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  • #240089

    Good. Now when did Eve die?


    Hi Georg,

    Please read my other post in this thread thanks


    Quote (terraricca @ Nov. 14 2010,12:25)

    Quote (kerwin @ Nov. 14 2010,19:16)

    The teaching beginning in John 10:1 is calling the coming kingdom of heaven the sheep pen and only the lost sheep are outside of it.  The teaching beginning in 10:14 is speaking of The Samaritan/Jews as being inside while the Gentiles are outside and thus the other sheep.


    i try to understand what you are saying,

    Jn 10:3 The watchman opens the gate for him, and the sheep listen to his voice. He calls his own sheep by name and leads them out.

    Jn 10:14 “I am the good shepherd; I know my sheep and my sheep know me—
    Jn 10:15 just as the Father knows me and I know the Father—and I lay down my life for the sheep.
    Jn 10:16 I have other sheep that are not of this sheep pen. I must bring them also. They too will listen to my voice, and there shall be one flock and one shepherd.

    those sheep first group =144000,
    second group no number “called the great crowed” in revelation.
    but both are one.


    You obviously have been hanging around JW's…because this what they teach :;):


    Hi Terr,

    No need…I am not suggesting that Jesus was a sinner…I am suggesting that since you could possibly read that into the text..then maybe that is one of the reasons it was omitted from certain manuscripts…what do you think?


    Quote (Gene Balthrop @ Dec. 24 2010,10:40)

    Quote (terraricca @ Dec. 23 2010,20:02)

    Quote (kerwin @ Dec. 24 2010,02:01)

    They could be allegories to some extent but some extent is literal as well since Jesus told the believing thief that was on one of the crosses adjacent to him that they would meet in Paradise that day.   I know that Jesus would die and lay in the grave that day.  He certainly did not see the thief in heaven as he has not yet ascended.


    so if it does not fit so it is either wrong or you read it wrong or understand it wrong,

    wish one will it be??


    People have been moving the comma around in that scripture for centuries trying to prove their point (not saying this what you are doing brother gene)….but whats funny is..commas arent used in the greek language



    Quote (Gene Balthrop @ Dec. 31 2010,16:27)
    DK………….Right on brother. Hope all is well with you and yours.

    peace and love…………………………….gene

    Hi Bro Gene,

    Everything is great…I refuse to complain…lol

    I see you are still fighting the fine fight


    Hi Astaria…i accidentally left out the plesantries in my response to you…again Hello


    Quote (Astaria @ Dec. 31 2010,16:12)
    hello dirtyknections,

    Can you just say how you come to that conclusion – I always get stuck on this one .

    if you got it sorted, then tell us all please. no, really, please…this subject has been going round and round for eternity, it seems…

    I do not believe Jesus=Michael

    I was actually laughing at how far beyond scripture the JW Org will go…


    Quote (terraricca @ Dec. 22 2010,14:06)

    Quote (betweenchristendomandjws @ Dec. 22 2010,20:51)

    Quote (Ed J @ Dec. 22 2010,03:56)
    Hi Between,

    Are you saying 'they' would disapprove?

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)

    Yes, i'm saying they'll disapprove, it's hardly a Dfing act though.  I'm interested in knowing how your going to use my response to accuse my brothers, should be interesting.


    no it is a control thing.



    Yep…thats what cults do


    Quote (Baker @ Dec. 17 2010,04:39)
    Ed!  let me tell you something.  This is Irene not Georg.  The JW have come to our door for several years.  Georg likes to discuss Scriptures and so He has left them in many times.  You are wrong when you say that they are not Christians.  That is self righteous talking…. They have false doctrines just like any other organized religion.  But with most I agree.  The believe in the new covenant, and so do I  They believe in the preexisting of Jesus, and so do I.  They do not believe in the trinity, neither do I….Those are important doctrines to me and too them.   And they have never told us that we are not Christians….
    Nobody likes your numbers, yet you put them there any opportunity you have……

    Peace Irene

    Just because they havent said to your face that they dont believe you are not Christians…doesnt mean they think you are…

