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    For all: What is sin?…..SIN IS ANY THOUGHT, CREATED IN ONES MIND, THAT ''CONDEMNS THEM'' OR ''SEPARATES'' THEM FROM PERFECT UNION WITH GOD!! For the sake of learning what the word “sin” means in the Bible we point out that “sin” as an English word that means a mistake an offence or error made, trying to do something. In English it could be a…[Read more]

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    Quote (Ed J @ Nov. 24 2011,02:49)Quote (ftk @ Nov. 23 2011,20:39)Ed:  You win! All you care about is pointing the finger, accusing, and setting an accusatory trap. This is the work of darkness. Dark spirits and liars point the finger and say ah, ha! You have no idea what that scripture is actually talking about yet you quote it as a teaching tool…[Read more]

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    Ed:….John15:1….. Jesus is the true vine (truth vine) and his father is the husbandman. The fruit of the vine of truth is ''truth''. Every branch in the vine of truth that does not bear fruit the husbandman takes away!Every branch that beareth fruit, he purgeth/cleanseth/prunes, that is may bring forth more fruit/truth!…..So, God/the…[Read more]

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    Gene: Bless you, when I read what Jesus says it is lord of my truth. If nothing else in the Bible aligns with the words of Jesus it matters not to me. I'm sold out to Jesus words. This I promised God from the beginning of my studies.I believe if you search the prophets and their prophesies you will find their end at the time of the Roman Empire…[Read more]

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    Quote (mikeangel @ Nov. 23 2011,22:04)Quote If most of mankind believes in war instead of peace we will have a massive war on earth. If most of the world is saved through Jesus and full of love and peace then the world will turn around and become the paradise it was previously! Tim,You are correct. I agree with you here. Sadly though, mankind in…[Read more]

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    Quote (shimmer @ Nov. 23 2011,21:30)The whole worlds gone mad. I mean, if everyone truly believed in the doctrine of eternal hell like they do, (and eternal paradise) then how come they are more interested in their own lives, making money, shopping etc? If man truly believed and truly loved their neighbour, they would see how Muslims have been…[Read more]

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    Quote (Pastry @ Nov. 23 2011,07:11)t8 good video, however is that not an old story?  The Jewish people have been a nation in Jerusalem since 1948, and started to come back as early as 1914…… they have to endure, according what Georg has studied, one more punishment………Peace and Love IreneIrene: George may want to reconsider some…[Read more]

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    Ed: You said……..''it's my perfection''….that produces the works: (you mean perfection given to you by faith through Christ,…right!)Fruit is not works or deeds. The fruit of the lips of man, or the words of God/life are produced from the love of God within and given to whosoever will accept and receive. The fruit of God is words/spirit of…[Read more]

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    Quote (Ed J @ Nov. 23 2011,02:21)Quote (ftk @ Nov. 22 2011,21:55)Quote (Ed J @ Nov. 22 2011,06:35)Hi Tim,1) Some men's sins are open beforehand, going before to judgment; and some men they follow after.     Likewise also the good works of some are manifest beforehand; and they that are otherwise cannot be hid. (1Tm.5:24-25)God blessEd JEd:1) U…[Read more]

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    ftk replied to the topic The soul in the forum Truth or Tradition 12 years, 10 months ago

    Gene: My good friend, greetings how are you? I noticed your post in this thread to t8 about the “soul” which brought some things to mind I wanted to share. I have no strong opinion one way or the other. Except that “gospel” or “good” news(to me) would likely be continued life and consciousness of some sort forever. It might be that we cease to…[Read more]

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    t8) I watched your video!Please remember that the Spirit has come. We are no longer Jews, or Gentiles or bond or free, nor male nor female there are no divisions in this, the day of the lord Jesus. The Temple changed to inside of mankind, world wide, very few in Jerusalem. A new covenant was cut by Jesus blood. Jerusalem can still be called the…[Read more]

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    Ed:1) Untruth. Ed made bull!2) Anyone grading themselves by actions, works or deed has bad or good ratings. Judgment with condemnation(for bad)! There can only be boasting for doing good, or sadness for doing not good or bad!3) Oh, you will feel, either better or good for good performance or lessor or sad for a bad performance. You will feel what…[Read more]

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    Ed: Apparently you have your God's, its Ed's actions + Ed, creating perfection unto salvation. You are grading yourself with scriptures. I am graded by what Jesus did and gave to me by faith. You are grading yourself based on how you walk and act in life. Self-salvation by actions. Those actions have nothing to do with the salvation and perfection…[Read more]

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    Ed: As near as I can tell you believe that you are being tested/graded on how you “act” or what “act” you do or don't do. Paul called it ''boasting''. Either you feel good if things and actions and basic stuff that you have done is good or you feel bad if you “believe” you have fallen short in your actions and deeds. This is the stuff young…[Read more]

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    1) NO-ONE is talking about working towards salvation,why are you still promoting this fallacy as if someone had?……..A preacher that doesn't even know what salvation is? (spelling by memory) are both all inclusive words that sum up a total package given to man from God through Jesus. Everything God provided for mankind was packaged in the…[Read more]

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    Ed: A righteous seeking man would be seeking what righteousness is, not un-righteousness! And the truth is you do not even need to know what the word unrighteousness means. That matters not to a man that is seeking righteousness. I know how to achieve righteousness. Only through Jesus the lord of all and his gift by faith. I also don't need to…[Read more]

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    But here God's words differ from your words:QuoteFor all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God; (Romans 3:23)……….IT DOESN'T SAY ALL ARE “IN” SIN THERE IS PRE AND POST!……Ed, ARE YOU RIGHT NOW IN SIN AND SHORT OF THE GLORY OF GOD? I THINK YOU WOULD SAY NO BECAUSE YOU HAVE ASKED FOR AND ACCEPTED TOTAL SALVATION FROM GOD THROUGH…[Read more]

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    Quote (Ed J @ Nov. 21 2011,01:03)Quote (ftk @ Nov. 20 2011,23:02)Ed)  ……All ….1John5:17…!….The opposite would be….!!  Righteousness is by “faith” not by any works or deeds.  Preachers have the hardest time accepting new truth that continues to evolve because they have already taught the innocent wrongly! TKHi Tim,How is one ri…[Read more]

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    Irene: I will only answer a few of these quotes from Rev. in respect for the amount of time it took you to print them. You, me, and every human being must be born again to see/understand the Kingdom of God according to Jesus. The old covenant, flesh, physical way full of works and physical service in a physical church has all passed away. The new…[Read more]

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