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    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Dec. 11 2011,02:21)So Tim,I accept Jesus as my Lord and Savior.  Now, if I go rape a 3 year old boy tonight, are you saying it's only a sin IF I acknowledge it as such?Hey Mike;You said:….I accept Jesus as my Lord and Savior. Now, if I go rape a 3 year old boy tonight, are you saying it's only a sin IF I acknowledge it as…[Read more]

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    For All: I would like to say to anyone who might listen. Over the years Gods words/spirit have come to me through Jesus, the mediator of Gods truth. Gods words of ''truth'' are loving, peaceful, kind, happy, full of grace, forgiving, they build up, create anew, give life in abundance, take away fear, light my path, and give me love overflowing…[Read more]

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    Hey Mark: Bless you this day…..my response to your post:You said in part:……..do you know that a King has even the power to give his Kingdom away to others?……..IF GOD IS SPIRIT….AND THEREFORE HIS WORDS ARE SPIRIT….AND GOD GAVE HIS WORDS/SPIRIT TO JESUS WHO ACCEPTED AND GREW STRONG IN THE LORD AND THEN GAVE THEM TO WHOSOEVER WOULD…[Read more]

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    ftk replied to the topic Israel given 70 years in the forum Prophecy 12 years, 10 months ago

    Mike: …You said………THIS IS ABSOLUTELY CORRECT! The old physical way is past. Spirit is come! No more names…they all are ONE if they believe the truth! But please don't stop at just “Israel” being the believers in Christ. WHEN THE SPIRIT CAME, everything Jesus was, we are!! We are now, The ''spiritual'': New Jerusalem..(coming down from…[Read more]

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    ftk replied to the topic Israel given 70 years in the forum Prophecy 12 years, 10 months ago

    J42: Thanks for the in-depth post. For me the scriptures of the old and New covenants are now discerned spiritually. Mankind has been given the truth of actually,…what he really is and always has been…by Jesus. All the scriptures were summed up and fulfilled at John the Baptist….Jesus said is four places or more….Luke 16:16…the law and…[Read more]

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    ftk replied to the topic Israel given 70 years in the forum Prophecy 12 years, 10 months ago

    Hey, maybe if we are born of spirit truth we will recognize Israel was “the Fig Tree” that Jesus cursed and declared it to never bear fruit again! Maybe in Gal.3:26, since we are all children of God by “faith” in Jesus Christ, we could understand, that in the New Covenant physical changes to spiritual, now…V28…there is neither Jew nor Greek,…[Read more]

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    Jesus was talking about the “religious” world of the Jews that was about to be destroyed both by doctrine of Jesus and physically destroyed in about 70years. Please read a little further to verse 25, Jesus still talking to the same group makes reference to….”their law”….! The only “world order” that hated and eventually killed Jesus was the…[Read more]

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    Ed: Post 1….I agree, righteousness is union with God in perfection….it was gifted to Jesus from God and given to mankind by faith!Post 2…..If one bears false witness against his neighbor…then false witness will someday be manifest back to him! The New covenant is based on individual sons of God, ruling as their father in love or their…[Read more]

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    I find no place where God instituted marriage! Please read carefully before you blast me. Man instituted “taking” a wife! Adam was the one who said bone of my bone, and flesh of my flesh and called her Woman, and “took” her as a wife(underling or subordinate)! God did not “marry them” !Here is some light that darkness will hate!Persons that pick…[Read more]

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    Ed: If one “does” what righteousness(God) says ''not to do''(disobeying righteousness)….is that not a “sin” by your definition? TK

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    Mike: Could I put in my 2cents worth here? I believe God is every name! God is all and in all! That's why the term “God” is used. An actual name would be a limitation for an “unlimited” source! The use in the New Testament of the word, ''name'' is always an “authoritative rank'' or ''position of authority'' or ''total authority! For me, when…[Read more]

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    Ed: So to you does this mean that if one “gossips” it is a “sin”?…………….foolish! TK

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    Mike: The reason we seem to disagree on the ''sin” subject, is that I don't see “sin” as something you do or don't do! In truth I believe sin is a personally applied, self judged, self inflicted mental attitude of condemnation for something a man believes he has done or not done, or said or not said! That man has then judged, as a sin, something…[Read more]

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    Mark: Greetings…..I've enjoyed your writings. You are growing in understanding as we all should, being that we are planted with the “seed” words of God to grow up unto him.You said……Jesus was the only human to be directly born straight from God himself……I have an interesting viewpoint on the subject. I think maybe the conception of…[Read more]

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    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Dec. 10 2011,13:01)Quote (ftk @ Dec. 09 2011,04:53)….I BELIEVE THAT IN THE EXACT SAME WAY AS PAUL CHASTISED THE GALATIONS 3:1… FOR….TURNING BACK TO WORKS FROM FAITH…..THE MOST DEADLY SEED OF THAT TIME AND NOW…. THAT DESTROYS THE WORK OF JESUS….Okay, so what you are clearly saying is that EVEN AFTER I've accepted…[Read more]

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    Quote (theodorej @ Dec. 10 2011,11:42)Quote (ftk @ Dec. 10 2011,00:19)Hey Theodore:  Please tell me what the ten commandment will do for a man!  If a person believes those commandments make a person acceptable unto God that person continues in his death sentence with no way out.If the law of commandments would make the worshipers perfect there w…[Read more]

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    ftk replied to the topic Last days in the forum Prophecy 12 years, 10 months ago

    Pierre: When I started my trek in Bible I already knew all the “doctrinal” truth you espouse right now. Through in-depth study over many years and looking up thousands of Greek words I have come to this of mine that you call, ! The masses are contrary to what I see and understand. It would be very lonely but I have God/Jesus/Holy Spirit living…[Read more]

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    ftk replied to the topic Last days in the forum Prophecy 12 years, 10 months ago

    Pierre: I do know the mysteries of God and will continue to know more. And I do understand what Jesus meant when he said…one must eat my flesh and drink my blood to have life in himself! I am at total peace with the understandings of the truth that God has shown me so far.Why would I continue to share my pearls of truth with someone who points…[Read more]

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    Hey Theodore: Please tell me what the ten commandment will do for a man! If a person believes those commandments make a person acceptable unto God that person continues in his death sentence with no way out.If the law of commandments would make the worshipers perfect there would have been no need for Jesus. It didn't. Faith does!If a person…[Read more]

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