    You could agree with EVERY SINGLE PIECE OF DOCTRINE that David and the JW org believe….but if you are not a JW…then they DO NOT CONSIDER YOU A CHRISTIAN…period point blank…if ANY JW tells you different from that..they are LYING…but dont be alarmed by that…remember..the ORG teaches its ok to lie to people like you and I



    Talk about “going beyond what is written” :laugh:


    I drive a Chevrolet. It says on the door seal that it was manufactured by Chevrolet. With that said I know that altho the car says it was manufactured by Chevy…I know it was in fact manufactured by a group of people in a factory. Why doesn't their individual names appear on the door seal? They are the ones who in fact BUILT the car right? When you answer that question you will be able to answer the question posed by my Brother Gene in the initial post of this thread.


    As I said earlier this WHOLE thread is a study in semantics :)

    Honestly, If I was just a curious passerby who was wondering about “christianity”, and stumbled upon this thread, I would leave this thread no longer curious.

    You might want to take that in for a moment


    oh yeah..the WT organization…ABSOLUTELY teaches that it is OK to lie when it comes to the organization…they call it “spiritual warfare”….basically they say that you do not have to give WT oriented info to someone who isnt “entitled to hear it”…so in a nutshell when it comes to THEIR religion a JW has permission from the WT Org to lie, “hide the truth”, and omit information as they see needed…SO ALL YOU PEOPLE STUDYING WITH THEM BEWARE…
    here why dont we get it from the horses mouth


    Bottom line…let the organization tell you what they believe…the JW's love to duck and run from their own words…thats why they coined this term called “new light” aka “we were wrong but this is a slick way to not admit it”

    By the way the WT Organization has repeatedly tried to attack and get that site shut down…..i wonder why?.hahaha


    Quote (Ed J @ Nov. 04 2010,18:37)

    Quote (Ed J @ Nov. 03 2010,21:14)
    Hi David,

    Is it not true that your organization teaches that non-members are non-Christians?

    Hi David,

    You have not answered my question,
    answer mine and I'll answer yours; deal?

    God bless
    Ed J (Joshua 22:34)



    Just to add to the above post…JW's teach that in the year 1919…Jesus in fulfilment of his words at Matthew Ch.24…examined ALL the worlds religions and found them to be the true “Faithful Slave” (see matt 24) and worthy to be placed “over all his belongings” (matt 24)….

    basically to translate into laymens terms…Jesus looked and said, “ONLY JW's are preaching, teaching, and conducting themselves as my followers…therefore I am going to appoint them as my Fathers and I's representatives on earth”…..thats a pretty hefty claim is it not…and fantastic claims require fantastic evidence…so what does the evidence say?

    Things that JW's were teaching during the time they say Jesus “inspected” teh worlds religions and found them to be “the faithful slave” and worthy to be over “all his belongings”:

    Studies in the Scriptures Vol.2, 1906 p.101

    The Kingdom of God is already begun, which is pointed out in prophecy as due to begin the exercise of power in A.D. 1878, and that the “battle of the great day of God Almighty” which will end in 1914 with the complete overthrow of the earth's present rulership, is already commenced.

    The Time Is At Hand (Studies in the Scriptures Vol. 2) (1906) p.240

    A.D. 1874 when Christ the Bridegroom and Reaper actually came.

    Studies in the Scriptures IV – Battle of Armageddon p584

    And this long persecution, in which 'many were purified and made white and tried,' and in which the Mother of Harlots was 'drunk with the blood of the saints and the martyrs of Jesus' (Rev. 17:6) ended as we have already shown, practically in 1776..

    The Watchtower Reprints, November 1890, p.1

    We need not here repeat the evidences that the 'seventh trumpet' began its sounding in A.D. 1840, and will continue until the end of the time of trouble.

    The Finished Mystery (SS-7), 1917 ed., p. 485

    Also, in the year 1918, when God destroys the churches wholesale and the church members by millions, it shall be that any that escape shall come to the works of Pastor Russell to learn the meaning of the downfall of ‘Christianity.’

    Studies in the Scriptures Vol. 2, 1906

    Six Thousand years from the creation of Adam were complete in A.D. 1872, and hence that since A.D. 1872, we chronologically entered upon the seventh thousand or the Millenium.

