dwillss replied to the topic in the forum Is baptism needed for salvation? 9 years ago
The body of Christ is not divided but the physical church is.
dwillss replied to the topic in the forum Is baptism needed for salvation? 9 years ago
My reformed church (Harvest bible chapel) required the same thing and I didn’t agree with it but now I understand the need for it. There are so many false converts and our church wants to protect itself so in order to get baptized they want to make sure your salvation is genuine and you follow the same theological understanding of the gospel…[Read more]
dwillss replied to the topic in the forum Is baptism needed for salvation? 9 years ago
Amen brother, the purpose I see behind baptism is to share your testimony before the church and God. A declaring of ones salvation and glorifying God for his Grace. It’s to be a celebration and a time for praise. Not something we just do because we are told to but because we want to. Our hearts should be so filled with Joy that despite our…[Read more]
dwillss replied to the topic in the forum Is baptism needed for salvation? 9 years ago
Completely agree, It is by faith alone through grace by the sheer mercy of God through the cross that we are saved. Baptism is only an act of obedience (an important one at that, mostly for the opportunity to declare God as your saviour to the people through a testimony for his Glory. So if you are able to then yes baptisms is important but by no…[Read more]
dwillss replied to the topic in the forum Is baptism needed for salvation? 9 years ago
Kerwin, you are taking what I said out of context. My basis for sharing about our brothers and sisters overseas was regarding baptism. Also how could you possibly think that someone humbly refusing to declare allah as God while watching their family and children be raped, tortured and beheaded believe in a false Jesus Christ. They all declared…[Read more]
dwillss replied to the topic in the forum Is baptism needed for salvation? 9 years ago
What really bugs me about these posts is those people in the middle east, men, woman, and children who were newly born again yet tortured, raped, and beheaded for not proclaiming allah as god. Some of those people didn’t get a ‘water’ baptism yet they were able to endure through the holy spirit the brutal death and not once take their eyes of God.…[Read more]
dwillss replied to the topic in the forum Is baptism needed for salvation? 9 years ago
Actually kevin i agree with what you wrote, maybe i didnt illustrate my point well enough. Baptism is an act of obdience out of thankfulness for gods grace but it is in no way required for salvation. For example many people in the middle east that are martyred never got a chance to be ‘baptised’ but you can see in their last moments their eyes…[Read more]
dwillss replied to the topic in the forum Is baptism needed for salvation? 9 years ago
Thankyou fellow brother or sister in Spirit. Matthew 24:22 says “and if those days had not been cut short, no human being would be saved. But for the sake of the elect those days will be cut short. We are in very fragile times with so much deceit infiltrating our churches including the reformed church that i belong to for there is so much focus on…[Read more]
dwillss replied to the topic in the forum Is baptism needed for salvation? 9 years ago
Hey brother please do not be deceived. Ephesians 2:8-9 make it extremely clear that salvation is through faith by Gods grace alone. Baptism is simply an act of obedience out of thankful for Gods mercy but in no way is it required as this would be seen as legalism. True Christianity is seprate from literally all religions out there because it is…[Read more]
dwillss became a registered member 9 years ago