gadam123 replied to the topic Was the Islam Caliphate the seventh kingdom? in the forum Prophecy 3 years, 2 months ago
The Book of Daniel originated from a collection of legends circulating in the Jewish community in Babylon and Mesopotamia in the Persian and early Hellenistic periods (5th to 3rd centuries BC), and was later expanded by the visions of chapters 7–12 in the Maccabean era (mid-2nd century).
The “four kingdoms” theme appears explicitly in Daniel 2 a…[Read more]
gadam123 replied to the topic Was the Islam Caliphate the seventh kingdom? in the forum Prophecy 3 years, 2 months ago
The Medo-Persians, led by King Cyrus II, invaded Babylonia from the east in June of 539 B.C. and captured its capital, Babylon, in July of the same year.
But the book of Daniel differs this. Please read Dan 5:30-31
30 That very night Belshazzar, the Chaldean king, was killed. 31 And Darius the Mede received the kingdom, being about sixty-two year…
gadam123 replied to the topic Was the Islam Caliphate the seventh kingdom? in the forum Prophecy 3 years, 2 months ago
I am quoting the verses again for your ready reference;
The writer of Daniel clearly mentioned four (names) kingdoms in his texts. Please check the following verses;
1. Babylon (Dan 1: 1; 2:37) God had given a kingdom to Nebuchadnezzar
2. Media (Dan 5:31; 9:1; 11:1) A fictitious king Darius named for Median kingdom by this writer.
3. Persia…[Read more]
gadam123 replied to the topic Was the Islam Caliphate the seventh kingdom? in the forum Prophecy 3 years, 2 months ago
One reason is Greece being two empires ahead of Babylon, not three.
Sorry??? Please clarify with verses. You never replied my query on Rome as fourth Empire with proof in Daniel whereas I have given you verses for Greece being the fourth Empire of Daniel.
gadam123 replied to the topic in the forum The Trinity Doctrine 3 years, 2 months ago
I’m sorry.
At the moment I’m not sure what’s biblical –
Trinitarianism, Binitarianism or Unitarianism?
I cannot tell. Sorry for my back and forth.
I have to pray and study until I’m sure.
That’s why I will take a long break and only comment again
when I’m 100% sure.Hi Danny no prayer and break can resolve this unending debate on God and Jesus as…[Read more]
gadam123 replied to the topic Was the Islam Caliphate the seventh kingdom? in the forum Prophecy 3 years, 2 months ago
speculations Rome was decided into the East and West Empire at one time. But the Roman Empire has not existed for over fifteen hundred years now.
Hello brother Gene, I am not disputing about Roman Empire spreading from West to East. I am only arguing that the Danielic Fourth kingdom can be spread from North to South as in the case of Greece w…[Read more]
gadam123 replied to the topic Was the Islam Caliphate the seventh kingdom? in the forum Prophecy 3 years, 2 months ago
Let’s take your example of Roman Empire in two legs one West and the other East. I ask you why not we take legs of the Image of Nebuchadnezzar as North and South Greece Kingdom as clearly uttered in Dan 11?
Where is your Rome any where mentioned in Daniel forget about your Ottoman you simply imagine as another Roman Empire. No historian will…[Read more]
gadam123 replied to the topic Was the Islam Caliphate the seventh kingdom? in the forum Prophecy 3 years, 2 months ago
gadam123 replied to the topic Was the Islam Caliphate the seventh kingdom? in the forum Prophecy 3 years, 2 months ago
Prophecy doesn’t work in the rule set that you are implementing. Prophecy is a code so that most will not be able to interpret it. And if the text interprets it or part of it, then that is great. Both Daniel and Revelations interprets some of it for you. The rest is to be worked out and by and large, the wicked will not bother doing that.
Hi P…[Read more]
gadam123 replied to the topic Was the Islam Caliphate the seventh kingdom? in the forum Prophecy 3 years, 2 months ago
You don’t really answer my question.
