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    Quote (terraricca @ Feb. 01 2012,04:39)tkQuote Kerwin:  Bless you! It seems that I am the only one on this site that believes “faith” is the only way to unite with God!If only faith unites us with God….then works, bad or good, have nothing to do with faith in Jesus!guess why you are the only one ??? because it is not scriptural, because faith…[Read more]

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    Ed: Lets look deeper into the mustard seed parable…! The ''seed'' which is the ''least'' of all seeds….who did Jesus at one time say is the ''least'' in the Kingdom of Heaven?….the greatest is the ''least''….Jesus is the mustard seed from God, that when planted grows into the greatest of all trees…the tree of life in the “garden of God”…[Read more]

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    Ed: Also,…..I was “in sin”(darkness, apart from the truth of God)…..when Jesus ''saved'' me from that ignorant thinking. Jesus took away my “sin”(wrong thinking) by giving me the truth of God. At the same time truth/light of God comes to a man it cast out “devils” (deceived thinking, error thinking, darkness). No, my salvation package is not…[Read more]

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    Quote (Ed J @ Feb. 01 2012,00:45)Quote (ftk @ Jan. 30 2012,22:55)   I had nothing to do the original salvation package.Hi Tim,Is YOUR ‘sinning package’ now gone?God blessEd J (Joshua 22:34)http://www.holycitybiblecode.orgEd: The words translated in the New Testament as “Save” & “Salvation': Grk.(soteria: & soterion)…..to save, heal, heal…[Read more]

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    Kerwin: Bless you! It seems that I am the only one on this site that believes “faith” is the only way to unite with God!If only faith unites us with God….then works, bad or good, have nothing to do with faith in Jesus!Do you personally believe that righteousness unto God is by faith….or by works and deeds, that are either good or evil?Paul…[Read more]

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    Mike: Yes that is true…the word(s) of God came(Jesus) with the truth from God to judge mankind completely. Not condemn, judge humanity as perfect. The word of God/Jesus began its works in any/all who would accept and believe that the words of Jesus were the truth from God and that it was given as a gift from God to “WHOSOEVER” would believe!!…[Read more]

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    t8: Are you comfortable with pulling scriptures from different situations and pasting them out of context into a single meaning. Shall we then put together….Judas went and hanged himself,…. go and do thou likewise! That's what I call pasting together scriptures to make it look like that is what is being said.Do we dare to take…[Read more]

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    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Jan. 30 2012,04:12)Hi Tim,I can't see where you addressed this post from page 40:Quote (ftk @ Jan. 20 2012,04:42)Its really an eternal judgment.Hi Tim,Isn't this a shift from what you've been preaching?  I thought you said it was a one-time judgment upon accepting Christ.  But now it seems like you are saying we are being j…[Read more]

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    Quote (t8 @ Jan. 30 2012,11:56)Quote (Gene Balthrop @ Jan. 27 2012,01:11)T8……….It is not a Satan who is the rulers of this word it is Men in HIGH PLACES who rule this world, Your Satan is not a GOD of anything it is a Spirit of Evil working in the hearts and minds of Men who rule  this world. You attribute that to one being Satan you call a…[Read more]

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    OOPS, I missed a section….I'll continue..A progression away from the old sinful nature (see Colossians 3:4-10):………1John has a progression away from sin. Starting at 1John 1:8:…Sinners practice sin!Progressing to 1John 3:9: “Whoever is born(created) of God(spirit/words) does not commit sin; For his seed(spirit/words of God)remainith in h…[Read more]

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    Ed or Pierre: If either one of you care to really know the truth you will find that even Jesus himself cannot forgive Ed if he trespasses against Pierre! God cannot forgive Pierre if he trespasses against Ed! The only forgiveness you can receive is if you forgive. FORGIVE….AND THEN YOU WILL BE FORGIVEN….FORGIVE US OUR TRESPASSES….AS OR…[Read more]

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    The devils are thoughts or information against the truth of God. Deceptive, errant wrong thinking against the truth/God. They are not trying to ''get'' you or make you do ''bad'' things! They are trying to get you to believe that doing things is evil and separates you from God. Deception continually comes against the truth. We have powerful minds…[Read more]

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    Pierre: There is a difference to me of reading scriptures only or reading and understanding combined. Everything I have learned in from the scriptures its just different understanding that separates us. I am not trying to be contentious I searching for the truth. I don't want to be ever learning but never able to come to the truth…..With all…[Read more]

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    Quote (Ed J @ Jan. 28 2012,23:38)Quote (Ed J @ Jan. 27 2012,21:23)Quote (ftk @ Jan. 27 2012,21:04)   There are no physical “righteous acts” and there are no physical “unrighteous acts”!Hi Tim,1 John 3:10 In this the children of God are manifest, and the children of the devil: whosoever DOETH not righteousness is not of God, neither he that loveth…[Read more]

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    Pierre: Quote I quoted you scriptures that you denied Your last post did not have one scripture by you in it!! TK

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    Ed: If the scriptures say….''righteousness unto God is by faith'',……… lest any man man should boast….the the work of/for righteousness is “faith” in the truth of God!! One who “Doeth” righteousness could only mean “believeth” or has “faith in” God!If works of any kind could make one righteous then there is no need for faith. The…[Read more]

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    Ed: Wow! The only one between the two of us that is possibly “resisting the faith” is not me! I'm the one who says its “faith only” that makes us perfect. I'm the one who says there is no “good work'' or “good deed'' that a man can do of himself, that can add anything to his salvation or take anything away. Salvation is by faith alone.…[Read more]

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    Ed: I don't know who those people are I care not to judge them. But this much I do know….If anyone thinks they can ''do” or “not do” ….ANYTHING…. that will help ''aid'' their salvation or ''hurt'' their salvation they are in error/sin! Because the law of works and deeds could not then nor ever make the worshipers clean in mind/heart! There…[Read more]

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    Pierre: You can have you own opinions but when you point the finger and condemn another mans servant as ''lost'' that condemnation is for you…not me…! You are judge and jury on “you” not me! You are king of your Kingdom of God within, so what ''you say'' is the law of your land. You will reap what you sow. I pray that you don't condemn…[Read more]

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    Ed: I ask you earlier,….What are the works of the Devil? You answered….Quote 2) There are more, but here's a short list for you: fornication, uncleanness, inordinate affection, evil concupiscence, and covetousness, which is idolatry: (Col.3:5)…THAT IS A LIE!…. THE DEVIL DOES NOT TRY TO ENTICE YOU TO ''DO'' THESE THINGS!….THAT IS NOT…[Read more]

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