gl replied to the topic Hell in the forum Truth or Tradition 21 years, 10 months ago
Regarding the use of fear to bring people to Christ, I think it can be legitmately used, but together with God's love. In numerous places in scripture God lays out the blessing as a result of obedience and the cursing as a result of disobedience. I would equate the cursing with fear motivation.The first words recorded that Jesus said when he began…[Read more]
gl replied to the topic I've rejected the trinity – now what? in the forum Truth or Tradition 21 years, 10 months ago
Ramblinrose,The way you’ve broken this down makes sense. I think your technique of breaking thinks down and paraphrase opens up the meaning and clarifies any confusion. Thanks, I will endeavour to apply this for my own use, that’s if you don’t
gl replied to the topic Hell in the forum Truth or Tradition 21 years, 10 months ago
Hi All,Does it matter if you're in Hell for a moment or an eternity? Jesus express the horror of being there for any amount of time that if it were possible it is better to give up our eyes, something we value highly, to prevent being there.. And again if you had the all the riches of the world it would be better to give this up to prevent losing…[Read more]
gl replied to the topic I've rejected the trinity – now what? in the forum Truth or Tradition 21 years, 10 months ago
t8,Things have not progressed much further from last post. It so happened that the Pastor I approached was expecting a baby and before I could meet with her again the baby arrived. She is currently on maternity leave, so it may not be until another 6 mths before this subject is broached again.I’ve resigned myself to peaceful co-existense, however…[Read more]
gl replied to the topic I've rejected the trinity – now what? in the forum Truth or Tradition 22 years, 1 month ago
ethan,t8 has admirable addressed elsewhere this forum a number of the scripture you’ve mentioned. But I have notice that you did not address 1 Cor 8:6, there is just no getting around it.I’m at the point where at least for myself the scripture becomes much clearer if there is one (Almighty)God, the Father and one Lord Jesus. I will even accept…[Read more]
gl replied to the topic I've rejected the trinity – now what? in the forum Truth or Tradition 22 years, 1 month ago
ethan,Thanks for the site. I just skimmed the title page and have already reject this concept. A paragraph on the site states "Jesus alone is God and only He can be worshipped as God." While the bible state "1 Cor 8:6 yet to us there is one God, the Father, of whom are all things, and we unto him; and one Lord, Jesus Christ, through whom are all…[Read more]
gl replied to the topic I've rejected the trinity – now what? in the forum Truth or Tradition 22 years, 3 months ago
Thank you t8 very much for your reply. I has helped me to understand that in essence we must be lead by the Spirit in all we do. And I do pray that I will be lead and guided in this way.I do however have a moral dilemma in that the doctrinal statement that I signed upon church membership states that if my doctrinal beliefs change I must make this…[Read more]
gl replied to the topic I've rejected the trinity – now what? in the forum Truth or Tradition 22 years, 3 months ago
I myself have been convinced in the unsoundness of the trinity theology and your site has convinced me that the Father is God and Jesus is the Son of God. The story of Joseph is a great analogy for the relationship between God and his son. Joseph was give the power of Pharaoh by Pharaoh, but Joseph was still subject to Pharaoh.Having said all that…[Read more]