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    Quote (Not3in1 @ Sep. 26 2009,11:13)At this point there is not much to agree with or disagree with.   :;):   But I do think that Cato has a point.  fair enough.Quote Why do we believe that God would only use our holy texts? Because our texts say so? Hmmmm.Sometimes, CA, I think a lot of what we have come to believe is based on fear of not be…[Read more]

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    Catholic Apologist replied to the topic in the forum The Trinity Doctrine 15 years ago

    Quote (Not3in1 @ Sep. 26 2009,10:48)Quote (Nick Hassan @ Sep. 26 2009,10:45)Hi Not3, The will of God is that none should perish so He sent His son to rescue them from His wrath.Is any other matter really relevant like the many fanciful religions of anxious men? Why bother entertaining those adjusting the deckchairs on the Titanic?Bro,Exactly.…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Catholic Apologist

    Quote (Not3in1 @ Sep. 26 2009,10:45)Quote (CatholicApologist @ Sep. 26 2009,09:52)Quote (Cato @ Sep. 25 2009,23:14)The whole idea of Sola Scriptura is nonsensical from any basis of logic or debate.  Truth is not confined to a particular set of writings.  Can people say without prejudice that God inspired only the ancient Jews of a particular t…[Read more]

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    Quote (thethinker @ Sep. 26 2009,04:22)Quote (Jodi Lee @ Sep. 26 2009,03:54)Quote (thethinker @ Sep. 26 2009,03:48)Quote (georg @ Sep. 26 2009,03:38)Quote (thethinker @ Sep. 25 2009,19:28)Quote (georg @ Sep. 25 2009,14:45)Quote (Nick Hassan @ Sep. 25 2009,13:28)Hi CA, Your church has no connection with the body of Christ. A vain and pompous…[Read more]

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    Catholic Apologist replied to the topic in the forum The Trinity Doctrine 15 years ago

    Quote (karmarie @ Sep. 25 2009,23:29)Thank you all so much,It is a struggle, and I do believe it is a spiritual struggle, and I want to seek guidance from higher up people, Orthodox appealed to me cause I could see the bishop and be guided through life spiritually. But theres no orthodox church here. So im only dreaming   :) And you cant say much…[Read more]

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    Quote (kerwin @ Sep. 25 2009,18:18)I do not know these letters and so am unable to judge the spirit of them.  If they are as you state then I have no problem when using them as teaching tools.But that is not what we are discussing is it? (Using something as a teaching tool.) No, we are discussing WHAT constitutes the Bible. What is the…[Read more]

  • Profile picture of Catholic Apologist

    Quote (Cato @ Sep. 25 2009,23:14)The whole idea of Sola Scriptura is nonsensical from any basis of logic or debate.  Truth is not confined to a particular set of writings.  Can people say without prejudice that God inspired only the ancient Jews of a particular time period?  There was no truth from other creeds?  God didn't inspire anyone from Ind…[Read more]

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    Quote (Lightenup @ Sep. 25 2009,02:23)Good post CA.I believe that John 1:18 is referring to the Son as the only begotten God and that has cleared up much confusion for me.Blessings,KathiGlad this helped.Please remember, though, that this is exegetical analysis of a book which is inspired evidence of the teaching of the Church in all times and…[Read more]

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    Quote (georg @ Sep. 25 2009,08:10)Quote (CatholicApologist @ Sep. 16 2009,11:32)Quote (942767 @ Sep. 16 2009,10:10)The Apostles did not teach the “trinity doctrine”, and neither do the scriptures state that I have to agree with this doctrine to be saved, nor do the scriptures state that I have to believe that Mary is the last Eve and that she is…[Read more]

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    Quote The bible accounts how the Hebrew people found the lost book of Deuteronomy and accepted it as part of Scripture because it did not contradict.That verse you quoted did NOT say they accepted the book of Deuteronomy “because it did not contradict”. Sorry. Not there.That is a litmus test that you made up. But please allow me to effectively…[Read more]

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    Quote (georg @ Sep. 25 2009,03:14)CAI was right, you are a Democrat, they never answer a question either.GeorgI'm so glad you said that. Now I can prove to everyone how unreasonable you are in what you say.I have NEVER been a Democrat. I've always been a Conservative. You just don't like that I make your views look ridiculous when compared to…[Read more]

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    Quote (kerwin @ Sep. 24 2009,21:50)I have been taught that it was later that his apostles went to the Gentiles.  I thought you didn't believe you NEEDED any teachers.Quote It would thus seem to me that all God's words must therefore be consistent with the Law of Mosses.How do you know the Law of Moses is the inspired Word of God? How do you know…[Read more]

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    Quote (kerwin @ Sep. 24 2009,18:18)CatholicApologist wrote:Quote Your Sola Scriptura premise hasn't even been proved yet.  So you can't exactly appeal to that when you haven't even proved to me what books belong in the Bible and why?I am not sure what you would call an “appeal to Sola Scriptura” as I assure you that you had best believe what God…[Read more]

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    From the EOB Appendix on John 1:1JOHN 1:1 – THE WORD WAS {WHAT} GOD {WAS} Although the majority of modern translations render John 1:1c as “and the Word was God,” this translation is somewhat problematic and possibly misleading. As one of the leading scholars on this issue admits: is clear that in the translation “the Word was God,” the term God…[Read more]

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    Quote (Nick Hassan @ Sep. 24 2009,14:07)Hi CA, Religion is defined in James and bears little resemblance to your series of rituals and liturgies that require no faith to be performed. God is not how you see Him and your ways are highly offensive to Him.I suppose you would think that Mother Theresa of Calcutta bears little resemblance to religion as well?

  • Profile picture of Catholic Apologist

    Quote (Cato @ Sep. 24 2009,05:46)Quote (CatholicApologist @ Aug. 23 2009,11:40)But the Sacred Scriptures are NOT the only authoritative rule for belief and practiceIt is not sufficient.  And I would submit that the wide variance of opinions held by sincere seekers is proof that it is insufficient.Why?  Because the Scriptures need to be i…[Read more]

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    Quote (kerwin @ Sep. 23 2009,21:31)CatholicApologist wrote:Quote Just because Catholics are given the Holy Spirit to live inside them doesn't abolish the need for teachers.  I should hardly have to tell you that these two Scriptures I quoted are the tip of the iceberg on the subject.God does not contradict himself so he meant what he stated in…[Read more]

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    Quote (georg @ Sep. 23 2009,12:48)CAYou are about as clear, and transparent with what you're saying, as Obama is with what he is saying; are you a Catholic democrat?What does all that what you said, have to do with the mother of harlots?GeorgNice try grouping me in with backslidden Catholics in name only. Go study the teachings of the church and…[Read more]

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    Quote (kerwin @ Sep. 23 2009,17:33)Isaiah 44:6(NIV) reads:Quote “This is what the LORD says— Israel's King and Redeemer, the LORD Almighty: I am the first and I am the last; apart from me there is no God.First and Last, Alpha and Omega simply mean the only one.  Jesus is the only Son of God and God is the only God.It is really simple so why co…[Read more]

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    Catholic Apologist replied to the topic in the forum The Trinity Doctrine 15 years ago

    Quote (princess of the king @ Sep. 23 2009,11:41)have you thought of any discussion we have had, have you taken anything i have to say 'serious'? why do you need all the 'junk' inbetween is beyond me, rituals, ceremonies, traditions, icons, prayers, church fathers, that does not get you into the kingdom, your church is set up like a click……if…[Read more]

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