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    ftk replied to the topic Reason and Religion in the forum Faith 12 years, 9 months ago

    Pierre: Whether I can read or not makes no difference here. I “quoted” what you said! I didn't say it…you did! TK

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    ftk replied to the topic Reason and Religion in the forum Faith 12 years, 9 months ago

    Pierre; Aren't you one of the “end of times religious groups” that predicts Jesus and Holy Angels to come to earth again and massacre thousands of people(with a two-edged sword) to prepare to re-set up the brick and mortar 'temple' in Jerusalem? How is it you say……Quote you can close your eyes to all the horrors that the Muslim are still…[Read more]

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    Wakeup: Is isiah11 and isiah 65,the kingdom?if so,how can there be flesh in the kingdom?For flesh and blood can not inherit the kingdom of God.wakeup……… GOD RULES HIS KINGDOM(spiritual truth) THROUGH MANKIND… THAT BELIEVES!…TK

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    Does anybody actually sit down and ask themselves how or where they got all the doctrines of death and destruction? Are they from the teaching of Jesus in the “gospels” ? If a person is teaching or preaching the God of Jesus Christ, would not the message be a reflection of the essence of God's spirit? The essence of truth from a God of love to…[Read more]

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    Pierre: This part of your post is dead on correct, in my opinion!…..Quote So what Christ is saying is that the kingdom of God is now in his time accessible to how ever believe in him and follow the right pad to it.It is not a matter of seeing it but of being a part of it,And we all have our time in live to do it ,if we do not look for it we…[Read more]

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    Jesus gave the Keys to understanding the covenant change!I studied “end times” for several years back in the 80″s and all of a sudden a friend of mine came up with some scriptures that changed everything. Jesus himself said in Luke24:44…all things must be fulfilled which were written in the law of Moses and in the prophets and in the psalms,…[Read more]

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    wakeup: If I might put my two cents worth I thank you! Bless you,! It seems to me that the biggest cause of mass confusion still rampant in the so-called church buildings is caused from misapplied timing of Biblical events. If we are found looking into the future for something that is available to us now, we will never experience what we believe…[Read more]

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    Ed: You talk about “spin”! Your doing everything.. 'you'..can to attempt to dilute, make smaller, or actually non-existent completely what you said on your previous post about “rewards and punishments'' for a mans performance or deeds or works. Your trying to ''white wash'' it or ''sugar coat'' it as to not really meaning what was said. Combing…[Read more]

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    ftk replied to the topic Scriptures only in the forum Prophecy 12 years, 9 months ago

    Georg: May any health problems you are having, be laid in the hands of Jesus Christ for total healing of your body this day. I agree with the health and healing of your body through Jesus Christ! We don't have to see eye to eye in the scriptures to pray Gods healing power for one another. God bless you, TK

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    Ed: I knew there was a key misunderstanding that placed a barrier between your doctrines and mine. You said…..2) NO, now pay attention here: Works affect your rewards or punishments.!!……FOR ME THERE IS NO SUCH THING IN THE NEW TESTAMENT AS PERFORMANCE BY MAN FOR EITHER PUNISHMENTS OR REWARDS!!For me that would be self-created religion to…[Read more]

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    Ed: It would be great if what you are saying is true. The problem is you are actually saying that words and/or deeds do effect your salvation whether good or bad! You contradict yourself when you say there are righteous works or deeds. You contradict yourself the same way with sin. If there is still sin then Jesus didn't take away our sin. Works…[Read more]

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    Ed: You put the above post on the Bible Prophecy… ''two witnesses'' thread….I answered there!

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    For all: There is only one separation or reason for separation between man and God, sheep and goats, or good and evil, that I can find in the Gospels….! UNBELIEF!! Not believing what Jesus has done ''for'' mankind is the great downfall of man. Jesus has done the work of perfection for man unto God. It is finished! Completed! Done! But is man…[Read more]

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    Ed: You can pop out little lies or part truths any time you want to, and you do, but it changes nothing. Jesus provide a “package” deal of a complete salvation for mankind in his relationship to God. Jesus provided the truth and the works and efforts to cleanse and make whole all mankind who would accept and believe his completed task for…[Read more]

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    George: I tend to agree that was work climbing that mountain. But Abraham was declared righteous at the bottom of the hill. There is where it takes faith to connect to God. You can't be righteous by any works you do! Yet you can be righteous by faith in God and have no works! TKYou said……….No, that was work done by a mans effort to climb…[Read more]

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    Hey Wakeup: Bless you this day! I studied “end times” for several years back in the 80″s and all of a sudden a friend of mine came up with some scriptures that changed everything. Jesus himself said in Luke24:44…all things must be fulfilled which were written in the law of Moses and in the prophets and in the psalms, concerning me…! And again…[Read more]

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    My friend Wm: Bless you, I would like to point out some thoughts your post brought up. Pertaining to Abraham he was righteous by faith in God. The righteousness of God is when one has faith in what God says. Believing God is faith! Whatever God says, when taken internally and held as truth is faith! It does not say that Abraham was righteous by…[Read more]

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    For All: Jesus said the Kingdom of God was like a seed planted in a garden that was very small at the beginning but grew to incredible size. Note: In Mark at 4:11…the kingdom is given to the disciples and believers but not to the…unbelieving.. Jews! Jesus interprets:….the sower sows the words(of God)…some land at the side of road when…[Read more]

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    Quote (seekingtruth @ Jan. 06 2012,00:31)Quote (ftk @ Jan. 04 2012,18:42)I have a question for anyone and everyone!  This thread is….Who will Christ and his Saints be ruling over?  My question desiring input is how will “love” rule anything? Love seeketh not its own way! Love is God according to Jesus (not according to the old testament)! The g…[Read more]

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    Journey & Toby: I am sad to hear of your pain and suffering for God. My Bible tells me that Jesus my lord and savior came for the purpose of saving mankind from any form of wrath or pain and suffering by preparing a salvation package with his life that would cover taking away sin and all forms of suffering for God. Actually Jesus took our pain…[Read more]

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