G. Michael Mayhew replied to the topic The fruits of apostasy in the forum Inspirational writings & sermons 10 years, 10 months ago
I don’t know how many people here are aware of what recently happened with Kenneth Copeland Ministries and the Pope.
However, to make a long story short, Kenneth Copeland, at a conference of over 10,000 leaders, introduced the Pope, and requested we all happily go back and join the Roman Catholic Church, and put our difference aside in the name…[Read more]
G. Michael Mayhew commented on the post, The Fruits of Apostasy 10 years, 10 months ago
I don’t know how many people here are aware of what recently happened with Kenneth Copeland Ministries and the Pope.
However, to make a long story short, Kenneth Copeland, at a conference of over 10,000 leaders,
G. Michael Mayhew replied to the topic Is Hell eternal? in the forum Truth or Tradition 11 years ago
What about these verses? How do you explain these? This is words that Jesus spoke, and it seems very clear, and was not covered in the text above…
This is referring to the Parable of the Talents:
Mat 25:30 And cast ye out the unprofitable servant into the outer darkness: there shall be the weeping and the gnashing of teeth.
Mat 25:46…[Read more]
G. Michael Mayhew replied to the topic Isaiah 48:11 in the forum Truth or Tradition 11 years ago
Let’s not forget that the Father shares the throne with the Son, so it once again makes sense that the “sharing” thing is going on here.
G. Michael Mayhew replied to the topic 1 Timothy 3:16 in the forum Truth or Tradition 11 years ago
We don’t want to forget that Jesus said to His disciples, “If you have seen Me, you have seen the Father.”
Jesus is a reflection of the Father, does the will of His Father, but of course, that didn’t make him equal to the Father or that of God himself.
So, even the first verse, the way it is written, with that understanding, makes sense. God…[Read more]G. Michael Mayhew replied to the topic Is Hell eternal? in the forum Truth or Tradition 11 years ago
t8 says:
February 20, 2014 at 11:59 pmThanks for your reply and words of wisdom.
I would further like to add that Adam and Eve were barred from the Tree of Life by Cherubim with flaming sword. The reason was that if man ate of that tree (after they sinned), they would live forever as sinners. Obviousness God spared mankind that fate and…[Read more]G. Michael Mayhew replied to the topic Is Hell eternal? in the forum Truth or Tradition 11 years ago
Just a followup to what I wrote just a bit ago…
1Co 15:53 For this corruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal must put on immortality.
1Co 15:54 But when this corruptible shall have put on incorruption, and this mortal shall have put on immortality, then shall come to pass the saying that is written, Death is swallowed up in…[Read more]G. Michael Mayhew replied to the topic Is Hell eternal? in the forum Truth or Tradition 11 years ago
My reply to Anastas…
What has really struck me the hardest is that even John 3:16 states a choice, either “perish” or “life”. Perishing doesn’t give the thought of eternal punishment. Plus, reviewing John 3:16, Jesus says that by accepting what He did, you can receive “eternal life”.
This clearly implies, (if that is possible), that one…[Read more]
G. Michael Mayhew replied to the topic Is Hell eternal? in the forum Truth or Tradition 11 years ago
Thanks for this teaching.
What I see and understand is that when we accept Jesus, we accept the gift of eternal life from God. If we do not accept what Jesus did by his death, we do not accept his salvation, nor His free gift of eternal life. If we don’t accept his gift, we don’t have life – AT ALL! We are “mortal” beings, until the point where…[Read more]