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  • #236575

    Quote (kerwin @ Feb. 17 2011,15:06)

    It is your knowledge about God that causes you not to believe Tim's claim that Jesus is God's litteral child.  Tim on the other hand seems to lack the same knowledge of God or his God is not the same God as yours.

    What knowledge if any do you lack of God?

    Why did God punish David's child with death for David's and Bathsheba's sin?

    What does God's action in that case tell us?

    Hi brother Kerwin,
    I could not get you. So you also believe that Jesus was/is literal son of God who shared God's so called blood as our brother Ed claims here?


    Quote (Ed J @ Feb. 17 2011,11:34)

    Quote (gollamudi @ Feb. 17 2011,10:50)

    Quote (Ed J @ Feb. 17 2011,00:21)

    Quote (gollamudi @ Feb. 16 2011,14:42)
    Sorry brother in fact I am not spinning rather your posts are spinning on God's blood.

    Hi Adam,

    Scientists suggest that the “Blood” in the fetus comes from the father,
    which in Jesus' case (his Father) is the “HolySpirit”! care to comment?

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)

    I can not believe this brother Ed. This is Paganism to claim that God does have literal children. If it was so he could have become an adulterer by involving himself with another's betrothed wife.

    Please stop this further.

    Hi Adam,

    Who do you 'think' was Jesus' Father?

    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)

    Hi brother we can't say for sure. If he was real Jewish Messiah he must had a human father since Judaism doesn't accept Virgin birth for their Messiah even I don't agree with Virgin Birth. Joseph might be his real father we don't know. But I can't accept these Pagan beliefs of Christianity which made God as literal a father of Jesus.

    Peace to you


    Quote (Ed J @ Feb. 17 2011,00:21)

    Quote (gollamudi @ Feb. 16 2011,14:42)
    Sorry brother in fact I am not spinning rather your posts are spinning on God's blood.

    Hi Adam,

    Scientists suggest that the “Blood” in the fetus comes from the father,
    which in Jesus' case (his Father) is the “HolySpirit”! care to comment?

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)

    I can not believe this brother Ed. This is Paganism to claim that God does have literal children. If it was so he could have become an adulterer by involving himself with another's betrothed wife.

    Please stop this further.


    Quote (Tim Kraft @ Feb. 17 2011,01:00)
    Hey Adam & all: Could someone please tell me how this “original sin” that Adam supposedly did, that was not called a sin in the story of the Garden of Eden, also made it through the flood that God used to supposedly destroy all evil from the planet earth? Sin is certainly considered evil, isn't it? So, how did sin get through the flood?

    Also, if sin is something done against Gods will or sin is a disobedient action against God, how does a disobedient action pass from one human to another human automatically?

    Also if you say sin was something done in the Garden, it was when Adam “partook of” or “accepted as truth” evil information! He was warned of God not to take it in, believe it, accept it as truth, consider it, or “EAT THE FRUIT OF THE LIE” that evil existed. There was only good/God, no evil! If he partook of the lie of evil he would die.  He didn't do something as an act, or break a law, HE BELIEVED INFORMATION THAT WAS A LIE! When he believed a lie as truth he partook of evil and all the fruit therof!! Lies separate man from truth/God.

    God also placed a rainbow in the sky as a reminder that he will never destroy mankind again. Not even in the mis-interpreted revelation of Jesus given to John. Blessings, TK

    Hi brother Tim welcome back on this thread. This is the question I was asking here. You are right there was no Original sin for which there was necessity for vicarious atonement. I hope you will explain us better on this.