    The Time Is at Hand, page ii, (forward) 1916

    The Bible chronology herein presented shows that the six great 1000 year days beginning with Adam are ended, and that the great 7th Day, the 1000 years of Christ's Reign, began in 1873.

    The Watchtower November 1 1920

    Some one asked me the other day: Suppose you should be here in 1925 what would you do? I said, I believe I will be home in the Pleiades before then ..

    Thy Kingdom Come (SIS vol III) 1891 (1903 edition) p. 327

    And if we go back to the date which the Pyramid gives itself, and look for what that finger pointed to at midnight, we find a far sublimer indication. Science has at last discovered that the sun is not a dead center, with planets wheeling about it, and itself stationary. It is now ascertained that the sun also is in motion, carrying with it its splendid retinue of comets, planets, its satellites and theirs, around some other and vastly mightier center. Astronomers are not yet fully agreed as to what or where that center is. Some, however, believe that they have found the direction of it to be the Pleiades, and particularly Alcyone, the central one of the renowned Pleiadic stars. To the distinguished German astronomer, Prof. J. H. Maedler, belongs the honor of having made this discovery. Alcyone, then, as far as science has been able to perceive, would seem to be the 'midnight throne' in which the whole system of gravitation has its central seat, and from which the Almighty governs his universe. And here is the wonderful corresponding fact, that at the date of the Great Pyramid's building, at midnight of the autumnal equinox, and hence the true beginning of the year* as still preserved in the traditions of many nations, the Pleiades were distributed over the meridian of this Pyramid, with Alcyone precisely on the line.

    The Divine Plan of the Ages, [Studies in the Scriptures vol I] 1886 (1908 edition) end notes


    – The Great Pyramid in Egypt is a Witness to all these event of the ages and of our day — testifying in symbols?

    – The Pyramid's downward passage under “A Draconis” symbolizes the course of Sin? Its First Ascending Passage symbolizes the Jewish age? Its grand Gallery symbolized the Gospel age? Its Upper Step symbolized the approaching period of tribulation and anarchy, “Judgments,” upon Christendom? Its King's Chamber the Divine Nature, etc., of the Overcoming Church — the Christ, Head and Body? Its Ante-Chamber the Correction in Righteousness of the “Great Company” etc.? Its Queen's Chamber those of Israel and the world who attain Restitution?

    All these interesting topics with ten Pyramid illustrations can be had in “Thy Kingdom Come” [Studies in the Scriptures vol III]


    -that it was ok to celebrate christmas (a BIG no no in JW the JW world now),

    -the actively used the symbol of the cross in, on, and in reference in their publications,

    -they taugt it was ok to worship jesus (another big no no nowadways in JW world),

    -that African americans (or “colored” as they called them) were inferior to caucasians and that they skin color was a curse and that GOD would change their skin back to the “pure white” of their caucasian brothers 😉

    -that Jehovah and Jesus PHYSICALLY resided in the constellation of Pleiades (hahahaha)

    Now based on this information…do you think IF Jesus held an examination of the worlds religions in 1919…that he would of chosen THEM?


    Quote (david @ Nov. 01 2010,18:42)

    Quote (teflonfanatic @ Nov. 01 2010,13:38)
    I would like to think the JW's are the true church because they're the most organized christians. I mean baptists, methodist etc church doctrine and service differs within their own denomination!!!!! Yet the JW's have the same talk and service worldwide :D

    Tef, while JW's are the most organized religion and it is often astounding given their diversity, and while no matter where you go, you'll find JW's who believe the same things (again, astounding)….being organized isn't reason enough to believe they are the “true church.”

    Neither is liking to think the JW's are the true church” reason to believe it.  Wanting to believe something, in itself, is not a good reason to believe in anything.

    But yes, they are highly organized.

    Why do you speak of the “JW” as “them” and “they”…I thought you were one..shouldn't you be saying “we” and “us”? ??? are you no longer one?

