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    Quote (Ed J @ Nov. 15 2011,06:36)Quote (Ed J @ Nov. 10 2011,03:55)Hi Tim,Matthew 5:19-20 Whosoever therefore shall break one of these least commandments, and shall teach men so, he shall be called the least in the kingdom of heaven: but whosoever shall do and teach them, the same shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven. For I(Jesus) say…[Read more]

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    Quote (terraricca @ Nov. 15 2011,01:59)tkQuote Matthew 5:19-20 Whosoever(Jesus) therefore shall break one of these least commandments, and shall teach men so, shall be called the in the kingdom of heaven:  but whosoever shall them (the commandments), the same shallbe called ….(the greatest is the least) in the kingdom of heaven. For I(Jesus)…[Read more]

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    Pierre: What makes you think that you could be in that “144K”? They are 12k from each of the twelve tribes. What tribe are you in? I'm not in any tribe that I know of. I am not of that time period so far as I know. I would say lets go to Jesus and hear the words of God in this matter. If God says….. whichever one of you believes they are washed…[Read more]

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    Quote (seekingtruth @ Nov. 14 2011,21:51)TK,I agree with you on many things, we both believe in the love of God, the faith nature of salvation, always ready to error on the side of grace… Where we disagree however is on discrepancies in scripture, I believe that there are no discrepancies beyond those created by; misinterpreting scripture(s),…[Read more]

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    Ed: Jesus was giving a parabolic teaching to the Jews in reference to the law. He had just told them that he did not come to “destroy”…..now he is about to express a parable about him and the law….Matthew 5:19-20 Whosoever(Jesus) therefore shall break one of these least commandments, and shall teach men so, shall be called the in the kingdom…[Read more]

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    Pierre: I wonder why you would choose to limit the souls that partake of the tree of life by accepting and abiding in the words of John, over 80 years old, I think he was banished to the island of Patmos, over and above the many scriptures promises from Jesus, that in all cases express,…..''whosoever shall believe'' shall wear white….whether…[Read more]

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    Pierre;…….Mt 28:20 and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” what and when is the end of the age ??Isn't being “born again” the leaving behind of “old thing passed away”….and the new age is…”all things become new”…! Haven't we entered into a “New Covenant” w…[Read more]

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    Pierre: Eph.1:18…that the eyes of : that ye may know what is the hope of his calling, and what the riches of the glory of his inheritance (NOW)…and what is the exceeding greatness of his power to us-ward who believe,(NOW) according to the working of his mighty power,…V20…which he wrought in Christ, when he raised him from the dead(past…[Read more]

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    Quote (Ed J @ Nov. 12 2011,08:41)Quote (Ed J @ Nov. 10 2011,03:55)Hi Tim,Matthew 5:19-20 Whosoever therefore shall break one of these least commandments, and shall teach men so, he shall be called the least in the kingdom of heaven: but whosoever shall do and teach them, the same shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven. For I(Jesus) say…[Read more]

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    Pierre: Lets take a look at the scriptures you wrote.1Co 15:25 For he must reign until he has put all his enemies under his feet. 1Co 15:26 The last enemy to be destroyed is death.AND WHEN IS HIS LAST ENEMY IS DESTROYED ??WE STILL DIE AND WICKEDNESS STILL VERY WELL IN POWER,Eph 1:19 and his incomparably great power for us who believe. That power…[Read more]

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    ftk replied to the topic Last days in the forum Prophecy 12 years, 11 months ago

    Pierre: IT IS AS YOU SAY, PIERRE! FOR YOU! YOU HAVE YOUR BELIEFS AND I HAVE MINE. YOURS COME IN THE FUTURE, MINE ARE NOW!When the disciples ask those questions they didn't even know Jesus was about to die!! What in the world would create a question like….WHAT WILL BE THE SIGN OF YOUR COMING….! They didn't even know he would be going…[Read more]

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    Pierre: No matter how many scriptures I quote you will only be convinced by your own faith. Just remember that whatever scriptures and events you set off as future happenings, you will never partake of. You have the present and the past and the past is only a memory! TK

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    Pierre: Do you not know the scriptures? In Daniels vision at the time of the Roman Empire God would set up a Kingdom that would never be destroyed! Jesus established the Kingdom of God within all mankind, forever!All things are under the feet of Jesus…Eph.1:22….Heb.2:8…1Cor.15:25&271John3:8….that he might destroy the works of the…[Read more]

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    ftk replied to the topic Last days in the forum Prophecy 12 years, 11 months ago

    Pierre: Acts1:11…this same Jesus, which is taken up from you into heaven, shall….SO COME IN A LIKE MANNER AS YE HAVE SEEN HIM GO INTO HEAVEN….!….”taken” up… ….I believe he was exalted and received into heaven and was then able to return as the spirit of truth, being accepted or received within each individual person in a very similar…[Read more]

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    Pierre: Wasn't the 144 thousand people, twelve thousand from each of the twelve tribes? What tribe are you from Pierre? If you don't even know which tribe your from why worry about the total number? You best build your house on the New Testament truth of Jesus and not on the OT! The flesh and the spirit don't mix! The ot/flesh/physical way is…[Read more]

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    Pierre: What “end” are you concerned with? There is no end to the Kingdom of God it is eternal. If the eternal Kingdom is within you isn't that the “end of time”? Eternity has no “time”! Everything that happens is “now”! The word of God…was…is…is being….and will be! Thats the eternal word of God. Jesus handed over the Kingdom to God the…[Read more]

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    Pierre: …..You say…..Christ as the mission to fulfill all scriptures of God ,this he did not do when he left the earth to heaven…..!Jesus says:Luke18:31….Behold we go up to Jerusalem and all things that are written by the Prophets, concerning the son of man shall be accomplished (completed)!!Luke22:37….All that was written in the…[Read more]

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    ftk replied to the topic Last days in the forum Prophecy 12 years, 11 months ago

    Ed: When I hear the term….Second Coming…its a bit funny. There either was no return to the earth at all or there was about six or seven times (recorded) that Jesus manifested in earth after burial. I guess we should look for the “Seventh” coming!!An interesting thought I just had. Jesus never died. He is an eternal being(as we also are). There…[Read more]

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    Pierre: Excellent, that is right on target. God/Love cannot force us. There is no “force” in love. God must carefully guard us from being overwhelmed by his greatness or usurp our authority to make a choice. Any form of demand with power to back it up is usurping the will or power of another. To command a child to sit on your lap and love you…[Read more]

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