    Thanks and peace to you


    Quote (Gene Balthrop @ Feb. 16 2011,23:55)
    EDJ……..Adam is right GOD is not flesh and blood, He is the creator of It. It was no problem for him to create DNA in MARY to produce the Person he wanted. It say in scripture Jesus would look a certain way and this would take DNA manipulation to Perform and get that particular look he wanted Jesus to have. He was as ADAM a designed being , but that does not make him no more a son of GOD as ADAM was. According to Scripture Adam is called a Son of GOD also so does that make Him 100% God because his only Father was GOD. Your logic does not hold up brother. Jesus was a pure human being Just as we are no more and no less. IMO

    peace and love………………………………………..gene

    Thank you very much brother Gene for such agreement on my post on God's blood which is another myth being assumed by brother Ed. He says that Jesus' blood came from Holy Spirit who was the father of Jesus. I don't think even Trinitarians agree with such idea. You are right in saying that God can create any human fetus without involvement of male. Jesus must had been that of God's creation in the womb of Mary just like First man (Adam) by same the God in the beginning.

    Thanks and love to you


    Sorry brother in fact I am not spinning rather your posts are spinning on God's blood.


    That is some thing too much to agree that God has flesh and blood. I can't agree with you.


    I think God is pure Spirit and no flesh and blood IMO.


    Hi brother Ed,
    You base your arguments on AKJV which is Trinitarian version. So as per your assumption God the Holy Spirit is having blood with which he could redeem us from original sin?


    Good question brother Kerwin. In fact I don't believe that First five books in the Bible were written by Moses as well.

    Peace to you


    Quote (t8 @ Feb. 14 2011,07:41)

    Quote (Gene Balthrop @ Feb. 14 2011,03:39)
    So much is said there as regards to what you are saying and as well, about Physical Bodies because yet even while we have these Physical bodies we are not in the flesh but in the Spirit and therefor our bodies are spiritual bodies. IMO

    peace and love……………………………gene

    Hi Gene.

    As people, we have a spirit and we have/ are a soul.

    When we are born again, we are given a new spirit and consequently, new and eternal life.

    What we are not given immediately is a new body. We are still enclosed in a body of death, even though our spirit is born from above. At death we lose this body and in the resurrection, will we not inherit a body to match the new spirit that lives in us?

    Therefore we are not perfected fully yet and thus our current bodies are not the spiritual bodies that we will obtain.

    Yes we can partake of divine nature. It seems that in spirit we are now partaking in that nature. But we await the promise of a new body which will also have this new nature, thus completing us.

    This is why Paul goes to great lengths to preach that our spirit and flesh are at war. Until we obtain the new body, there will be this conflict in every believer.

    I think that is an excellent post on New creation and new body brother T8. Resurrection completes this process in the end.

    Thanks and peace to you


    Quote (princess @ Feb. 13 2011,05:53)
    why does the 'original sin' reflect adam?

    So that is the question coined here.


    Quote (Gene Balthrop @ Feb. 13 2011,01:13)
    Adam………You are right because sin is sin and we all have a propensity to sin, because we are exposed to it in this earth at a very young and impressionable age. John said, “ALL THAT IS IN THE WORLD THE LUST OF THE EYES AND THE LUST OF THE FLESH AND THE PRIDE OF LIFE ARE (FROM) THE WORLD. And even if Adam introduced it into the world, still each and everyone will give an account of himself before GOD. I believe Jesus did not die (FOR) our sin but BECAUSE of the death penalty attached to them by GOD. WE all know GOD can not lie and he said the Soul that Sins shall PARISH and we also know all have sinned (except Jesus). Now there is no way we can ever live if God keep his word and extracts it on us, because we all have sinned and so all must die or parish. We are left without branch or root in a state of eternal non existence. (BUT) according to the LAW there was a way provided for us and that was the KINSMAN REDEEMER found in the law. This kinsmen redeemer could Pay the Price required HIMSELF and Jesus who never sinned and therefore  did not have to die could pay our debt, life for life , his life for our life and in that way according to the LAW remove the death penalty sentence pronounced on us who sin by GOD Himself and we all know GOD does not lie. Jesus work within the confines of the LAW of GOD and Paid our price. “FOR YOU HAVE BEEN PURCHASED WITH A PRICE”> Now with that said does that mean we then can continue to sin No God forbid,  What happens now if through the know of the truth and your acceptance of the Price paid for you you continue to sin willfully then there remains no more sacrifice for it, but certain fiery judgments of God. It is one thing to say Jesus died for our death penalty and quite another to say he died for our present and future sins . If we think he died for our present and future sin that is doing despite to the grace of GOD, a very dangerous position to be in IMO.  We must with the help and Spirit of God put all sin out of our lives (NOW) or we will be dealt servilely with IMO>

