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    Ed: I take it you are referring to what Jesus said. Jesus stated plainly that the works for man today are to believe that he did the works. Believing connects man to God as from the beginning. Man made works mean nothing!! TK

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    Quote (Ed J @ Oct. 18 2011,04:31)Quote (ftk @ Oct. 18 2011,04:20)So, if a person does only what is “right” in God's eye's, he is saved by his “Right” performance!Hi Tim,There you go again ranting on and on over your own misunderstanding.God blessEd J (Joshua 22:34)http://www.holycitybiblecode.orgJust quoting Ed!

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    Quote (Ed J @ Oct. 18 2011,04:36)Quote (ftk @ Oct. 18 2011,04:20)Ed: Why do you say you don't believe in works for salvation and turn around and say there are good works and bad works unto God?TKHi Tim,God has told us what is Good and what is evil; do you not believe what he says?God blessEd J (Joshua 22:34)http://www.holycitybiblecode.orgEd: Yes…[Read more]

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    Quote (Ed J @ Oct. 18 2011,04:25)Quote (ftk @ Oct. 18 2011,04:20)Ed: So, as far as you are concerned there is “doing good” which is “right” unto righteousness, unto acceptance and favor with God! Salvation based on your personal efforts!IMO, TKHi Tim,That's not what I said?   …do you even know what bearing false witness is?Ed J (Joshua…[Read more]

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    Ed: There have always been two types of people in front of God. One type tries to do something or be something special or better to appease God or find favor with God. And on type that says I may not look it or feel it by if you (God) say it's true then I believe it!! Those of faith/believing are accepted! Your efforts according to Jesus are of no…[Read more]

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    This is a great day for those who will accept their perfection from God by faith!And this is a terrible day for those choose instead to continue in a life of sin.Ezekiel 33:10-11 Therefore, O thou son of man, speak unto the house of Israel;Thus ye speak, saying, If our transgressions and our sins be upon us, and wepine away in them, how should we…[Read more]

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    Ed: From Abraham until now, FAITH was the connection between man and God. God will not connect with anything that is not perfect or has sin or is in darkness. No impurity can exist in God or connect to God. The only impurity from the beginning of time to now was (trying to be pure unto God) and not believing God. Following one another s actions…[Read more]

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    Ed: So, as far as you are concerned there is “doing good” which is “right” unto righteousness, unto acceptance and favor with God! Salvation based on your personal efforts!And there is “doing wrong” which would be “wrong” or away from righteousness, apart from God, wrong in Gods eyes, sin, or cause rejection from God!This would mean that “sin” or…[Read more]

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    theodorej: I didn't see any response to my post which is ok you are not required. But I can't let go quite yet pertaining to your post. It seems that possibly you believe that there are future events that must take place for the works of Jesus to be completed. Putting off into the future something intended for today could rob a person of all…[Read more]

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    Quote (Ed J @ Oct. 17 2011,15:28)Quote (ftk @ Oct. 16 2011,21:33)   Our previous disagreements have been that the good works or acts of love do not save your soul.Hi Tim,I have been trying to tell you now (unsuccessfully I might add) for well over 40 posts that no-one has been disagreeing with you on this point. But you have been ranting on and…[Read more]

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    Ed: If you really knew what the ego is you would have known the answer to your question by what I wrote to Irene. The ego is an energy system formed in the mind, through acquiring information from the five senses of physicality. As I see it, from birth, a human being begins to create his “ego” or “self-awareness” from the five physical senses. The…[Read more]

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    Irene: Did you really have to ask? I have no truth in and of myself. I'm a nobody from nowhere! I emptied myself of any and all pre-taught ideas about God as best I could praying and promising God that I own nothing, no doctrine, no teachings from anyone and I am willing to give up any beliefs that don't align with Jesus my lord! I have…[Read more]

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    Ed: That is GREAT news!!! TK

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    Quote (theodorej @ Oct. 15 2011,23:43)Quote (ftk @ Oct. 15 2011,23:28)Ed: I agree that when you are born again it is an instant transformation of mental intentions, but one is a baby at that moment and then he or she continues in growing spiritually by the words of God through Jesus unto a perfect man.ACTIONS ARE NOT FRUIT! The fruit of a man has…[Read more]

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    Ed: Here is a shorter summation of my truth. To live in the truth of God it must be accepted/believed in the heart of man. Anything a man owns as his life/truth is in his mind/heart! To become what the truth of God says about you through the words of Jesus it is only by faith believing. As you learn all the different aspects of how God…[Read more]

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    Quote (Ed J @ Oct. 15 2011,22:55)Quote (ftk @ Oct. 15 2011,22:34)Ed:  Quote Our righteous works prove to our fellow man where our heart is;…If you believe that there are righteous works that our fellow man can see, that prove where our heart is with God…please tell me what they might be! Evidences of ones righteousness….IMO, TKHi Tim,Acts…[Read more]

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    Ed: I agree that when you are born again it is an instant transformation of mental intentions, but one is a baby at that moment and then he or she continues in growing spiritually by the words of God through Jesus unto a perfect man.ACTIONS ARE NOT FRUIT! The fruit of a man has always been the words of his lips. All through the prophets and…[Read more]

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    Ed: Quote Our righteous works prove to our fellow man where our heart is;…What you say contradicts your complaint of unfairness. If you believe that there are righteous works that our fellow man can see, that prove where our heart is with God…please tell me what they might be! Evidences of ones righteousness….If you go to the store and walk…[Read more]

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    Ed: Lets face the truth here Ed. You say….. faith “AND”…..God just says “FAITH”!! If your personal actions or deeds or works have ANYTHING AT ALL to do with your righteousness or your forgiveness, or any part of the total salvation, then it is of “YOU” apart from God. You (or me or anyone) has absolutely nothing to do with what God has done…[Read more]

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    Ed: It is your very words that bear witness against you! Not me! When you say something like……Quote When one is born again, (his actions) turn from unrighteousness (doing what is wrong) to righteous behavior.You have spoken error. Actions neither create righteousness unto God nor do they destroy righteousness unto God. Only believing God…[Read more]

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