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    Ed: Come on that's two many scriptures! Here's about 10…Matt.8:4…offer the gift that Moses commanded…Mrk.1:44….those things Moses commaded7:10….Moses said, honor thy father and mother….10:3…what did Moses command you…12:19….Moses wrote…If a mans brother die….John….1:17….for the law was given through Moses….1:45….we…[Read more]

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    Quote (Ed J @ Dec. 03 2011,20:34)Hi Tim,God's commandments are given for our own good. Following the 10 commandments insures our freedom.Jesus came to put God's commandments into our hearts.God blessEd J (Joshua 22:34)http://www.holycitybiblecode.orgEd: Tell me something Ed. Any law has a consequence or some form of retribution!What is the…[Read more]

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    Quote (mikeangel @ Dec. 03 2011,21:27)John 13:34     <>  New International Version (©1984)”A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another.New Living Translation (©2007)So now I am giving you a new commandment: Love each other. Just as I have loved you, you should love each other.English Stan…[Read more]

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    Hey Mark: Please don't give up on me yet. If I have remained silent on anything it was by mistake. I may have to say to you, I don't know the answer but I will not run from any question with an honest heart-felt answer to the best of my knowledge.As we continue our quest for the truth of God that is revealed by Jesus in the new testament there are…[Read more]

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    Ed: We only disagree on the definition of the word ''command''! A command according to me is a “forceful” expression and love does not force! Love can suggest or prescribe but no force! If we agree that the word “commandments” is more accurately translated the “words” of God or Jesus or Paul or whoever, then we have no problem. I believe that you…[Read more]

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    Ed: There is only one time the word “commandments” is used in the new testament which means: to charge, mandate, command! 1Thes.4:2!! Both Jesus and Paul and all authors in the NT used the grk.wd. “entole”. Ed do you care enough for other young Christians to learn the truth or do you care more just to protect yourself from exposure. We all…[Read more]

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    Quote (Ed J @ Dec. 02 2011,13:39)Quote (ftk @ Dec. 02 2011,01:14)Please, WHAT IS SIN!Hi Tim,Sin is the transgression of the commandments of God. (1John 3:4, 1John 3:24)God blessEd J (Joshua 22:34)http://www.holycitybiblecode.orgEd: There are no “commandments” from God or Jesus in the New Testament.The words translated “command or…[Read more]

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    Mark: I'll try to be brief!….If you would please look up the word “sin” in the NT and tell me ! Not what sin causes! Not what sin does! Not how bad sin is! Not Gods feelings about one who sins! Please, WHAT IS SIN!….You say………Jesus says at John15:15…HENCEFORTH I CALL YOU NOT SERVANTS….BUT I HAVE CALLED YOU FRIENDS….You…[Read more]

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    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Dec. 01 2011,12:10)Quote (ftk @ Nov. 30 2011,06:27)Mike: Great question! Tricky answer. May I again use my “computer” example.I'd prefer a simple and direct answer, if you don't mind.Do you believe that Jesus will judge actual PEOPLE?  Do you believe that the ones Jesus judges unfavorably will be destoyed?Tim, WILL PEOPLE BE…[Read more]

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    ftk replied to the topic Last days in the forum Prophecy 12 years, 10 months ago

    Pierre: When Nicodemus said to Jesus, we(the Jews) know you are from God for anyone not from God could not possibly do the healing works that we “see” you do lest he be from God!! Jesus gave a answer to his statement, it was not a question.John3:3…..Jesus said to Nicodemus,…except a man be born again he cannot “see”(comprehend,understand) the…[Read more]

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    Hi Gene: How are you and God bless you. I just re-read this post, HANG ON TO YOUR HAT THIS IS A WILD ONE!!We do believe in opposition to one another on this point. I have reason that I cannot go into at this point to believe that it was just as important for God as it was for mankind that there be absolute, protected, free will choice by man on…[Read more]

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    Ed: There is a huge difference between being told what to do and following the opinions and suggestions of another person. Being ''told'' what to do or not do is a command of force. Love never commands by force. Love can suggest but never commands. God does not command me to do anything….but I choose to follow his suggestions of life. Obeying is…[Read more]

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    Mike: We need not argue over what we see or believe is “sin” or against God. Here is what is most important. WHAT YOU BELIEVE IN YOUR HEART IS RIGHT FOR YOU IS WHAT IS RIGHT! If YOU BELIEVE SOMETHING IS A ''SIN'' UNTO GOD….DON'T DO IT…! WHY???….BECAUSE YOUR EGO WILL CONDEMN YOUR MIND. THIS WILL BLOCK THE LOVE FROM GOD TO A DEGREE.…[Read more]

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    Mike: Great question! Tricky answer. May I again use my “computer” example. A strong, fast, healthy computer is perfect. A human being is made from God, perfect! If the computer is programed with errant information it will attempt to operate with that errant information and may do so even though the programing is full of virus, wrong, slow etc.…[Read more]

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    Ed: You are such a typical disgusting self-righteous preacher. Did you miss the more important truth of that parable or are you just exercising your self-righteousness! I've told you before that apart from hurting other people a man is free to express his life in any way he chooses. Riotous living does not bother God at all, but I believe he is…[Read more]

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    ftk replied to the topic Last days in the forum Prophecy 12 years, 10 months ago

    Quote (terraricca @ Nov. 30 2011,04:50)tkQuote IF JESUS WERE NOT HERE THERE WOULD BE NO EFFECTIVE GOSPEL TO TEACH. ALL SALVATION HINGES ON JESUS/GOD OR WE ARE DEAD!!  IMO, TK I am glad it is only your opinion ,not your conviction,this is still the time of separation ,until Christ return ,then it would be to late to be saved,at the harvest…[Read more]

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    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Nov. 29 2011,11:16)I don't know what to say.  Tim, I posted scriptures that speak of the righteous being saved and the unrighteous being destroyed.  I did this to show you that there WILL be punishment for the unrighteous, DESPITE what you personally want to believe. How in the world you decided I was calling YOU unrighteous f…[Read more]

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    Luke 15:11-32….Thanks

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    Hey Mark: I was wondering if you might read a story Jesus gave, I know you have read it before but this time please make it very very personal between you and God. Its my favorite story, thanks for taking the time. Luke15:11….Jesus tells a story to Mark about his father in Heaven! See what the Father does, wow, what love! Bless you, TK

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    Quote (mikeangel @ Nov. 29 2011,21:38)Hey Tim,But I don't know if another scripture that so exactly describes his disposition with the pharasees and the way he was condemned and why. We both love much, but comprehend god and the bible differantly. I believe in a actual God separate from you and me, that created all of this. He is revealed in the…[Read more]

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