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    Mark: Please take care in using the word “fear”. The word fear when used as the fear of the lord is “respect” unto God. Fear as in afraid for life type fear (being afraid) is the opposite of the “faith” which saves our souls. Faith in God unites us with God. A union, A marriage!!Fear separates us from God. Breaks the union. Fear causes divorcement…[Read more]

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    Pierre: The Bible word “obey” and “obedience” has a tendency to paint up a picture in the mind of “submission” to something. A worker who must obey. A dog who must obey. A child who must obey. Etc.!OBEY and OBEDIANCE ……….{Pethio}…pacify…give ascent to….go along with….obey….conciliate! {Hupakouo}…listen to…take heed….hearken…[Read more]

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    Ed: The truth of God does not annoy me. I love the truth, have always loved the truth and given much of my life unto the truth. What annoys me about you is your self-righteous doctrine. Anyone who believes in their own works and deeds is self-righteous! Anyone who believes they are being “graded” by what they do is “self” righteous. Anyone who…[Read more]

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    ftk replied to the topic Last days in the forum Prophecy 12 years, 10 months ago

    For All: Does it matter to anyone that at the time Thessalonians was written, Paul and the disciples and many other converts were teaching Jesus, casting out evil doctrines, healing all manner of sicknesses and disease and causing thousands a day to turn from a dead religion to an alive Christ. The power of God through Jesus was at work in…[Read more]

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    Hey Mark: Sorry I've been to stupid to not get your name right. But I always did think of Michael the great angel when I saw mikeangel! That's my only excuse.(except stupidity)So, Mark lets look at these scriptures and pick them apart a bit with closer scrutiny.2:10 Let us oppress the poor {righteous man}Jesus{and all his followers after him}, let…[Read more]

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    Hey Mike: Lets take a look at your post.YOU SAID:What can I say? Your understanding, while good natured and optimistic, is not even close to what the scriptures teach. Gene has listed one scripture that tells of a fatal warning from Jesus. I'll add two more:……VERY INTERESTING….A FATAL(DEATH) WARNING FROM THE PRINCE OF PEACE TO A BORN…[Read more]

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    ftk replied to the topic Last days in the forum Prophecy 12 years, 10 months ago

    Quote (Pastry @ Nov. 28 2011,05:05)Quote (ftk @ Nov. 28 2011,00:12)George: According to the scriptures in John14:10:31….The Spirit, the word, Jesus, God, the holy spirit, the comforter, the spirit of truth all and more are the exact same thing, just different forms of same energy. V17…the religious world couldn't see/perceive the different…[Read more]

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    ftk replied to the topic Last days in the forum Prophecy 12 years, 10 months ago

    George: According to the scriptures in John14:10:31….The Spirit, the word, Jesus, God, the holy spirit, the comforter, the spirit of truth all and more are the exact same thing, just different forms of same energy. V17…the religious world couldn't see/perceive the different labels, Jesus said….but ye know him: for he dwelleth you….and…[Read more]

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    Hey Ed: I don't know whether you “see” but won't admit, don't see at all, or just say stupid things to annoy me!You said……That's why I no longer have the desire to COMMIT any sin. (2Cor.7:1)And , they are perfect! (Heb.11:40)……If you thinketh you have commiteth according to Jesus! Jesus did not say adultery was a sin! That's what you…[Read more]

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    Hey Mike: You say:…..Not just Malachi and Joel, but Isaiah, Amos, Zephaniah, and others.God has told us about that day through the mouths of many prophets, Tim. Do you suppose God got it wrong? Do you suppose He was only joking?……NO, I DO NOT THINK GOD IS JOKING! BUT GOD IS NOT WILLING THAT ANY SHOULD PERISH! GOD IS NOT LOOKING TO KILL HIS…[Read more]

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    Quote (mikeangel @ Nov. 26 2011,23:08)By the way Tim, we are being graded. Every move you make will be plain to see to humanity at Judgement, even your secrets. We will be rewarded according to our conduct, and “The last will come first and the first will come last”. Believing in Jesus and having faith will get you there. Putting yourself last and…[Read more]

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    Quote (Ed J @ Nov. 26 2011,05:51)Quote (ftk @ Nov. 25 2011,23:59)Pierre:Thinking and dwelling on these things as sin, is tantamount to performing them as far a ''Sin'' goes! TKHi Tim,Is this what you trying to say…Thinking and dwelling on these things, is tantamount to performing them as far a ''Sin'' goes! God blessEd J (Joshua…[Read more]

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    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Nov. 26 2011,02:05)Quote (ftk @ Nov. 25 2011,05:21)The truth I have come to isn't easily found. Its not on the surface because even the translators were religious and believed it should say and mean certain things.Agreed!  That's why I use sites like NETBible and biblos.com.  You can see the various ways different translators r…[Read more]

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    Mark: My friend, please dream with me for a minute. What if the New Testament of Bible and scriptures from God are attempting to tell a story in allegory form of the life and times of a human being. If that human being hears only the truth from God he actually becomes what he believes. Jesus came to tell mankind the truth about themselves, how…[Read more]

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    Mike: My good friend. Thanks for the truth you shared. My heart goes out to you with every ounce of love I can give. I want you to understand something extremely important for me to try to tell you.In my beliefs there are two worlds at work. There is a relationship with my creator Father in heaven or spiritual father and there is my life on…[Read more]

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    Pierre: I had already written this on another thread but it pertains better here. It should answer at least the first three questions. In Matt. at 15:12….the Pharisees (highest leaders of the religious world) were offended when Jesus said to his disciples, V14….let them (church leaders) alone: (they) be blind leaders of the blind. And if (the…[Read more]

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    Quote (terraricca @ Nov. 25 2011,02:30)tkQuote For me and my extensive searching,… all prophecy has been fulfilled in its time. This includes the revelation of John which for me is an overview…unveiling or uncovering of the life of the word of God, Jesus, Alpha and Omega. The word of God revealed from Adam to John. The end of Revelation being…[Read more]

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    Hey Mike, Bless you. From following this path I stated of Jesus first, then all must align, I have come to the truth I have. I have not found the truth that I share from any one else any where! In the past I fully and totally believed all the end times doctrines wars and rumors of war and 'sin' doctrines and judgments and what I call mainline…[Read more]

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    Pierre: In Matt. at 15:12….the Pharisees (highest leaders of the religious world) were offended when Jesus said to his disciples, V14….let them (church leaders) alone: (they) be blind leaders of the blind. And if (the blind) lead the blind, both shall fall into the ditch….V15…Peter said declare unto us this parable…V18…THOSE…[Read more]

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