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    Ed: Sin entered into the world by what someone chose to believe! TK

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    ftk replied to the topic Marriage definition in the forum View Points 12 years, 9 months ago

    Mike: My only purpose for writing what I believe to be the truth is to share the love! Love is the answer! Love covers all. Jesus loved the woman caught in the act of adultery. The New Testament God revealed by Jesus as ''Love'' does not detest anyone, God is love, there is no “detest” energy or feelings in God. There is no darkness in God. God…[Read more]

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    Quote (Ed J @ Dec. 22 2011,21:31)Quote (ftk @ Dec. 22 2011,21:10)Ed: What you have written, to me, is the most direct bare faced lie I have seen anywhere on this site since the beginning!I can scarcely believe you wrote that,…I AM…is the devil! You are completely disconnected from your rational mind! That is blasphemy!Hi Tim,Wow, WHAT A…[Read more]

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    Ed: I pity your lies to defend your doctrines! Even the very new-born children, in Christ, know that they are the “TEMPLE” of God! Even those with no seminary training at the “nursery school” for preachers know that the Church of the New Testament is the body of Christ! Even the babies know that they are baptized of the Father/Son and Holy…[Read more]

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    Quote (Ed J @ Dec. 22 2011,08:23)Quote (ftk @ Dec. 22 2011,07:44)you seem to know NOTHING of who I amHi Tim,Mark 13:6 For many shall come in my name, saying, I am; and shall deceive many.I am: is the devil! (thread link here)Proverbs 2:11-15 Discretion shall preserve thee, understanding shall keep thee: 12 To deliver thee from the way of the evil…[Read more]

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    Mark: You believe you have great truths and much learning in the scriptures and have the ability to show the truth to the less informed and straighten out their impure thoughts and ways. If your attitudes and beliefs about how evil everybody is, were to be accepted mainstream, the earth wouldn't last ten years longer. The only thing that protects…[Read more]

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    Pierre: First off, it is your perception that anything I wrote was from miss-understanding or was from a false statement! Why, as two brothers in the lord, discussing what we believe the Bible is saying, do you infer that I am not truthful? I am not aware of any doctrine that I espouse that is not scripturaly based! TK

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    ftk replied to the topic Marriage definition in the forum View Points 12 years, 9 months ago

    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Dec. 13 2011,03:35)Quote (ftk @ Dec. 12 2011,07:35)Were you so busy condemning the “effeminate” persons mentioned in the KJV that you didn't even look up the word and see what it really means?Actually, I did look it up Tim.From NETNotes:This term is sometimes rendered “effeminate,” although in contemporary English usage suc…[Read more]

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    ftk replied to the topic Marriage definition in the forum View Points 12 years, 9 months ago

    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Dec. 14 2011,12:27)Quote (terraricca @ Dec. 13 2011,19:14)as far that it goes his daughters were engaged to two fellows already or became at that time this i do not knowPierre,The two daughters were virgins, pledged to be married.  But the future sons in law laughed at Lot when he tried to get them to leave with him.  Then L…[Read more]

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    ftk replied to the topic Marriage definition in the forum View Points 12 years, 9 months ago

    t8: WOW! THAT IS TRUE! POWERFUL POST! One accurate truth like that can energize me for weeks maybe years!! It seems to me if we just get busy accepting what Jesus says we are we will find a powerful loving God that want us to stand up and be what he says we are!! Thank you for that power truth. God bless you, TK

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    Quote (Ed J @ Dec. 20 2011,22:14)Quote (ftk @ Dec. 20 2011,21:41)Quote (Ed J @ Dec. 20 2011,00:32)Quote (ftk @ Dec. 19 2011,22:11)There are still many RELIGIOUS BIGOTS in the anti-christ church of today, I did not think you were one of them!  IMO, TKHi Tim,What are you calling   …'the anti-christ church'…  ?God blessEd J (Joshua 22…[Read more]

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    Quote (mikeangel @ Dec. 20 2011,23:22)Quote Just for you Mark: In this world raping a 3year old child is probably the heinous crime I could even wrap my mind around. I feel dirty just thinking on such an event. And if I am there after something like that happens I think I would lay my life on the line to destroy the man involved. You may have…[Read more]

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    Quote (mikeangel @ Dec. 20 2011,22:44)Tim,When you say that you do not think that an adult molesting a child is a sin, IMO – You do not know right from wrong, your left hand from your right, light from dark, good from bad. You are your own God, and soon you will know the truth. Jesus is the King, not you. Goodluck-Love MarkMark: You have your own…[Read more]

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    Ed: You just don't get it! Pursuant to the Kingdom of God…within the heart/mind of man….. The judgment of God in Jesus is here from Jesus words given to him from God! THE TRUTH ABOUT MAN FROM GOD VS SIN THINKING, EVIL, DECEPTION OF TRUTH! THAT IS THE JUDGMENT! Jesus gave mankind the pure truth from God about who and what he is on the…[Read more]

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    ftk replied to the topic Marriage definition in the forum View Points 12 years, 9 months ago

    Quote (terraricca @ Dec. 14 2011,12:14)Quote (ftk @ Dec. 14 2011,04:53)Pierre: Was that the story about Lot when he was in the city of Sodom and the men came to his door to kill somebody and Lot tried to pacify the crazed, bloodthirsty men by offering his two daughters to them to do with as they pleased? So, which one was ungodly in your opinion?…[Read more]

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    Quote (terraricca @ Dec. 20 2011,04:34)Quote (ftk @ Dec. 20 2011,05:11)Pierre:  You obviously are full of pain and suffering, that is how you choose to read the scriptures. I hear no Gospel in your teachings. Why would anyone read what you have attacked me with and want to know more about God. So they can suffer? So they can be sick? So they can…[Read more]

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    Quote (Ed J @ Dec. 20 2011,00:32)Quote (ftk @ Dec. 19 2011,22:11)There are still many RELIGIOUS BIGOTS in the anti-christ church of today, I did not think you were one of them!  IMO, TKHi Tim,What are you calling   …'the anti-christ church'…  ?God blessEd J (Joshua 22:34)http://www.holycitybiblecode.orgEd: Any physical building made with br…[Read more]

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    Pierre: I apologize, I don't know what you want me to respond to. Please re-ask! Sorry, TK

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    Pierre: I chuckle a bit as I think about what you wrote….''you still think you are better than the apostles don t you, and you believe that you will equal jesus Christ the son of God ?you are out of your mind if you do,''…..it is true! I am out of my mind! I died, its no longer me that lives, its Christ in me, my hope and glory…..!So, go…[Read more]

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    Quote (terraricca @ Dec. 20 2011,20:50)tkQuote One who finds hell, torture, sin, and death in the scriptures has found the spirit of darkness, lies and deceptions apart from the truth. All thought is spirit! Those who believe in sin and death will experience sin and death because we are all creative sons of God with powerful minds that draw to us…[Read more]

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