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    Pierre: My friend, you will be lost in scriptures, if you don't include the original context of scripture spoken and begin with that quote. In Luke 21 where you begin to quote Jesus it is lost and confusing because you didn't start at the root beginning of that particular dissertation. At 21:5….they began to speak of the temple, of how beautiful…[Read more]

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    Mike; You said……… If you don't know what God says then how can you argue as to what the Bible says. If Jesus is not the words of God expressed for our learning then it would be true that we can't know what God says. But if Gods says we are something, then we are whatever he says we are. That is faith and obedience to the words of God. Faith…[Read more]

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    Mark: You said….I am actually trying to listen to you. . Still waiting for the video of you commanding a tree.You best hope heaven is not your eternal home, there won't be anybody there!! I understand there won't be any “sinful” humans in heaven!!So every man, woman and child will be condemned as sinners, at the judgment day you say is coming…[Read more]

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    Bernard: We are close. Thanks for the dissertation. Your kindness in your presentation is felt and greatly appreciated. We can have disagreements without say ha ha your a… or you should…. you know what I mean, condescending or pointing the finger at the others beliefs.I believe our perfection in God comes by believing the words of Jesus and…[Read more]

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    Quote (mikeangel @ Oct. 31 2011,11:46)Quote If I tell you of peace, love and joy in the lord with no sin, evil, bad or hurt how is it that you say my religion…..”is to destroy, deceive, disease and deny the pureness of Jesus Christ”…..!Because when you claim perfection, you idolize yourself, and minimize the perfection in Jesus, which you will…[Read more]

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    Mike: I quoted nine scriptures, in their context to support sinlessness through Jesus. How many scriptures did you quote? You also mis-understand faith! Faith is a bridge of belief….without seeing….until you do see! Not believing,… until you see,… is called unbelief! All the gifts of God are by faith….not unbelief. It takes no faith to…[Read more]

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    Quote (Ed J @ Oct. 31 2011,02:14)Hi Tim,What do you make of this verse…Afterward Jesus findeth him in the temple, and said unto him, Behold, thou art made whole: sin no more, lest a worse thing come unto thee. (John 5:14)Must he control his thoughts, or must he control his actions; which is Jesus referring to here?God blessEd J (Joshua…[Read more]

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    Mark: I always refer to the written “Mosaic” Law” that is fulfilled because it was until John the Baptist.(Luke16:18)According to Jesus!….You search the scriptures for in them ye think ye have eternal life and they are they which testify of me, that ye might have life….(not sin and death) John5:39…..being made free from sin…Rom6:18….! (I…[Read more]

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    Hey Ed: All conjunctions are placed “as needed” in translation from Greek to English. Any sentence in the New Testament can be greatly altered to truth or error by the translator. Go “and” sin no more is just a accurately written….go “in” sin, no more. Which is would obviously fit my belief of sin being in the mind or she was thinking she was…[Read more]

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    Quote (mikeangel @ Oct. 29 2011,23:41)Tim,What I am saying, is we are totally on oppisite sides of understanding. A few examples- In the parable of the man standing in the front of the temple with head unbowed (IMO, you) Telling God he is glad he is not the poor sinner in the back, thinking himself rightious, and perfect. The man in the back beat…[Read more]

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    ftk replied to the topic Just another theory? in the forum Prophecy 12 years, 11 months ago

    Quote (mikeangel @ Oct. 30 2011,19:41)Quote (ftk @ Oct. 29 2011,08:00)Quote (Ed J @ Oct. 29 2011,04:26)Hi Tim,There is no such thing as eternal death.Death is swallowed up in victory. (1Cor.15:54)God blessEd J (Joshua 22:34)http://www.holycitybiblecode.orgEd: There is no death as such. There is life and there is separation from life. Death is…[Read more]

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    t8: Excellent again! Now lets honestly take our truth up another notch. If God is….evil is not! If God is light and in him is no darkness at all….then there is no darkness(in God)! Whatever God is….is! Whatever God is not, is a lie, deception, or illusion of truth. If we hold fast to good….there is no evil. Do we make up evil by previous…[Read more]

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    t8: Excellent post. Right on target. My slant or perception of evil is just slightly different. I don't write well. I have trouble getting my points across as I intend them to mean. Evil is a lie! There is no truth in evil! There is no “war” between God and “evil”. What could war against God? Evil cannot stand unless we accept it. Truth/God is……[Read more]

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    Ed: Are you sure you want to go against Jesus again with your doctrines? You said………Sin is what one does, ; that isunless your thoughts are rebellion against God!Tim misses this point, do you miss it as well?…….Matt.5:28….Jesus said,…I say unto you, That whosoever looketh on a woman to lust after her(all in the mind)….HATH…[Read more]

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    Bernheart: Welcome to the jungle! Any open discussions that allow “religion” and actual truth of God/Jesus are going to have discrepancies but I feel that to be a way of honing down or cutting away the “chaff” in order to leave the purified wheat. It is a necessary process for us to purify our minds with truth. You might say the “washing of the…[Read more]

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    Ed: Yea, the feast of booths was a big teaching with Jesus. I would have never known about the feast of booths or the real name of God by just reading the truths of Jesus. Thank goodness Ed is here to explain what Jesus apparently thought was unnecessary and unprofitable.IMO, TK

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    ftk replied to the topic Just another theory? in the forum Prophecy 12 years, 11 months ago

    Quote (Ed J @ Oct. 29 2011,04:26)Hi Tim,There is no such thing as eternal death.Death is swallowed up in victory. (1Cor.15:54)God blessEd J (Joshua 22:34)http://www.holycitybiblecode.orgEd: There is no death as such. There is life and there is separation from life. Death is separation from God/life. Eternal separation from God would be death/eternal. TK

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    Mark: You go out of your way to attempt to condemn yourself as a sinner. All that garbage you spewed on paper is not a criteria for judgment unto God!God says you are perfect! You seem to say oh, no Im not, I'm a sinner, look here what I do! or don't do! or have done! Or might do! or think about! GOD IS NOT GRADING YOU ON THOSE “THINGS”!!You have…[Read more]

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    ftk replied to the topic Just another theory? in the forum Prophecy 12 years, 11 months ago

    Mark: When Jesus said….you must drink my blood and eat my flesh to have any part in me…! Do you take that “literally” in the physical, material sense or “spiritually” as the true food/word of God….true drink/wine of spirit? One that is “born again” to spirit understanding must recreate his mind to spirit truth. He must “see” the truth…[Read more]

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    ftk replied to the topic Just another theory? in the forum Prophecy 12 years, 11 months ago

    For All: Are you really willing to ignore the genealogies at the front of Mathew that end when Jesus is born and shortly thereafter John comes preaching a baptism for remission of sin, or washing away errant mental beliefs to open the way for the real truth, Spirit truth from God through Jesus….that the Kingdom of God was come, is coming and…[Read more]

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