Hazz replied to the topic Trinity Doctrine resources in the forum Truth or Tradition 9 years, 9 months ago
Thanks for your response t8, though I must say I am disappointed. In a website, with pages supposedly discussing the trinity, they only really focus on the identity of Jesus. The Holy Spirit is hardly mentioned. Then when asked, all I get is an analogy on the rays of the sun. Though a good analogy, and I do appreciate you responding, it does…[Read more]
Hazz replied to the topic Trinity Doctrine resources in the forum Truth or Tradition 9 years, 10 months ago
Do you have any articles on what/who is the Holy Spirit?
God is spirit, but if the Holy Spirit is God, then why are there references which separate out the Holy Spirit from God/Father? e.g. John 14:26, Matt 28:19.
Hazz became a registered member 9 years, 10 months ago