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    wakeup:The kingdom in heaven is Gods kingdom consisting of multitudes and multitudes of angels……His spirit dwells in us; only in them that are clean inside…..Dont expect God inside a lukewarm christian.I am sure you agree with me on this?If you allowed the light to come in; darkness will go out…..If you allow the light to dim; darkness…[Read more]

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    Pierre: If you look up the greek word translated as “Kingdom”of God you will find it is just “to rule” or “ruling of God”!Nothing fancy but awesome! The ruling of God must come through his people. God is spirit. Gods only physical hands and feet and voice in the earth realm is mankind. The believers must now carry on the work of Jesus, the…[Read more]

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    Quote (t8 @ Jan. 22 2012,12:17)If anyone denies that the Devil is the ruler of this world/age, then they are deceived.t8: My friend and brother in Christ! Bless you.How can you possibly quote one scripture like…..1 John 2:15Do not love the world or anything in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him…..Do you…[Read more]

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    Jodi & Gene: Jodi that was a powerful truth that I have thought for many years but it was never laid out as plane and simple as you have done. Great post. I'm sure we and many more have great truths that cannot yet be pronounced or accepted by the masses. Its sad that they want to stay the the doctrinal boxes they create from others or maybe…[Read more]

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    I might add that if you do reject your salvation in Christ, by FAITH… you deny your purification unto God… through the work of Jesus!….Then the sacrifice of Jesus is nullified and you are judged based on what works and deeds you have deemed good and bad and right and wrong. Not to mention you will be judged as a sinner in darkness. TK

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    J42: How do you say we come to God for salvation in Christ Jesus? There is only one way to God and that is through the works and deeds of Jesus. Would you agree?…. Jesus died for our total salvation….do you agree? We are saved from sin and darkness by believing the truth of Jesus….do you agree?….. Our faith in his performance saves…[Read more]

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    Wakeup: Come on man….Hes not talking dimensions there. Where do you think is God? Where is the Temple of God? Does God dwell in his temple? Where is the house of the lord? Doesn't Jesus and God dwell in our hearts? Where is the church? Is it not the body of Christ? Didn't Jesus say he and the Father would come and make their “abode” in a…[Read more]

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    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Jan. 21 2012,13:02)Quote (Kangaroo Jack @ Jan. 16 2012,08:45)Satan never was, is not now and never will be a “God” in any sense of the term.2 Kings 1:6This is what the LORD says: Is it because there is no God in Israel that you are sending men to consult Baal-Zebub, the god of Ekron?That seems to be Jehovah Himself referring to…[Read more]

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    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Jan. 21 2012,10:00)Quote (ftk @ Jan. 20 2012,04:42)At any certain or particular time (this is the individual coming of Jesus), ''the word'' of truth, Jesus/God…. comes to a man, he is then faced with the judgment of the word of God! If he accepts and believes his salvation truth, cleansing from sin, the truth in his…[Read more]

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    For All: If you truly want to know about the Kingdom of God take the original greek word that was translated as “kingdom'' and use…”rule” of God…..or….”reign”of God…it will change your perspective a bit.Jesus came to teach the reign of God!The ruling of God is at hand! Thy rule and reign come, thy will be done on earth as it is in…[Read more]

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    Quote (Ed J @ Jan. 19 2012,16:33)Quote (ftk @ Jan. 19 2012,08:52)Ed: Col.1:21….and you, were sometime alienated and enemies in your mind…BY WICKED WORKS….but now UN-blameable and UN-reprovable in his sight…if we continue in the FAITH!!Hi Tim,Is this not what I keep telling you?Quote (Ed J @ 1)   Sin is errant behavior caused by errant…[Read more]

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    Quote (Ed J @ Jan. 19 2012,16:33)Quote (ftk @ Jan. 19 2012,08:52)Ed: Col.1:21….and you, were sometime alienated and enemies in your mind…BY WICKED WORKS….but now UN-blameable and UN-reprovable in his sight…if we continue in the FAITH!!Hi Tim,Is this not what I keep telling you?Quote (Ed J @ 1)   Sin is errant behavior caused by errant…[Read more]

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    Quote (terraricca @ Jan. 20 2012,02:50)Quote (ftk @ Jan. 20 2012,04:06)Quote (mikeboll64 @ Jan. 19 2012,10:22)Quote (ftk @ Jan. 18 2012,05:54)Jesus said, God cleansed you! Do you believe it? Can you be cleaner than God made you? Can you do something to be better? If now you think your actions are what make you good or bad then you deny Gods work…[Read more]

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    Hey Mike: It still happens every day! I believe it is all timeless! Eternal life(Jesus, the word of God) gives man a way in to the(circle of life), which circles eternally! Its really an eternal judgment. At any certain or particular time (this is the individual coming of Jesus), ''the word'' of truth, Jesus/God…. comes to a man, he is then…[Read more]

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    Quote (Gene Balthrop @ Jan. 19 2012,23:17)Quote (Kangaroo Jack @ Jan. 19 2012,05:42)Wakeup said to ftk:Quote FTK.John.12:31.Now is the judgement of this WORLD(not age)Now shall the prince of this WORLD(not age) be cast out.(These are the Lords words.)Jesus said, “NOW the prince of this world is cast out.” Jesus said that he was cast out “NOW.”So…[Read more]

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    t8: Quote The greek word used in this dissertation of 1John is: ''Cosmos''….adorning world…arraignment….order… I believe the reference is to the Jewish religious order that was being replaced by faith and grace!1 John 5:19We know that we are children of God, and that…….OLD RELIGIOUS ORDER…. is under the control of the evil one. YHWH…[Read more]

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    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Jan. 19 2012,10:22)Quote (ftk @ Jan. 18 2012,05:54)Jesus said, God cleansed you! Do you believe it? Can you be cleaner than God made you? Can you do something to be better? If now you think your actions are what make you good or bad then you deny Gods work in you.2 Corinthians 5:1010 For we must all appear before the judgment…[Read more]

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    For All: One says look at this scripture…see, it says this is God! Another says look at this scripture over here…see, it says this is God. There is but ONE true God. By the term itself,… self existent one…. can only be ONE! Jesus called his God….the most high God…! So I will also. We are saved from “sin” (thinking or thoughts that…[Read more]

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    Ed: Are you saved from sin(no sin) cleansed and made whole and perfect by Gods words of purification, given through Jesus, unto mankind, for whosoever will accept and believe the truth? God bless you, so am I! Everyone is if they hear the word of it and accept it from Jesus for themselves, BY FAITH ALONE, then they also are saved.Are you saved by…[Read more]

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    Quote (terraricca @ Jan. 19 2012,03:10)Quote (ftk @ Jan. 19 2012,06:54)Wakeup:Jesus said to Nicodemus, one must be born again….to “see” the “kingdom” of God! The new creation is a man that puts off or down his physical use of the senses and takes on the dreams and visions of “spirit” of God. God is spirit and Gods words are spirit of life. Life…[Read more]

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