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    Pierre; You said again……”you are a dreamer ,do you think that the prophecy of Joel lasted until now ? if yes show me how ?”….I said……..John the Baptist…since then is the kingdom of God preached….Matt.11:13…Luke24:44…Mark1:15….Matt.3:2! TK]…..Jesus himself was saying the prophecy of Joel and all the prophets was up until…[Read more]

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    Ed) ……All ….1John5:17…!….The opposite would be….!! Righteousness is by “faith” not by any works or deeds. Preachers have the hardest time accepting new truth that continues to evolve because they have already taught the innocent wrongly! TK

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    Quote (Ed J @ Nov. 20 2011,21:23)Quote (terraricca @ Nov. 19 2011,08:55)tkQuote To one who thinks they are in sin, so they are.do you really believe that a men without conscience think that he is guilty of anything ?so according to you he would be without sin.PierreHi Pierre,Tim seems to miss this point in his equation.God blessEd J (Joshua…[Read more]

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    Quote (terraricca @ Nov. 20 2011,03:25)tkQuote Pierre: Instead of condemning other men in general, saying they have no conscience, lets just stay with you, your the only one you really know. When you talk about others, and what they have or don't have it is not from knowledge it is manufactured by you. You don't really know!read my comment again…[Read more]

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    Quote (terraricca @ Nov. 20 2011,14:13)Quote (ftk @ Nov. 20 2011,03:48)Pierre: I am so sorry for you! In Acts2:16….Peter stood up and said…hearken to my words….this outpouring of the spirit of God is a confirmation of the prophet (at Joel 2:28)….and this the prophet said….and it shall come to pass in the last days, saith God, I will pour…[Read more]

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    Ed: No, nothing new here just an opportunity to expound further about sin!All unrighteousness is sin….1John5:17…! Righteousness is by faith in Jesus that he has made you righteous unto God. Sin is the same. Sin is unrighteousness. Sin is a personal condemnation by an individual from his own mind/heart, that he has ''wronged'' in some way the…[Read more]

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    Pierre: Instead of condemning other men in general, saying they have no conscience, lets just stay with you, your the only one you really know. When you talk about others, and what they have or don't have it is not from knowledge it is manufactured by you. You don't really know!Do you believe you have a conscience? Do you believe you have sin, or…[Read more]

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    Pierre: I am so sorry for you! In Acts2:16….Peter stood up and said…hearken to my words….this outpouring of the spirit of God is a confirmation of the prophet (at Joel 2:28)….and this the prophet said….and it shall come to pass in the last days, saith God, I will pour out of my spirit upon all flesh: and your sons and your daughters…[Read more]

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    Pierre: …..Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death I will fear no evil. For thou art with me. Thy rod and thy staph they comfort me….My father prepared a table before me in the presence of mine enemies…..(here on earth)….my cup runneth over(with good things)….surely goodness, and mercy shall follow me all the days of my…[Read more]

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    Quote (Ed J @ Nov. 19 2011,00:11)Hi Tim,Notice how Heb.10:26-27 doesn't say: if we believe we are “IN” sin, nor does it say if we believe that sin “EXISTS”, it says if we sin willfully! Why do you have so much trouble understanding that sin is something you do!which is: rebellion against God. That, my friend, is what it means to continue in sin…[Read more]

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    Pierre: Take no offense, but that is the most lifeless, sad, non-energetic, religious belief composite there can be! Are you really serious when you say you want to live your life for someone else? Or do you God will get you if you don't! Do you study the Bible and feel great joy to think that you are expected and demanded to do or not do certain…[Read more]

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    To all: Lets remember that….EVIL….SIN….DEATH….FEAR….AND ALL THEIR BYPRODUCTS OR FRUIT…..will be nonexistent if we…pay no attention to them,…..Do not think on them,…..And stop believing in them……!!! If love begins to dominate your mind, love is the fruit that will be produced. This is the testing of your faith! This is the…[Read more]

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    Quote (terraricca @ Nov. 14 2011,02:56)tkQuote The way I see it is we are the body of Christ that carries this very same FULLNESS OF HIM. We are facsimiles of Jesus if we believe.then you are one of the 144k brothers of Christ ??if not then what Paul says is not for you.PierrePierre: This is the quote I was making reference to that you had written…[Read more]

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    If there is ever anyone that is truly "Christ-like" on this planet we will hear!! To me the term…''Christian''…is liberally used with little foundation.By the way if there a "true" Christian there must be an "untrue Christian"! A Christian is supposed to be ''Christ-like'' which would be full of the "truth" from God! I've heard there are…[Read more]

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    Pierre: I don't understand what you mean. Please expound! TK

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    For all: Jesus is a multifaceted precious stone. Jesus is the truth of God which is broader and deeper than any man can yet comprehend. Jesus spoke in parables, allegory and metaphors. These veils of the mind are set in mind to filter out the timid and faithless leaving only the truly dedicated to find the deeper rich truths from God. Telling…[Read more]

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    Pierre: In another scripture at Matt.11:11 you can find this same expression from Jesus when he is making reference to John the Baptist. V11….verily I say unto you, Among them that are born of women there hath not risen a greater than John the Baptist:…..notwithstanding…..he(Jesus) that is least in the kingdom of heaven is greater than…[Read more]

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    Ed: I see you cleverly dodged the same scriptures I interpreted for you. Matt.5-19 which I knew you would. Preachers, like Politicians and Lawyers, learn to talk in circles and use many words to confuse and negate the fact that they haven't a clue of real truth or don't want it revealed. Talking in circles or double talk! You are what you are.…[Read more]

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    Pierre: If you don't believe it, don't worry about whether you will be in it or not. You won't! All connections with man and God are by Faith. TK

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    Wm: I read your dissertation on Arriving at Truth. Yes I agree that especially new people in the deeper truths of God may not have a foundation set and if it is set its not based totally on what Jesus says. Your dissertation is somewhat of a parable story in itself, where it is expected of a person to decipher the basis of truth for himself. So it…[Read more]

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