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- January 30, 2004 at 6:38 am#32182
ParticipantMost denominations believe that hell is indeed forever. However, is there really any legitimate evidence to back such a belief up?
As seen many times in revelations, “forever and ever,” or “eternal,” has deceived many people in taking a false interpretation. Aions kai aions, is frequently mistranslated in the bible as “eternal or forever and ever.” However, aion which means an “Age” shows us a more truthful insight into the meaning of forever. An aion(age) is an finite amount of time. So if there is a period of finite times, they eventually end. Furthermore, if the singular form aion is translated as an “Age.” How can we make sense out of “aions,” the plural form? How can there be ages of ages? How could there be an infinite amount of time of other another infinite amount of time? Is this really feasable? I sure hope not to anyone with logic.
Here is some scripture regarding the end of the our time.
For as by a man came death, by a man has come also the resurrection of the dead. For as in Adam all dieL, so also in Christ shall all be made alive. But each in his own order: Christ the first fruits, then at his coming those who belong to Christ. Then comes the end, when he delivers the kingdom to God the Father after destroying every rule and every authority and power. For he must reign until he has put all his enemies under his feet. 26 The last enemy to be destroyed is death. 27 “For God has put all things in subjection under his feet.” But when it says, “All things are put in subjection under him,” it is plain that he is excepted who put all things under him. When all things are subjected to him, then the Son himself will also be subjected to him who put all things under him, that God may be everything to every one.
-Corinthians 1, 15:21-28My view on that
As you see, I have appropiately put the important parts of that scripture in bold. Especially in regard to the words.. “all things.” If “all things” are put under God, how would one decide to interpret that? Is there any reason to assume otherwise? Should we limit God's plan, and predict that God will not have all under his feet? It cleary insinuates that God will have all rejoicing in his power. The scripture has completely implicated that someday, “all things,” will be under God and obedient to him. Not only does it say “All things,” it ends saying.. “everything to everyone.” Does it become any more clear then that?
Not only in corinthians does paul talk about the end, but Jesus himself makes it known that everyone will confess to him someday.
“It is written: “`As surely as I live,' says the Lord, `every knee will bow before me; every tongue will confess to God.'” Rom. 14:11.
Now we must take that passage into account with a grain of salt. If everyone will eventually confess to God, then is it not reasonable to realize that God is a loving and forgiving God? If hell was forever, and everyone confesses, I wouldn't sense the Forgiving God that our bible promises.
Why is there such a belief that only a few are chosen to inherit heaven? Is God not wise enough to establish a plan and show his love to all of his creation? Is he not a loving and gentle God? I believe there is surely justice in God, but not by any means would he execute his spectacular plan by letting his people suffer forever. Otherwise it'd almost appear that satan had the last laugh.
(Edited by forthetruth at 9:59 pm on Jan. 30, 2004)
(Edited by forthetruth at 10:05 pm on Jan. 30, 2004)
(Edited by forthetruth at 10:07 pm on Jan. 30, 2004)
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