    By the way…there is a good reason behind the apparent “unity” amongst JW's….watch these short videos and research the link at eh end of this post…


    Quote (Baker @ Nov. 01 2010,13:14)

    Quote (dirtyknections @ Oct. 30 2010,15:27)

    Quote (Baker @ Oct. 30 2010,05:18)

    Quote (dirtyknections @ Oct. 30 2010,04:30)

    Quote (mikeboll64 @ Oct. 29 2010,13:50)

    Quote (dirtyknections @ Oct. 29 2010,07:11)
    If one of your brothers was offended and stumbling over your wearing a wedding ring…would you not wear one?

    Yes, I would not wear one.  But then again, I'm not married! :D


    What if he was offended or stumbling because you use the names of the months and days and seasons in your everyday speech…would you not use them?

    Absolutely.  Isn't that what scripture teaches?

    But I get your point.  Do you get mine that even though it is a personal judgement thing, certain things are more “directly” against God and scripture than others?

    What is worse – wearing a wedding ring or murdering someone in cold blood?  Which is more likely to cause a brother to stumble?

    I see you apparently like “Stewie”.  That is your judgement.  But even though I used to watch the show, and thought it was sometimes the most hillarious thing on T.V., I can't stomache it anymore.

    When Stewie decyphered that he and Brian were in Europe because the cows said “Whazoo” like on his “Hear and Say” toy, I laughed for a month!

    But then the most of the show is so worldly and they make light of and fun of God and Jesus SOOOO much, I had to turn it off.  Really!  God passing gas into a lighter caused the “Big Bang”?  That to me passes for blasphemy.

    Anyway, that's just one of the many ways God is helping me to change who I was.  There are too many to count.  But obviously one of the ways is not wanting to celebrate Halloween, because two years ago, I took my little boy trick-or-treating.  And this will be the second year that I won't. :)

    peace and love,


    Fair enough. I get your point about things being more directly against GOD..although I do not agree. I think the bible spells out things that are “directly against god” i.e. murder, fornication, idolatry etc…I disagree that halloween is more against god than any other tradition that has pagan roots…but thats neither here nor there…

    If its make you a better person and strengthens the people around you…then I am all for it


    Halloween and Wedding Rings is something else.  At Halloween they dress up in Ghosts, Devils, etc. That is what is all about the Devil. And go out at night, and scare each other.  Is that something nice?   While a wedding ring is something that two married people give each other,  at their once in a life time occasion…..At one time the Church we attended did not believe in wearing lipstick, which too is so ridiculous……Now what I say when someone puts so much Makeup on that they look like a clown, that I object to….
    Christmas when Christ was not even born on the Dec. 25 and Easter with eggs on the Altar….that too I object to…..
    Its the time of the year, I don't like.  Just looking forward to Thanksgiving…..Peace and Love Irene


    Doesn't change the fact that its a conscience matter. At the end of the day your NOT celebrating halloween  does not make you any more righteous or holy than someone who does celebrate it.

    If you think it does, then I will make sure I tell your fellow brothers to make sure they do not “thresh any grain on the sabbath” around you. Also, I will be sure to tell them that if on the sabbath one of their animals happens to fall into a pit, that they make sure not to rescue it for fear of violating the “Law”.

    I use these examples because at the core, your rationale is no different than the one the Pharisees used on Jesus.


    Mercy> Sacrifice

    Also, I just want you to remember that your OPINION on halloween (because that is all it is, as the bible leaves these things to ones conscience because they are free under the law of love and faith) is just that an opinion. We have to learn to separate the “personal' and the “scriptural”. And yes, I know the scriptures ARE personal. But i think you know what i mean


    Sorry, it is a physical act that who dresses up and partakes in the ritual of Satan…..It has nothing to do with God…..Our Children went trick and treat, i don;t judge them or anyone else for that matter.  That however does not make it a Godly act to do……And saying what I believe, does not judge any body……To go to the extreme and say that now all that is being said about what the pagans did, is ridiculous.  That is what the Phareesees did….Halloween is a night for Satan…..and not for God.  While  Wedding day the couple promises before God to love and honor and obey….. That is much different then Halloween….Are you married?  Does your Wife wear a Wedding Band?  
    Peace and Love Irene


    What ever makes you feel better at night


    Yes this post is about me personally…and no it is not about a website. I am in NO WAY affiliated with that website BUT, I can attest to truthfulness and veracity of the information presented on it.

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