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    Quote (Porterman @ April 05 2012,09:16)Quote (dew @ April 05 2012,09:08)I say – Then who created 'that someone who created God'.Hi Dew,That was my question (too).Hi Porter,Yes, I did see that after I wrote it :)

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    Quote (WhatIsTrue @ April 05 2012,04:48)Here's my question.  Where did God come from?As I see it – at least as far as T8 has informed us ad nauseum – there are only three possibilities:1.  Someone2.  Something3.  NothingSince nothing can't produce anything, we can rule that out, and since a dead non-intelligent thing can't produce an int…[Read more]

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    dew replied to the topic Internet forums in the forum Chatroom 12 years, 9 months ago

    Quote (Ed J @ Mar. 27 2012,16:23)Quote (bodhitharta @ Mar. 27 2012,09:02)Quote (Ed J @ Mar. 27 2012,08:30)Quote (bodhitharta @ Mar. 27 2012,05:48)Quote (seekingtruth @ Mar. 26 2012,21:34)   But isn't that the hypocrite in all of us? My number one rule is to never say on a forum, telephone, email, actual letter so whatever you see me posting is…[Read more]

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    dew replied to the topic Internet forums in the forum Chatroom 12 years, 9 months ago

    Quote (bodhitharta @ Mar. 27 2012,05:48)My number one rule is to never say on a forum, telephone, email, actual letter so whatever you see me posting is what I would actually say to you in person.Hi Bodhitharta, Exactly.A hypocrite is one who acts contrary to what they say or what they believe. Putting on a show for self glorification is…[Read more]

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    dew replied to the topic Internet forums in the forum Chatroom 12 years, 9 months ago

    Quote (charity @ Mar. 26 2012,21:17)Quote (dew @ Mar. 26 2012,20:59)Quote (charity @ Mar. 26 2012,20:50)Quote (dew @ Mar. 26 2012,20:03)Hi Charity.Fear can be healthy. It can save us. It can also control us.If something makes you scared, there are ways around it.If its a person, why let them.Perfect love casts out (all) fear. In perfect…[Read more]

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    Hi all. very good understanding.”The CARNAL mind is ENMITY agaisnt God” – Romans 8:7.Emnity is darkness, corruption, rebellion, wickedness. An evil heart of deceit, envy, EMNITY.Our hearts of stone had to be circumsized. When you have the Holy Spirit, your hearts are circumsized. But what creeps in and changes our hearts again? How to we 'Get…[Read more]

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    dew replied to the topic Internet forums in the forum Chatroom 12 years, 9 months ago

    Quote (charity @ Mar. 26 2012,20:50)Quote (dew @ Mar. 26 2012,20:03)Hi Charity.Fear can be healthy. It can save us. It can also control us.If something makes you scared, there are ways around it.If its a person, why let them.Perfect love casts out (all) fear. In perfect christians, there would be no control or fear in the environment if they…[Read more]

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    dew replied to the topic Internet forums in the forum Chatroom 12 years, 9 months ago

     :D :).

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    You would have the mind of Christ.So what is the mind of Christ?

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    Yes EdJ. Thanks.You would be wanting to do Gods will and not your own.So everything you do would be for good.It would not be for the self.It would be for others.

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    dew replied to the topic Internet forums in the forum Chatroom 12 years, 9 months ago

    Hi Charity.Fear can be healthy. It can save us. It can also control us.If something makes you scared, there are ways around it.If its a person, why let them.Perfect love casts out (all) fear. In perfect christians, there would be no control or fear in the environment if they practice what they preach.

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    “For the mind of the flesh is death; but the mind of the spirit is life and peace”To stay within the world of God of life and peace (and love), you need to let go of the flesh.What do you consider to be the mind of the flesh.Do you know what it is?

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    dew replied to the topic Internet forums in the forum Chatroom 12 years, 9 months ago

    Are you an atheist?OK Stuart, whats your answer?

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    dew replied to the topic Internet forums in the forum Chatroom 12 years, 9 months ago

    I was talking to the JWs and they said the difference in them and other denominations and religions is that they have unity.  I find it “very different” when there are so many opinions.I like what you say Toby, thanks. Well said. The Greeks, I heard that.Mikeboll64, thankyou.I hear what youre saying.Good one.Lightenup, I dont know what to say. I r…[Read more]

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    dew replied to the topic Loving the music? in the forum Chatroom 12 years, 9 months ago

    I hope I can get this imbed right?I think so.Mariah Carey.

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    dew replied to the topic Internet forums in the forum Chatroom 12 years, 9 months ago

    Ecclesiastes 12:12-14King James Version (KJV) 12And further, by these, my son, be admonished: of making many books there is no end; and much study is a weariness of the flesh. 13Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man. 14For God shall bring every work into judgment,…[Read more]

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    dew replied to the topic Internet forums in the forum Chatroom 12 years, 9 months ago

    Quote (t8 @ Mar. 24 2012,21:38)dew.People generally communicate differently on the Web than they do face to face and even on the phone.This is both good and bad. Good in the sense that you can speak your mind easier and talk about subjects that might be taboo face to face. But bad when people abuse others when they would not do that to the person…[Read more]

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    dew replied to the topic Internet forums in the forum Chatroom 12 years, 9 months ago

    Hi Seeking thankyou for you post it was well said.and EdJ too.The 'Trinity and non Trinity can both views be correct' thread seems interesting, you have some good looking posts.I might take a look. (better look).As for forums….1)  Reading too much on a computer kind of gets at the eyes.2)  Imagine the perfect environment (of people).I think i…[Read more]

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    dew replied to the topic Internet forums in the forum Chatroom 12 years, 9 months ago

    Hi Seeking thankyou.So what would you say is the biggest thing you have learnt then, being on forums.I mean about forums themselves, and people?

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    dew replied to the topic Internet forums in the forum Chatroom 12 years, 9 months ago

    Hi Edj thankyou.I was just wondering, cause I notice a thread called 'Trinity' and another 'Preexistence', and another…. 'Do spirits have bodies' and…. 'Firstborn of/over all creation', and 'Examination of the incarnation doctrine'…. and 'Myth of free will'…. just one category. The ones I mention have had thousands (or almost thousands) of…[Read more]

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