    Peace and love to you and yours……………………………………..gene

    Thank you very much brother Gene for such agreement.

    Love and peace to you


    Thank brother Mike to have time to look into this thread.


    Hi brother Ed,
    Please tell us what do you want to convey from this passage about Good Samaritan?


    Quote (t8 @ Feb. 12 2011,16:31)
    No original sin?

    So the first sin was really a few sins that happened concurrently?

    Is there an original/first anything?

    Is there any thing called 'Original sin' which affected mankind for which a Vicarious death of a god-man required?


    Quote (Ed J @ Feb. 12 2011,15:40)

    Quote (gollamudi @ Feb. 08 2011,21:10)
    Hi brother Ed,
    In other thread “Holy Spirit is the Word” you inferred that Jesus is the Holy Spirit. Here is another proof for claiming Jesus is God from your earlier post in this thread;

    Jesus Christ  =  The Testator

    What does it mean? The Testator or Covenant maker was none but God Himself.

    This is the reason why I asked you the earlier question.
    Thanks and peace to you

    Hi Adam,

    The “HolySpirit”(The Word) was inside Jesus.
    God made The Deal through Jesus Christ.
    Why is this hard for you to understand?

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)

    That is purely Christian interpretation brother Ed. That is why the concept of God is dead arrived.

    Peace to you


    Quote (kerwin @ Feb. 12 2011,15:30)

    I have thought about what you wrote in regards to humanity being created with the impulse to do evil as well as the impulse to do good.  I agree that may well be the case but though Adam's choice to sin all humanity became enslaved to sin unless they recieved the Spirit of Holyness from God.  The Spirit of God in its role as the Councelor of Righteousness was only given as part of the new contract between God and man that was sealed by Jesuss' act of self sacrifice.

    Yes I agree brother Kerwin on this except on 'slavery to sin' as a result of so called fall of man. In New New Covenant God will write His Laws on the hearts of His people may be by means Spirit of God. There is no necessity of Jesus' death for such New Covenant as per Hebrew Bible. It is purely Christian interpretation.

    Peace to you


    Quote (kerwin @ Feb. 12 2011,20:13)

    The idea of evil as total depravity is a Western conceptl  The Jews view sin more as being self centered.  That is why Jesus taught us to deny ourselfs and follow him.  

    If you are correct then is sounds as if Augustine was looking as slavery to sin from worldly eyes.

    Thanks for that agreement brother Kerwin.


    Quote (kerwin @ Feb. 12 2011,15:25)

    I do acknowledge that Adam, as the one in authority, bears a greater guilt for sin entering the world than does Eve who was subject to him.  Never the less we are taught that both Adam and Eve and their decendents were punished by God and that men inherit the punishment from Adam as woman inherit theirs from Eve.  Woman after all suffer the pain of child birth to this day.

    I do not believe we inherit guilt for Adam's sin but rather that we inherit subjectation to the evil impulse of our nature.  That it scripture means that those who have not yet entered the new covenant are slaves to sin.  It is that slavery Jesus sets us free from.

    Hi brother Kerwin,
    You are right in saying that we have not inherited any guilt of Adam and Eve but the inclinations to do good and evil as man was created with them originally. But I can't agree with you on stating that these inclinations are due to the Fall of man and also about the slavery or total depravity which was coined by Augustine. This is purely the Christian interpretation.

    Thanks and peace to you

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