death___blooms replied to the topic Atheism vs Agnosticism in the forum Feedback, Suggestions, & Features 20 years, 3 months ago
ok that didnt make sense, ill try again. Also t8 i would just like to add, there is no trueth, and no false. You cant say either believing/nonbelieving is wrong or right. There is no wrong or right side to the story. As i have mentioned, its about people having different opinions. If we all followed the 'trueth' as you call it, then this world…[Read more]
death___blooms replied to the topic Atheism vs Agnosticism in the forum Feedback, Suggestions, & Features 20 years, 3 months ago
oh ok then, so your saying that turning stones to bread is not a difficult thing? then if it isnt difficult, why is it so special that 'god' can do it? if its not difficult, then it suggests anyone of any ability should be able to do it. If it was easy to turn stones to food, then everyone would be doing it…Im not saying that one thing is more…[Read more]
death___blooms replied to the topic Atheism vs Agnosticism in the forum Feedback, Suggestions, & Features 20 years, 3 months ago
t8, please explain to me what the hell, human eyes, and cameras have to do with believng in god? I dont believe that 'nothing' created the world. Nothing = no thing, non-existent, but if the world and everything in it was created by 'nothing' then explain how it is possible for something that is non existent would be able to create anything at…[Read more]
death___blooms replied to the topic Atheism vs Agnosticism in the forum Feedback, Suggestions, & Features 20 years, 3 months ago
Yes you are right i think about things deeply especially this topic. Well from the stories ive heard from the bible such as turning stones into bread, (or whatever it was he 'transformed' into food) then if this is true, why are so many people in the world dying from starvation?! why isnt he there to assist them? and if he sends signs to warn…[Read more]
death___blooms replied to the topic Atheism vs Agnosticism in the forum Feedback, Suggestions, & Features 20 years, 3 months ago
Disagreeing with what i believe in isnt discrimination. But they way people see us as….how do i put it, they see us as i dunno, dark people who need to see the light. Weve seen the light its jst a different kind of light to yours. I dnt have an interst in god, i have an interest in seeing how people react to what others beleive in, which in my…[Read more]
death___blooms replied to the topic Atheism vs Agnosticism in the forum Feedback, Suggestions, & Features 20 years, 3 months ago
Here you people talk about people who dont believe in god and how they need proof, well what about the other side of the fence? the people who do believe in god….do they have proof either? you cannot say that someone who chooses to not believe in the theory that the world and everything was created by god needs proof, you dont need any proof…[Read more]