as absent in body, but present in spirit, have judged already, as though I were present, concerning him that hath so done this deed,

    4 In the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, when ye are gathered together, and my spirit, with the power of our Lord Jesus Christ,

    5 To deliver such an one unto Satan for the destruction of the flesh, that the spirit may be saved in the day of the Lord Jesus.

    It amazes me those who come against the Word of God. Do you not know that your rebukes come back against your ownself if not justified in all righteousness. So be careful as to who you rebuke. Be careful to he who comes to your home asking for a scrape of bread and leaves your home hungry, for oft times the angels of the Lord have visited the habitations of men.

    And with my last words I bless you.


    Dear Krench,

    The problem is that none here can dispute the doctrine. They attempt to badger and poke and jab. They hope they may come to make sense of it without having to do the actual study as requested by the original poster, myself. Yet, to aquire the full benefit of this study will come only through doing the study. It is like anything that is of God. God will reveal to those who seek him. To those who do not, they will continue as they do every day. They will claim to know him with the fruit of their lips, but not with their heart.

    Revelation 3:16 So because thou art lukewarm, and neither hot nor cold, I will spew thee out of my mouth.


    Dear Krench,

    The problem is that none here can dispute the doctrine. They attempt to badger and poke and jab. They hope they may come to make sense of it without having to do the actual study as requested by the original poster, myself. Yet, to aquire the full benefit of this study will come only through doing the study. It is like anything that is of God. God will reveal to those who seek him. To those who do not, they will continue as they do every day. They will claim to know him with the fruit of their lips, but not with their heart.

    Revelation 3:16 So because thou art lukewarm, and neither hot nor cold, I will spew thee out of my mouth.


    Dear Krench,

    The problem is that none here can dispute the doctrine. They attempt to badger and poke and jab. They hope they may come to make sense of it without having to do the actual study as requested by the original poster, myself. Yet, to aquire the full benefit of this study will come only through doing the study. It is like anything that is of God. God will reveal to those who seek him. To those who do not, they will continue as they do every day. They will claim to know him with the fruit of their lips, but not with their heart.

    Revelation 3:16 So because thou art lukewarm, and neither hot nor cold, I will spew thee out of my mouth.


    Nick, this scripture is plain as the nose on the face to that of a man who is looking through spiritual eyes. But to a man who is looking with physical eyes, he sees only the things of the flesh and it is for this reason you cannot see. Your indoctrination has blinded you or hardened your heart or you just have not been saved or all the above. What it comes down to is if you had spiritual eyes, you would recognize the things of the spirit. If you sought the things of God with an earnest heart, he would reveal himself to you in his Word. Yet, as much time I have spent in trying to help you understand this, I have sinned. For it says in the scriptures to not cast the pearl before swine and on this I have sinned. I have wasted too much time with you and will not waste anymore on this subject with you, for the truth is not in you.

    I have done all I could possibly do to bring you to God. Nothing I have said or done has persuaded you. You are grounded in the doctrine of Nick and in such, you will be laid to rest. You refuse the Word of God for that which is pleasing in your own heart and because of this, your heart has become hardened. The world is lulled into believing in peace and safty and that God is merely a God of love and compassion. Yet, to those who are against him, they will face his wrath. They will see the awesome strength of the great and terrible God who will destroy them with the brightness of his coming.


    Nick, Krench is of the same spirit and knows the things of the spirit as does 942767. Malcolm is of the spirit also. He is growing in the Word.


    Nicodemus did not understand the spiritual. So Jesus tried to help him understand that there was not just physical, but spiritual. Somewhere, because the hardness of their hearts, Israel lost the ability to understand that which was spiritual. All they understood was the physical. That is why when Jesus told Nicodemus that a man must be born again, Nicodemus thought Jesus referred to being born twice in the flesh when Jesus was referring to being born twice in the spirit. For it is impossible for men to be born twice in the flesh.

    So Jesus told Nicodemus a man must be born not just of water, or the flesh, but he must be born of the spirit to enter the kingdom of God.

    That which is born of the flesh is flesh, that which is born of the spirit is spirit.

    As I said before, if Israel would have not lost the ability to understand that which was spiritual, they would have know the time of the visitation of their messiah. Yet, they did not. And to make matters worse, not only did they not understand the spiritual law, they did not understand the phyical law. And it was their falling away or abuse in this area that led to them not understanding or knowing that which was spiritual in nature.

    Proof of there converstation and that Jesus was trying to explain that which was spiritual to these who knew only physical and did not even get the physical part of the law right are in these verses.

    John 3:12 If I have told you earthly things, and ye believe not, how shall ye believe, if I tell you of heavenly things?

    13 And no man hath ascended up to heaven, but he that came down from heaven, even the Son of man which is in heaven.


    You claim to be saved. Yet, you only know the physical word. You are not able to grasp the spiritual Word. So I can attribute this to either one of two conclusions. Either you are young in the Word or you have not been saved.

    How long do you profess as being saved and from where have you aquired your vast teaching in the Word of God. For you are learned, but in that which is physical, not that which is spiritual. Now, not completely. You understand somethings in a spiritual sense, but these things you understand are common knowledge in most doctrines. So what is your religious affiilliation.

    Here are mine. The last being my stand.
    King James Bible


    Just as it says Nick.

    John 3:5 Jesus answered, Verily, verily, I say unto thee, Except a man be born of water and of the Spirit, he cannot enter into the kingdom of God.

    John 3:6 That which is born of the flesh is flesh; and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit.

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