I try to stick to the text without going too fast, let the text itself speak as much as possible …This is the Problem with Proclaimer he doesn’t trust the text of particular book but he wants to pick and choose to prove his own ideas here. He never answered my queries on Egypt, Rome and Ottoman.
gadam123 replied to the topic Conspiracy theories, myths, or truth? in the forum Truth or Tradition 3 years, 2 months ago
So your most populous state has declared that it is Covid free after mass usage of Ivermectin, huh? And of course we KNOW that it was the Ivermectin that cured you, right? Because we KNOW that the vax doesn’t stop anyone from getting or spreading Covid, right? And we also KNOW that Ivermectin does stop Covid in its tracks, right? And that’s ho…
gadam123 replied to the topic Conspiracy theories, myths, or truth? in the forum Truth or Tradition 3 years, 2 months ago
Adam……..I was born in 1941, I directly remember Polio and knew three people who lived near us who got infected with it and were paralyzed for the rest of their lives, The Dr. Jonas Salk, vaccine nearly completely wiped out Polio in America. I have taken the flew vaccines for many years now , as well as for shingles, and For neumonia and ha…
gadam123 replied to the topic Conspiracy theories, myths, or truth? in the forum Truth or Tradition 3 years, 2 months ago
I was born in 64 too and for some reason, I missed one of the vaccines or got infected before the vaccine when I was a kid. And I live with the disease today 57 years later.
I was born in 67 and also received few vaccines. I am little younger to both of you but we are in the same 50s. I think Mike is so much afraid of taking Vaccine these days.…[Read more]
gadam123 replied to the topic Was the Islam Caliphate the seventh kingdom? in the forum Prophecy 3 years, 2 months ago
I’ll make is simple for you as you are not grasping what I am saying or are being wilfully ignorant.
Prophecy doesn’t name any kingdom, but in Daniel, one king is identified.
I also feel the same here as you are avoiding my arguments and questions.
Daniel clearly mentioned four (names) kingdoms in his texts. Please check the following ver…[Read more]
gadam123 replied to the topic Was the Islam Caliphate the seventh kingdom? in the forum Prophecy 3 years, 2 months ago
Further, no matter how you argue this, mountains are kingdoms in scripture. Prophecy draws much from symbols because prophecy is written in a code. It doesn’t speak in the language that you want. It doesn’t say, “After this, the Ottoman Empire will arise” for example. That would be stupid on many accounts. If it said that, then kings would just ch…
gadam123 replied to the topic Was the Islam Caliphate the seventh kingdom? in the forum Prophecy 3 years, 2 months ago
I do not entertain theories that ignore the fact that mountains are empires. There are other rules that sink other theories for me.
In fact this was done by the wrter of the book of Revelation in Rev 17:9-10 stating seven mountains are seven kings. He was talking about the city of his time, Rome which was the center of the attention for trade and…[Read more]
gadam123 replied to the topic Was the Islam Caliphate the seventh kingdom? in the forum Prophecy 3 years, 2 months ago
You even said yourself that Revelations was copied from Daniel and you know Daniel is about kingdoms. So argue with yourself on that one.
Hi Proclaimer, I always assume you as a scholar on Biblical doctrines. So please analyze the texts based on their historical and theological contexts. Also please look at the internal insights given by the…[Read more]
gadam123 replied to the topic Was the Islam Caliphate the seventh kingdom? in the forum Prophecy 3 years, 2 months ago
Either accept that we are all mere men trying to work stuff out and learn off each other, or write it off completely and move onto something that you believe can give you the truth. Why waste your time arguing over the something you believe is not real. Personally speaking, I wouldn’t give 5 minutes of my time to arguing over the existence of B…
gadam123 replied to the topic Was the Islam Caliphate the seventh kingdom? in the forum Prophecy 3 years, 2 months ago
I don’t see seven empires. Just one empire.
Why is it required? I think it may be required to suit your idea of so called Seven wonders , Seven World Empires?
gadam123 replied to the topic Was the Islam Caliphate the seventh kingdom? in the forum Prophecy 3 years, 2 months ago
Christian Speculations on the Book of Daniel
The Puritans who migrated from England to North America brought with them a strong interest in the fulfillment of prophecy. This interest was focused on Revelation rather than Daniel. Daniel did, however, play an important role in the Millerite movement in the mid nineteenth century. William Miller…[Read more]
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